I have one Mission EP1-KP, one Mission EP1 with the spring load for pitch shifting to be sure it is always at 0 if I don't need it and one Ernie Ball VPJR Tuner/Volume pedal that I modified to an expression pedal and that I use as a volume pedal with the screen to show me the volume.

What's everybody using for EXP-Pedal?
bluepowder2014 -
August 6, 2021 at 9:57 AM -
Thread is Resolved
Do Mission pedals work well in the volume control function mode?
Do Dunlop pedals work well in the controller mode?
Are any differences enough to recommend 1 over the other for a specific role?
Cry Baby pedals have significant mechanical slop at heel-down position. Regardless of how tight you make the tension band they have a tendency to drop the toe by themselves and trigger the wah when you least want it. If Kemper would add a control to adjust how far the "off" region extends (as Helix has since day one) this would not be such an issue.
That's one of the reasons I don't like using the Mission pedals for anything other than war with the toe switch acting as On/Off. They suffer from pedal droop.
Do Mission pedals work well in the volume control function mode?
Do Dunlop pedals work well in the controller mode?
Are any differences enough to recommend 1 over the other for a specific role?
I personally don't like my Mission for anything other than Wah. The pedal droop that vt geared mentioned is one reason but the other is that the standard crybaby pedal has a very short travel which is great for was but makes it a bit fiddly for volume or morph type use.
3 Moog EP3's.
Just a mission pedal, only for wah. I set it to come on when the pedal moves, so it doesn't matter where the pedal ends up. It hasn't drooped and turned the wah on ever.
I use two Dunlop's DVP4 Volume (X) Mini Pedals. I use one as an expression for the Kemper and I plug my guitar in to the other one for a volume pedal, in which I connect the AUX out to a TC PolyTune tuner that I set for always on mode.
Cry Baby pedals have significant mechanical slop at heel-down position.
I use a Spring to avoid that.
there's a CryBaby model, the 95Q if I don't go wrong, I had for a while that comes stock with a spring sistem and auto engage switch.
I've sold it a long time ago but this is basically How I use my two pedals right now (Bypass @ Heel)
I agree it's not good for many uses but it works for me (Wah and Morph function, rarely pitch fuction assigned)
That's one of the reasons I don't like using the Mission pedals for anything other than war with the toe switch acting as On/Off. They suffer from pedal droop.
I can concur. Both of my Mission pedals have droop, which has made them unusable for things that require heel off/on switching (volume/tuner, heel-off wah). Wish I’d known. It took a couple years to happen, but even if I fully tighten the (hard to reach) allen wrench bolt below the pedal, it still droops.
I'm currently still using a combination of Mission, Boss FV500 and Zoom but I'm seriously considering changing. Currently think the front runners are DVP5, Boss EV30 or Boss EV5.
Just for fun I took a multi meter to all 3 of mine today. The Zoom (which cost me £11) actually has the closest to spec pot and the most linear sweep.
Did you change to something new? I’m looking to switch from Mission. A linear sweep is appealing. I’d be using one for Volume/Wah and another for Pedal Pitch/Morph. No heel droop is important. Thanks!
I use 2 Roland ev5 pedals. The one I use for Wa, I have blocked so the throw is the same as a regular Wa pedal
Did you change to something new? I’m looking to switch from Mission. A linear sweep is appealing. I’d be using one for Volume/Wah and another for Pedal Pitch/Morph. No heel droop is important. Thanks!
I ended up getting the new version of the Zoom. FP02M. It’s excellent with a removable cable rather than hard wired and more solidly built than the old plastic version
Moog EP3 Toe down = off. No worries about pedal droop that way. Doubles as a volume control if needed. I have had a longtime wish that the time to switch off be adjustable.
I use 2 Moog EP3's, one for volume, one for pitch, no pedal droop.
I use a converted crybaby for wah so it feels very similar, no pedal droop and use @stop bypass