It's OFFICIAL! Bought a Kemper System today!

  • well,, some guys get it,( making profiles that work) most do not,,,hope your one of thoses who do,,

    luv to hear your results,good luck,,

    The thing is called Kemper PROFILER for a reason 8) Profiling is the main feature of the unit. So everyone who has the tools and amps available should do the obvious: Profile their gear with the Profiler. That is still the reason many buy the Kemper, to finally capture their own signal chain and amp(s) and enjoy the result (now stored in a handy package).

    Of course RE is full of bad examples of people who do not use the Kemper as intended. Profiling with very, very low volume, with wrong or defect gear, without ANY knowledge of placing a the results can be underwhelming in this cases :D

    But many people are able to place a SM57 and get a nice profile done. That's what the profiler is all about. You can get really good results with only a SM57. And many killer profiles in RE are first attempts of people profiling their own amp.

    And some more experienced people with the right tools will have no problem getting pleasing profiles, that fit them better than most packs of sellers.

  • well,, some guys get it,( making profiles that work) most do not,,,hope your one of thoses who do,,

    luv to hear your results,good luck,,

    interestingly enough, different Profiles work for different people.
    while all might agree that there are stellar and also underwhelming Profiles out there, they will not be talking about the same Profiles.
    or actually they might be, but have very different opinions about the same Profiles - that doesn't mean one is right and one is not.

  • interestingly enough, different Profiles work for different people.
    while all might agree that there are stellar and also underwhelming Profiles out there, they will not be talking about the same Profiles.
    or actually they might be, but have very different opinions about the same Profiles - that doesn't mean one is right and one is not.

    And sometimes underwhelming does not mean they are not "authentic". A profile of a Marshall Micro Amp (those mini battery amps) might be a 100 % correct profile of the real sound, but still the result will only please those searching for exactly that tone - for whatever reason they are wanting that sound ^^

    But also there are profiles we all are asking, what the hell went wrong with this one... and what makes someone want to share it? And raise volume to max on it? Pure malicious joy, I guess?:D

  • I agree,,DP 100%,,

    I will say most folks at home have no exp standing/playing on an open air stage , meant for 30,000 or more,,folks,,, and hearing you rig,when your 30 feet away from it,, compared to a small club with no stage and no PA,and everything in between, But if you can make you own, and be happy, isn't that what this was meant for?

    I've found that most home made/home done profiles while sounding great while noodling at home or studio. just don't work for me, on the job,,without much tweaking( not sayin they cant be) but there is no time on the job to tweak,,, So I keep a nice collection of pro profiles handy, and set up a performance as needed,plus RM's AC20,,pure GOLD!!!

    I know that a M.Britt profile, while maybe not someones pick for tone,, is most likely, stage tested,, buy a guy who has been there,and seeing most of my paying work is in the mod country vein,, it makes sense to me,,,and works,,for me,,

    I tried my hand at it,I own great amps,, I own a studio with everything you could want, but for me,just no luck( or skill) I get my profiles from the pros I trust, That's the beauty of this device, Use it as you see fit,Its a wonderful tool, for the working player like myself who goes from, one crazy gig,and session,, to another, ( at least I used too),, man I miss those days,,

    Edited once, last by unclemar (December 1, 2020 at 6:03 PM).

  • No need. I expect to make my own profiles that rivals anything they have to offer. Isn't "creating" profiles what's it's all about?

    I'm confused, You hope the Kemper will eliminate your need to buy more physical amps. But you aren't interested in using other profiles? How is that going to work? Welcome by the way. I think you will be happy.

  • I'm confused, You hope the Kemper will eliminate your need to buy more physical amps. But you aren't interested in using other profiles? How is that going to work? Welcome by the way. I think you will be happy.

    I'm going to profile my own amps, and "borrow" amps I don't own to profile. Still confused?

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I'm going to profile my own amps, and "borrow" amps I don't own to profile. Still confused?

    OK Bayou Texan, sounds like you have a plan and I wish you the best.

    Just my perspective. I fully appreciate the benefit of being able to profile your amps set up to your liking and that’s an awesome part of the Kemper. But personally, my days of schlepping heavy amps around, owned or borrowed, are over. First you have to find them, buy them or borrow them if you can, and then go through the whole process of positioning them in the studio, moving furniture, getting it set up, dialing for tone and micing. Some might think that’s fun but I have grown to appreciate the simplicity of having everything available in one box ready to go, or tweak.

    In the Kemper box I have access to professionally produced profiles of hundreds of amps with thousands of configurations some of which I could never get my hands on. Sometimes I don’t know the tone I want until I hear it. With Kemper I can sample all these amps without even moving my chair or breaking my rhythm. And I get the benefit of checking out profiles of cranked 100 Watters accurately reproduced through the comfort of headphones or the Kabinet at volumes that don’t crack the plaster. I think the gains in efficiency and productivity are awesome. For me, the Kemper is a beautiful little box of limitless tone options, continually upgraded & enhanced, and will keep providing new inspirations for years to come.

  • It has finally arrived! Got the powered rack 30 minutes ago! (they originally sent me the powered toaster a few days ago). The vender shipped the correct profiler overnight to me, and gave me a 10% discount for my troubles. Can't beat that!

    Now, I've locked myself in my studio for the next 3 days, and turned off my phone. So, no one call me until I get this thing dialed in! :P


    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Hey, BayouTexan.

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  • My first 15 minutes of ownership and into DAW and out thru my JBL 306's.... Damn! I only made it to only the 10th preset, and I am like, "This thingy is Killer!" How can you not get great big-boy tone from this? Maybe if you are a pianist. LOL.

    The first minute was hectic though... I went to enter my name but only got "L" entered and then it went quickly into rigs. Who is going to know me as "L" ? :D I quickly figure how to fix that. But I see a need for a "back-button" for some of us. ;)

    I'm a believer!

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • 'm going to profile my own amps, and "borrow" amps I don't own to profile. Still confused?

    Welcome and have fun profiling! That's great you have some amps to profile and places to borrow from, but there will be some rare amps you just "can't" borrow unless you are very lucky in finding them. For me that is when RE and commercial retailers like MBritt (and others) come into play. Its real nice to have these options available because I don't own a room full of amps and know very few people that run music stores that do.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Just got mine on Wednesday , and feel like a total noob...

    trying to become friends with this thing, and it just seems to have a steep learning curve...

    I haven't had much time to mess with it yet, just updated the Firmware and installed the rig Manager...

    Wish me luck... is there anything intuative on this thing? ... oh ...i bought the stage, mostly for home use through studio moitors

    PS.. also got a couple of top jimi packs..

  • Hi, VDubbs.

    Congratulations on getting you Kemper Stage.

    Here are some resources you may not have discovered yet.

    Kemper Manuals and Quick Start guides

    Rig Manager Download and Documentation

    Kemper Tutorials & Demos

    Take some time to play and enjoy your Profiler while you're learning.

    I hope you will enjoy your Stage as much as I do mine.



  • Hi ST

    Thanks for the answer... I'm planning on it... have already started reading,,, and reading..Lol

    and watching videos... My problem is I want to play not tinker...

    but I'm sure this is going to be great when I know a little about what I'm doing .

