Kemper profiles worthy of keeping?

  • They are very usable but I personally deleted them all from my Kemper and only use a handful of commercial profiles now. But you should definitely check them all out, depending on your style they could be perfect.

  • The majority of the Profiles in a new Profiler are not like typical "factory content" you would find in others products, They have been selected from Commercial Profiler sellers, who would normally require you to pay for them.

    Exactly right. And they will give you a good idea which commercial sellers are worth investigating a little more. Be prepared spending hours checking out sounds (it‘s fun).

  • BTW - I am still using a JC120 Rig from the Factory Profiles (it my have been moved to the Legacy Pack) from when I bought my Profiler in 2013.

    MANY people have been using the AC20 Rig in the current Factory Profiles since it was originally posted to the Rig Exchange.

    The Rig that originally convinced me to try a Profiler is now a Factory Profile, too. If you are a Marshall fan, it has a name like "Mars Golub Crunch".

  • The Rig that originally convinced me to try a Profiler is now a Factory Profile, too. If you are a Marshall fan, it has a name like "Mars Golub Crunch".

    Just a small side note, did you know that particular 'classic' profile is from the guy who is making most of the Mad Professor pedal demos. 8)

    You can see that actual amp in action for example in here:

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  • Just a small side note, did you know that particular 'classic' profile is from the guy who is making most of the Mad Professor pedal demos. 8)

    You can see that actual amp in action for example in here:

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    Wow, it's a Two Rock? I would have assumed it to be a Marshall.

  • There are so many great FREE profiles in the Exchange, I suggest going there first before you start buying anything. Also, many of the profiles that come preloaded are great too. And as mentioned above many are from profilers that sell.

  • There are so many great FREE profiles in the Exchange, I suggest going there first before you start buying anything. Also, many of the profiles that come preloaded are great too. And as mentioned above many are from profilers that sell.

    I've paid for a few profiles, but thus far have found several free on Rig Exchange that I really like. Especially when you start mixing and matching amp/cab combos. Some really good stuff (as well as some seriously crappy ones).

    Paying for a profile doesn't guarantee it's 'better' than anything else for you. Even the 'major' people. For example - I can't find a Tone Junkie profile I really care for. Same for (gasp) Michael Britt.

    Its probably me....but I just don't dig 'em.

  • I got my Stage in August last year.
    I was hellbent on buying a gazillion profiles.
    I sat down with the unit and ran through each profile/preset. I found a half dozen that really worked well for me.

    I have NOT purchased any profiles and have downloaded a few from the rig exchange.

    Sit down with the unit first.
    Download the 300 page user manual and while you`re reading the manual, play with the unit as your reading in each section.
    You`ll really learn a lot!!

    Oh, and don`t be overwhelmed about the 300 page manual. The last third of it just describes every effect.

  • Its probably me....but I just don't dig 'em.

    I think the Kemper teaches you that the sound of an amp is often in the cabinet, not the amp itself. I wish I had known that earlier and focus on cabs instead of amps. I do believe amps are tools to make the speaker sing. (This video proves my point.) I love some of M Britt's profiles but don't care about his main cab, which means he often isn't for me either. I still think his 69 Marshall with greenbacks belongs to the top 5 profiles I've heard.

    Tone Junkie uses the original cabs of his amps which I think is great. He has his own taste though and prefers his amps very bright. His settings aren't everyone's cup of tea and he often overloads his profiles with effects. But if you strip them down and change the EQ to your liking they can be exactly what you want.

    That's the great thing about all these commercial profilers, they all offer something different.

  • I've paid for a few profiles, but thus far have found several free on Rig Exchange that I really like. Especially when you start mixing and matching amp/cab combos. Some really good stuff (as well as some seriously crappy ones).

    Paying for a profile doesn't guarantee it's 'better' than anything else for you. Even the 'major' people. For example - I can't find a Tone Junkie profile I really care for. Same for (gasp) Michael Britt.

    Its probably me....but I just don't dig 'em.

    Absolutely agree. I stopped buying profiles a long time ago because most of them were no better or even worse then allot on the exchange.

  • I use lots of Guido Bungenstock's free profiles They are some of my favs. A few Lars Luettge, M. Britt, Ola Englund, and Till Schleicher have also been great for me, and all FREE! Forget Tone Junkie and Top Jimi freebies.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Paying for a profile doesn't guarantee it's 'better' than anything else for you. Even the 'major' people. For example - I can't find a Tone Junkie profile I really care for. Same for (gasp) Michael Britt.

    Thank God it's not just me.

    I've never found any of their profiles to sit right for me. Much prefer TopJimi's stuff; just load it up and go.