All Kemper profiles sound digital

  • I just used my Kemper formatted USB stick to import new profiles onto my Kemper. After that ALLLLLLLL of my profiles sound digital or like they have a low bit rate in a DAW if that makes sense. I have no idea how to make them sound normal again or where to start trouble shooting. Any ideas?

    I just traded my Axe FX a few months ago which I loved for the Kemper because I’ve heard some killer tone from the Kemper. I just can’t get any tone I’m happy with so far. I’m trying to give it a few months before I decide on keeping it or getting another Axe FX. Any tips or help is appreciated.

    Edited once, last by MattyShredz (June 6, 2021 at 8:03 PM).

  • There's a lot of information on the forum to dig through, I've learned most of what I know about operating the Kemper from reading posts. Just learned this week that by pressing the left or right arrow in rig manager while auditioning profiles switches from one profile to another, previously I was double clicking each profile to switch for 3 years, definitely a hugh improvement with less steps.

    There are many very knowledgeable individuals on this forum who can help, maybe you can share a little more information that might help them point you in the right direction, such as the following:

    1. what are you monitoring your Kemper through.

    2. what profiles are you using, Kempers default profiles, commercial or from rig exchange, and is it all profiles showing this behavior or limited to one type such as high gain

    3. do you have the latest update loaded on the Kemper

    4. have you changed the default settings on the input section or output section and if so what settings.

    Just examples, sorry but I'm not very fluent in Kemper world language but with more in depth data to work with I'm sure the guru's here can get you closer to where you want to be. I've been very fortunate, even though I'm not monitoring through a more appropriate system I get very good results, after 35 years and many, many amps and pedal boards I'm getting the best tones I've ever had, if it works for me it can definitely work for anyone lol!

    Good luck and I hope achieve your goals in the tone journey ?

  • Kemper "sounds digital" ...... as opposed to the "analog" Axe FX ? 8o

    If profiles sounded good before new USB imports , there must have been some strange

    changes to settings during import, or other changes with monitoring or DAW settings .....

    Does your "old" profiles sound good with headphones ?

    Like HowardBrown says : more info needed .....

    Cheers !

    The adjective for metal is metallic. But not so for iron ... which is ironic.

  • Go into Options and set your global high and low cuts. That's where I started first. Then play some profiles but make sure you play at volume levels about 85db or more (not bedroom or talking levels). Tweaking profiles correctly needs to be done at actually playing volumes. Once a random set of profiles sound better with the global cuts then you can move to other settings.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Thanks everyone!

    I’m playing on an unpowered Kemper Rackmount ad factory profiles, some from the rig exchange, and some from tonecrate that I bought. It’s mostly high gain as I play tech death. I notice the digital/ choppy sound more on the higher pitch strings on higher frets. I do tweak the profiles on playing volume. It has this problem on my Friedman ASC12 FRFR cab and also on my studio monitors which are KRK Rokit 5’s. Because it’s having this issue on both speaker types I know it’s part of the Kemper itself.

    Edited once, last by MattyShredz (June 6, 2021 at 8:01 PM).

  • Out of curiosity, are you using the powerhead or the unpowered?

    Makes no difference, mate.

    Yes, I've read your 2 threads on this. The differences you're hearing are not due to one unit's having a power amp; it's a settings or software issue.

    Note that Matty said all his Profiles sounded different after a USB-stick import. This implies that they sounded fine beforehand. Additionally, he said he wants to "make them sound normal again", which can leave us in no doubt.

    I just used my Kemper formatted USB stick to import new profiles onto my Kemper. After that ALLLLLLLL of my profiles sound digital or like they have a low but rate in a DAW of that makes sense. I have no idea how to make them sound normal again or where to start trouble shooting. Any ideas?

  • I find when having the Master Volume maxed out to "0", all profiles, presets, performances tend to sound harsh "digital clipping" kinda thing.

    The signal at the outputs of the Profiler sounds fine even at 0 dB. What you are hearing is probably the input stage of your external device clipping. In that case lower the output volume of the Profiler to leave some headroom. The factory setting of -12dB is a good starting point. If you use the main outs XLR outputs you should also activate the additional -12 dB attenuator option in the output menu.

  • Thanks everyone!

    ... It’s mostly high gain as I play tech death. I notice the digital/ choppy sound more on the higher pitch strings on higher frets.


    After you have set global HP/LP filters in Output menu (about 80.0hz and 9000.0hz), put a Studio EQ in slot X --pick the Rhythm Mix one. Then lower the High Cut to about 6500.0hz. Play and listen to your B and high E strings. Then do the same with that slot turned off. If you like the way the tone is getting to, then you can flatten the EQ frequencies (12 o'clock) slowly working from High to Low.

    Take an aspirin and call me in the morning. ;)

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Soem thing odd here if just importing profiles via USb chnaged the sound on all profiles.

    So some basic question first before you start equ'ing:

    1) So you profiles sounds good prior to the USB import?

    2) Was it just importing profiles or updating to a new version? Why are you importing profiles via USB? Just bringing in profiles won;t change the sound, but updating "might" as I've found sometimes it changes filter settings

    3) Do you have a backup prior importing to go back to the previous "settings"?

  • L1) So you profiles sounds good prior to the USB import?

    2) Was it just importing profiles or updating to a new version? Why are you importing profiles via USB? Just bringing in profiles won;t change the sound, but updating "might" as I've found sometimes it changes filter settings

    3) Do you have a backup prior importing to go back to the previous "settings"?