something unexpected happened ... can't start profiler after update

  • hi, yesterday I was prompted on the rig manager to run an update, which I did. I am now on 3.2.28.

    following this, my kemper profiler wanted to update, which I .... tried. During this process, profiler reboots... and then I get the message "something unexpected happened". see image attached. It's very annoying as I cannot get past this screen. hitting the "exit" button makes me end up the same place. rebooting and keeping buttons pressed etc. doesn't do anything.

    anyone else having this problem? how can this be solved? I run cubase 11 on a mac OS Big Sur.

    thanks for helping me save my weekend!!<3

  • I had the same issue some versions before - installation via download and USB-Stick fixed the problem.

    But the newsest version has for me some strange behavior .. if I try to switch of EQ in the stack section, both AMP & EQ switches off

    my profiler isn't reacting to anything. In that sense: USB stick with downloaded lastet version still leads to that screen (screenshot). apart from that, how should I format my USB stick if you can only do that on the profiler?

    please keep other issues out of this ticket. thanks.

  • Just discovered this too!

    Seems like a bug to me.

    Can anyone explain the logic or functionality behind this please?

    i do like to toggle EQ on and off to compare sounds.

    Hope this isnt another assumption that all users will agree to the OS change. Surely it wasnt a problem before?

    According to Burkhard it was necessary to facilitate something else in a bigger planned update. I don't know what the plan is though.

    His suggestion for a workaround is

    For amp with EQ off - set all EQ to 0.0

    For EQ without Amp - make a profile of a patch cable and load that in the Amp block

  • I don't get far enough when starting the profiler with a stick in it as explained above.

    PS. I even tried that manually; created those 3 folders on a FAT32 stick and added the kaos.bin file, but it doesn't get recognized.

    Edited once, last by skerkhof (May 14, 2021 at 3:54 PM).

  • I don't get far enough when starting the profiler with a stick in it as explained above.

    PS. I even tried that manually; created those 3 folders on a FAT32 stick and added the kaos.bin file, but it doesn't get recognized.

    I've had some USB sticks that KP didn't want to recognize. Might try another USB stick.

  • According to Burkhard it was necessary to facilitate something else in a bigger planned update. I don't know what the plan is though.

    His suggestion for a workaround is

    For amp with EQ off - set all EQ to 0.0

    For EQ without Amp - make a profile of a patch cable and load that in the Amp block

    Didn't find anything about this EQ change in the release note.

    Also the MIDI NRPN Equalizer (Address Page 11) 2 on/off will not working as described in the MIDI Parameter definition.
    Do you have more information about this ?

    Be the force with you ;)

  • I just have ran into the same problem as you i also tried to upgrade OS via usb but kemper wont even boot up did you find a fix

    Same issue here. My Kemper was at 8.2 vers (I forgot if or and today I was trying to update to I put the update file in kaos folder, like always, and connected a usb stick. But, in this moment, Kemper shows the update screen, I put "yes" option and the update don't works. I tried a second time, but the same thing ocurred. For a moment, I believed that Kemper is exiting from some menus (bug of the last OS versions), but when I turn off my Kemper, the hell appeared. Now, my Profiler is freeze at starting. Not even shows "Initializing" text.

    I'm Kemper user since 2016 and this year the OS updates have only brought stability issues. But what happened today goes much further :(

  • Didn't find anything about this EQ change in the release note.

    Also the MIDI NRPN Equalizer (Address Page 11) 2 on/off will not working as described in the MIDI Parameter definition.
    Do you have more information about this ?

    This change was made a few revisions back.

    Not sure if they noted it in the changelog, but it isn’t new to this release.

  • I'm Kemper user since 2016 and this year the OS updates have only brought stability issues. But what happened today goes much further :(

    I'm a Kemper User since version 5 (2017) since Version 7.1 (January 2020) with release of the Stage in my opinion, the reliability and quality of the software has decreased. I wouldn't dare to go on stage for a live gig with a version 8.xx today. It's just too insecure for me. I have therefore reset my KPA to the last version 6 and will also change the system in the long term as soon as an alternative can be financed.

    IMHO, there are more important things than constantly releasing new features.

    The list of inadequacies and minor errors up to the missing exception handling in the case of software errors are still open.

    Instead, the already overwhelmed microcontroller is being used to capacity with more and more features.

    The boot times are getting longer and longer and you can tell from the reaction times for user actions LCD and multiplex LEDs that the processor is not really doing well.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • I just have ran into the same problem as you i also tried to upgrade OS via usb but kemper wont even boot up did you find a fix

    Was this ever resovled? Are there steps anyone can share?

    I'm hitting this same "something unexpected occurred" message and cannot get any further. Ticket submitted, but who knows how long it will take to hear back. This is frustrating. Can't imagine relying on one of these professionally.