For Live gigs... if the Kemper goes down... what do you have as a backup? I am thinking Atomic Amplifire box...

  • I recently use my kemper with the power amp in from my katana artist mkii, I also have the amp tweaked for my basic sound, so I can always jump to it. Kemper sounds killer with the waza craft speaker, so it is an all in one rig.

    The answer is 42

  • i dont use backup! I have never needed a backup amp or a backup guitar!! i have played live 28 years never more than one amp. I usually use 2 or 3 guitars so thats not a case. I have never broken a string in 28 years. But i look after my gear and make it work before i go to a gig!

  • i dont use backup! I have never needed a backup amp or a backup guitar!! i have played live 28 years never more than one amp. I usually use 2 or 3 guitars so thats not a case. I have never broken a string in 28 years. But i look after my gear and make it work before i go to a gig!

    That's pretty fortunate not to have broken a string, but it is usually down to the guitar. I constantly broke strings on an 80s Charvel and it turned out to be the Floyd bridge. With a recent Evertune bridge it never happens and sometimes use the same strings for 3 shows in a row now.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • i dont use backup! I have never needed a backup amp or a backup guitar!! i have played live 28 years never more than one amp. I usually use 2 or 3 guitars so thats not a case. I have never broken a string in 28 years. But i look after my gear and make it work before i go to a gig!

    Pretty risky if you ask me. See how that works playing for 1000 people when your rig goes down and you have to stop the show because of it. You'll be praised by all for your preparedness. It'll make a good name for the band and your bandmates will love the fact that they didn't' fulfill the contract and did all this work for nothing and might even get sued by the promoter. All avoidable with a 50.00 backup.

  • With my current band our singer also plays guitar on most of our songs but if my rig went down I would probably jump to his rig, I also have other combo amps I can take along (although I usually don't) but I am thinking about a simple solution that is lighter and smaller than lugging a heavy tube combo around and I a getting some good ideas from this post. Has anyone ever tried just using overdrive pedals into FOH or a monitor speaker?

    ā€œI used to jog but the ice cubes kept falling out of my glass.ā€

    Dave Lee Roth of Van Halen - 1979

  • Orange 15w Dark Terror.

    At the time I was using a ENGL Powerball II and was spoiled with lots of versatility from 4+ channels but after playing it one afternoon and getting some good sounds from it I decided to do a gig that night with my Orange Micro terror just for the fun of it. It sounded great and although I had to fiddle with it for clean/dirty songs. Those things are pretty loud through a 4x12, more volume than I needed.

  • At the time I was using a ENGL Powerball II and was spoiled with lots of versatility from 4+ channels but after playing it one afternoon and getting some good sounds from it I decided to do a gig that night with my Orange Micro terror just for the fun of it. It sounded great and although I had to fiddle with it for clean/dirty songs. Those things are pretty loud through a 4x12, more volume than I needed.

    I keep on wondering if someone actually ever need the 80w from a vintage tween reverb. 20w tube is plenty enough, 80w its nuts. I did several bar gigs with a modified black heart little giant combo back in the day, never led me down, sturdy, enough clean headroom, nice overdrive after some tube swaping. Those little amps are golden standard for backup, I have a tiny terror, and it rocks a 212 cab loud band volume, no problem.

    The answer is 42

  • At the time I was using a ENGL Powerball II and was spoiled with lots of versatility from 4+ channels but after playing it one afternoon and getting some good sounds from it I decided to do a gig that night with my Orange Micro terror just for the fun of it. It sounded great and although I had to fiddle with it for clean/dirty songs. Those things are pretty loud through a 4x12, more volume than I needed.

    Yup...the "shape" control takes some time getting used to, but they are certainly loud enough.

  • With my current band our singer also plays guitar on most of our songs but if my rig went down I would probably jump to his rig, I also have other combo amps I can take along (although I usually don't) but I am thinking about a simple solution that is lighter and smaller than lugging a heavy tube combo around and I a getting some good ideas from this post. Has anyone ever tried just using overdrive pedals into FOH or a monitor speaker?

    There are lots of little digital amps everywhere made by Fender, Marshall, Line 6, Peavey, etc etc etc. that weigh about (what seems like) 4lbs. available for around or less than $100.00 that would more than get you by with fx & footswitchable channels that you can throw in the back of the van in a suitcase. That's what I do even though I could bring a bigger better backup, This one is always there,takes up little space and will get me up and going again in min. My amps are always well cared for and I never had a total breakdown for 32 years then when I did, my little spider saved the day with little delay. I ran out to the van, grabbed it. uncoiled the footswitch and we were right back on. it was the same one I used for practice so volumes were dialed in and I was used to doing our songs on it. Later I found out I had just blown a fuse and could have just replaced it so I played most of the night in this big club full of people we were new at and trying to impress with my spider and left my full tube amp stack I dragged in there off. :cursing: I don't think it made much of an impact in the show as we all performed well. I think your amp makes much less difference than how you perform, look and amount of personality and charisma you have on stage. THAT's what people really notice.