T Shirts, T Shirts, when are you going to make us a f@#king T Shirt?!?!?

  • They aren't for sale in the shop, just as a gift with purchase. I'll send them a begging email. ?

    There is a merchandise category in the official shop. There you can order the T-shirts for EUR 24,38.

    Fender Am. Strat Standard | Fender Elite Standard | Ibanez AZ 2204 | Gibson Les Paul Standard | Suhr Standard Plus | Epiphone ES-335 Lim. Ed.

    Kemper Stage | Kemper Kone | Line6 HX Stomp | Digitech FreqOut | Shure GLXD16+

    Shure PSM 900 IEM | Behringer X32 Rack

    SKEEN - Join The Revolution In Screen Protection

  • Defo want shirts and t-shirts.

    Not core business for Kemper but should be easy to outsource and even an offer from a member on here!

    Suggested slogans 9 not meant to be serious!)

    Kemper - I don't model, I profile!

    Kemper - Go digital, don't delay

    Kemper - Axe your Helix, make Kemper your friend

    Kemper - Who needs valves?

  • The psychology of this has always fascinated me almost as much as full grown fat blokes going to watch football matches in replica team strips . Are they hoping the star player will get injured and the manager will turn to the, to run on the park and save the day.? I have never been able to get my head round it but maybe I’m just a freak (no need to answer that one ?)

    I love my Kemper and I am super impressed with Kemper as a company. The product is excellent and the customer service (including response to user feedback) is top notch. However, I don’t want to walk around looking like an advertising board. I’m obviously just getting old and grumpy. My daughter insists on wearing designer clothes and the bigger and more visible the logo the better. She pays obscene amounts of money to walk around advertising the product she just paid for. ?‍♂️

    What am I missing here?

  • My parents are the same way. They REFUSED to wear anything with advertising logos on it unless they were paid to do it! I bought my Dad a NIKE golf hat once and he wouldn't wear it. To me it's more of a conversation piece. I used to wear my ENGL shirt and it had people approaching me that were guitar players and musicians that I would have never known otherwise. I even made a few valuable connections that way.

  • Yeah, I generally get 25 to 30 years out of mine, but sometimes up to 40, like the one I've been wearing lately, a Journey "Don't Stop Believing" tour T from 1981.

    I'm a waste not, want not guy so I wear 'em 'til they fall apart. A Kemper T would last 30+ years easily I reckon so if I buy 3 I should be set. :D

  • The psychology of this has always fascinated me almost as much as full grown fat blokes going to watch football matches in replica team strips . Are they hoping the star player will get injured and the manager will turn to the, to run on the park and save the day.? I have never been able to get my head round it but maybe I’m just a freak (no need to answer that one ?)

    I love my Kemper and I am super impressed with Kemper as a company. The product is excellent and the customer service (including response to user feedback) is top notch. However, I don’t want to walk around looking like an advertising board. I’m obviously just getting old and grumpy. My daughter insists on wearing designer clothes and the bigger and more visible the logo the better. She pays obscene amounts of money to walk around advertising the product she just paid for. ?‍♂️

    What am I missing here?

    Brilliant! As a dedicated football hater I agree - I hate the phrases like " yeah we did alright against Arsenal at the weekend"......we? we? You are not in the team, you've probably never kicked a football in 30 years and yet you think you are an expert and think you are somehow part of the team...mainly UK reference here, sorry to my international friends...

    Now, here's my twisted logic.. ( and I had exactly this argument with a football fan friend of mine)....I'm out there playing my guitar, not sitting at home commenting on how I could do it better. Therefore I feel I can wear my band tshirt with confidence.

    That follows on with my ENGL t shirts and Marshall ones....I use the equipment so I feel legitimised in some weird way :)

    Couple that with my natural arrogance and wanting to show off, I think I'd look cool in a Kemper t shirt because there will be 4 types of people who see it:

    1) Non Guitarist - whats a Kemper - Dude you must be cool to wear something I don't know what it is, you must be part of some secret club.

    2) Guitarist aspiring or has a Kemper - yeah dude you look/are cool

    3) Guitarist who uses Helix/Axe/Valves - Dude you've made the wrong choice but you are still cool and come and have a debate with me.

    4) My wife - why the hell can;t you wear something other than a band/music t shirt...so embarrassing!!! You never look cool.

    I appreciate this is similar to listening to your music loud in your car with the windows down and your arm out of the window.....you think you look cool but no-one else thinks you do, but this is my delusion and I can;t change it :)

    Now, get me a t shirt so I think I look cool but everyone else will think of me as a dork and my life is complete :)

  • The psychology of this has always fascinated me almost as much as full grown fat blokes going to watch football matches in replica team strips . Are they hoping the star player will get injured and the manager will turn to the, to run on the park and save the day.? I have never been able to get my head round it but maybe I’m just a freak (no need to answer that one ?)


    Mate you are just like me, never understood full grown men wearing football shirts, in Liverpool they wear entire bloody kits.

    I find it funny that I am from Liverpool and hate football and the Beatles. I have been out with friends and literally walked off and got a cab home due to the dull football conversation. People probably feel the same way when I talk about what I love.

    I hate being from Liverpool for one reason. As soon as I meet someone new from out of town the conversation dries up quickly......

    "So red or blue?"

    "I don't like football"

    "So you a Beatles fan then?"


    "Bet its great drinking in the Cavern though, the home of the Beatles, the history!"

    "Its small, smells of damp and is full of kids snorting cocaine .....so not really. You are more likely to get stabbed than shagged in the Cavern too"

    Any out of towners I have to take out always want to go the Cavern. I die inside....