Copy/paste effects in rig manager?

  • I didn't wish to make a complaint and we can find ways to work around this.

    It would just be interesting to know if this is a difficult thing to implement, as I can see it being useful. Almost every application I ever came across on a computer (and the Kemper) have copy & paste.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • Itā€™s nice that you have multi step workarounds, but users of modern applications expect to be able to drag&drop as the op suggests. Iā€™d like to try a different amp profile with everything else the same in RM, I have to: lock everything but amp & cab, lock cab, copy over profile. Iā€™d like to just drag

  • The RM is very useful, but still has a long way to go to be as intuitive to use as the Profilerā€™s front panel or any modern app. Copy/paste with the Stage is pretty clunky plus involves bending my almost 64 yo back and knees. Iā€™m looking forward to lots of improvement in these areas.

  • I find a good workaround is to drag the effects I want to the desktop. Then I can drag them into whichever rig I need them.

    Copy & paste would be useful, but not the end of world if it doesn't come. I just thought that features on the front panel of the profiler could easily be duplicated in the editor.

    TY that desktop drag and drop works great.

  • The RM is very useful, but still has a long way to go to be as intuitive to use as the Profilerā€™s front panel or any modern app. Copy/paste with the Stage is pretty clunky plus involves bending my almost 64 yo back and knees. Iā€™m looking forward to lots of improvement in these areas.

    You can drag and drop effects in all Rig Manager versions including iOS amongst effect modules and between an effect module and a preset location.

    If you don't use Rig Manager, you need to knee down as the Stage is a floor device.

  • Page 54 of the actual manual:

    COPY and PASTE Buttons (N/A)

    In case you miss the COPY and PASTE buttons that you know from the other PROFILER variants, there is good news: The PROFILER Stage offers a clipboard, too!

    You can copy and paste any module (A-D, Amplifier, Cabinet, X-REV) as well as the entire stack section. When a module is in focus, hold its button again for two seconds to open the copy/paste screen. For the stack section, press both AMPLIFIER and CABINET buttons to enter the stack section and then hold both buttons again for two seconds.

    Following the same principle in Performance Mode, you can also copy and paste complete Slots by holding the RIG button for two seconds.

    Use this copy and paste function to grab a module and copy its data to another similar location. For example, you can copy and paste the settings of one module to another, either within the same Rig, or another Rig entirely. To do this, first open a module, hold its button again for two seconds, then select ā€œCopyā€ on the screen. Next, select and open a destination module, press its button again, holding it for two seconds, then select ā€œPasteā€. VoilĆ !

    āœ“ Once you have performed the paste, the most recent contents of the clipboard are still retained until the unit is powered off, so you are free to continue pasting them as many times as you like.

    In general, you can use common sense to determine whether the PROFILER will let you copy settings from one module to another. For example, you cannot copy the reverb settings to the amp module. However, it is possible to copy/paste content between effect modules A, B, C, D, X, MOD, DLY and REV. Go ahead and try whatever you want - you will be alerted if what you're attempting is not possible.