Running Live cabinet pushing air?

  • Playing on stage live I've yet to see anyone who is or has created best of both worlds pun intended "EvH" both front of houseand and live cabinets pushing air to appease us TUBE addited speaker tweakers to achieve CONTROLLED FEEDBACK from low to high harmonies or vice versa....? Anyone? I've ordered Seymours Powerstage 700 class D for my K. Stage. Correction, Controlled feedback harmonies "or" OUT OF CONTROL feedback applies as well. lol....Help...8)

  • I saw a few bands using powered Kemper racks at Bike Week last year that had 4x12 cabinets connected to them as well as running a line directly to the FOH mixer. They sounded great and if you got close to the stage you could hear the cabinets and they sounded like having a real amp on stage.

    I have connected my Kemper Stage to a Fryette PS-100 then to a regular speaker cabinet and it sounded just like having my amp setting there. I think a lot of others have done something similar to this.

  • I use the Powerhead (Main outs to FOH) and thru a Recto 412 as my monitor/air-pusher. I have profiled my Boogie MK4 (..and also use 5153 EVH EL34 profiles- all done through oversize recto cab to begin with..) Honestly, I'm getting all kinds of that wanted harmonic overtone and feedback...If I A/B the Kemper MK4 against the real Boogie trhrough the same cab, I can barely tell the difference..(..and I'm a STICKLER for tube tone!) It's about 95% of the way there, more than inspiring and convincing enough to play through-moving that air ... I tried external poweramps for fun (Boogie 290/50x50 tube poweramps) to try stereo (Powerhead output for speaker is mono).. I found myself struggling with adjusting bass levels and frequencies (I was having trouble dialing out some mushiness/loose low end for the super high gain modern metal sound..) Got some great sounds, but when I just plugged the Powrhead back into the 412, boom! There ws the sound I was trying to get...

  • Stein - I'm right there with you, I profiled my Peavey Jsx and id say it was about 98% and what little I could tell the difference I was able to dial in what was missing for an almost exact copy. Can't imagine running this system any other way, period. Use my 4x12 cab for live and 2x12 for at home use with the same speakers.

  • Question:

    When you use a Direct Profile into a - let's say - a combo amp like a s/s Peavey Bandit 1x12, do you plug the Kemper into the Guitar Input in front? Or into the Effects Return? Or Power Amp In?

    I want to try this tomorrow, but I've no idea which way to plug in.....

  • Question:

    When you use a Direct Profile into a - let's say - a combo amp like a s/s Peavey Bandit 1x12, do you plug the Kemper into the Guitar Input in front? Or into the Effects Return? Or Power Amp In?

    I want to try this tomorrow, but I've no idea which way to plug in.....

    I would try the effects return to remove the preamp part of the amp from the equation.

  • Completely depends on the venue and your personal taste.

    In a small place I'd hate if the guitarist was blasting a 4x12 just to get feedback. I think that's a job for the Freqout. I tend to work in groups that have a lot of vocal stuff, so I love a quiet stage and a pumping PA.

    If it's a large stage or festival it's all on.

  • I have been using my Kabinet live now for about 6 months.

    It thumps it out and controlled ( and uncontrolled) feedback is there.

    Ditched my 4 x12 as just not needed. As for replicating the EVH sound, 90% is in his hands and his amp set up was difficult to replicate with real amps. However some pretty good EVH profiles out there that get you close.

  • I have the powerhead and use it with a 2x12 cabinet and it sounds great for live gigs, CABS off in the profile of course. But imo the Kemper does sound best with using the power section of a tube amp (effects return). But I rather not carry around another amp/head so I just use the Kemper power.

  • Which ones?

    If anyone mentions any specific rigs or Commercial Rig Sellers in this thread, it will get moved to the third-party rigs forum. The subject Of this thread really isn’t about that.

    I suggest doing a Google search for EVH Kemper Riggs or looking in the Third party Rigs sub forum. There are several conversations there that discussed these packs when they became available.

  • If anyone mentions any specific rigs or Commercial Rig Sellers in this thread, it will get moved to the third-party rigs forum. The subject Of this thread really isn’t about that.

    I suggest doing a Google search for EVH Kemper Riggs or looking in the Third party Rigs sub forum. There are several conversations there that discussed these packs when they became available.

    Just to add, I'm sure I saw a thread where someone had worked hard on the EVH sound and got it pretty close..

  • I remember reading that recently and listening to sound samples that were posted. He pretty much nailed it.

    Just so the moderators don't kick me out a week after joining, lol, I won't go in to specifics, but......

    I bought my first commercial pack a few nights ago and the guy's 5150iii Profile is STUNNING. It is now my main heavy rhythm tone. There are soooooooo many 'meh' 5150iii Profiles online. I must have tried 100 of them. And then that one came along.

  • Just so the moderators don't kick me out a week after joining, lol, I won't go in to specifics, but......

    I bought my first commercial pack a few nights ago and the guy's 5150iii Profile is STUNNING. It is now my main heavy rhythm tone. There are soooooooo many 'meh' 5150iii Profiles online. I must have tried 100 of them. And then that one came along.

    Which one is it?