[Public Beta] PROFILER OS

  • It's true that lots of famous Klon users use more of the gain than the typical "prescription" many of us are always evangelizing about. I've really only ever used first a Klon and then several klones with the gain set to almost nothing, ten o'clock at most, tone to taste, and output as boost. It's an amazing circuit and whatever anyone wants to say, plenty of great guitarists have stuck to it religiously for decades. But again, my boost implementation isn't all the pedal is about for everyone.

  • Of course it is. Don't think I'm trying to invalidate your question. On the contrary.

    Some of us have been finding limitations with volume while testing the new stomps. l

    Totally understand. No hard feelings. This being the internet I just wanted to make sure the post wasn't burried by false assumptions.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • Other people have mirrored by optimisme, but this would be great yes. The less confusing situations one experiences the better. Thanks for your time and effort.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • Digging a bit more into this (sorry if I'm rehashing - just let me know) I tried playing around with clean sense. Unless I'm going crazy I used to be able to use clean sense to balance no (low) gain sounds with high gain sounds:

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    Right now it doesn't seem to make a difference. I would have sworn it used to?

    Nevermind this - still had the overdrive stomp engaged, so clean sense doesn't have an impact (because it's not clean).

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • How on earth is it possible that after this long of a thread you suggest this? I really wonder.

    Would you suggest that when someone wants to kick in an additional boost, he should sacrifice the Morph function to switch the amp gain up/down? Or would you rather have the artist stop playing, turn around or kneel down to move the amp gain knob on the Profiler? C'mon, seriously.

    In all honesty, I was also wondering as ckemper stated why you are placing such emphasis on the volume boost. Isn't putting more boost the same as simply adding more input signal going into the amp stage? And can't a pureboost do that?

    So ..... as far as my little engineering mind can figure it, OD pedals do one or more of the following:

    1. Boost the input to the pre-amp stage of the amp (unless they are placed in the circuit after the preamp of course)
    2. Create distortion and harmonic content
    3. Modify the eq characteristics of the signal
    4. Compress the signal

    While I am sure that some of the classic pedals do many (or all) of these things at once to varying degrees, really the only key characteristic needed would be #2 since we can do all the other things with separate plug-ins.

    If the KD does many of these things (or all of them), with a few controls, and all we are talking about here is a little volume increase going into the amp section, it seems pretty trivial to fix with the available functionality isn't it?

  • It would be easy to figure out for anyone playing live and using a Kemper as their whole rig. Being able to turn on a single stomp and get what you need from it (volume included) is far more desirable than activating multiple stomps or using morphing just for a volume boost (ridiculous waste of such a cool feature).

    All I want for these other wise terrific sounding overdrives (thank you Kemper team!) is to be able to also get that volume push like a real pedal. The auto volume compensation goes too far and is not “natural”.

  • I was also wondering why you are placing such emphasis on the volume boost

    1. Because even with Tone at noon and Gain at zero, the pedal still has a very unique character that is part of the boost. It's not the same like a 100% pure clean boost or turning up the amp gain.

    2. I never said that one should use the Output only. NEVER. I just keep saying that the character of the boost is where the magic happens and then happily shape with Gain & Tone. I just can't stop wondering why it's so difficult to understand.

    3. I don't care if someone just uses a slight boost or a strong boost. But believe me, nobody, not a single soul on this planet lucky enough to own a Klon will run it at unity output. If you do this nonetheless, enjoy it and rest assured that you perfectly ignore Bill Finnegan's work and the reason he built this overdrive.

    4. And the very same applies to the inevitable mid-hump and bass reduction of the KD ... that's exactly the opposite of what Bill Finnegan successfully tried to achieve. Feel free to ignore that and set the KD whatever way you like. But don't think you dialed in a Klon Centaur tone ... even less a Klon Centaur sweet spot. That's exactly what gets me agitated.

    Have you listened to this italian guy's Youtube video where he says he compares KD presets to the real pedals? Holy crap, I really don't know when I ever heard worse guitar tones. So thin, narrow, bandpassed, weak, almost like through a phone. And Christoph (for unknown reasons) shared this when asked for a comparison blind test!?

  • Have you listened to this italian guy's Youtube video where he says he compares KD presets to the real pedals? Holy crap, I really don't know when I ever heard worse guitar tones. So thin, narrow, bandpassed, weak, almost like through a phone. And Christoph (for unknown reasons) shared this when asked for a comparison blind test!?

    Sounds like you're over-dramatizing a bit to prove your point.

  • Sounds like it's the auto volume compensation that is getting in the way for a few of you. Perhaps in a future update, they could allow the auto volume compensation to be bypassed for specific rigs, if that's truly the issue? Or perhaps modify the Kemper Drive in a way that allows it to do what you're after? But at the end of the day, the volume modification is revolutionary and solves a timeless problem of volume matching hell with every all-in-one in the history of digital guitar. With real amps and pedals, you only have a few tweaks on your OD pedals and amp to get your volumes in order, regardless with how big and complex the rest of your pedal board is. With digital modelers, one of the key advantages over analog rigs is the ability to create and use many presets. Consequently you always end up with way too many presets to keep the volumes between them even without endless back and forth.

  • If you do this nonetheless, enjoy it and rest assured that you perfectly ignore Bill Finnegan's work and the reason he built this overdrive.

    there isn't and there never was a right way and a wrong way to use gear.
    tube amps originally weren't meant to distort and look how 'well' that held up in the long run.

    using gear differently than it was originally intended by the creator is an integral part of being a musician.

    could you please stop implying that you are the only one that uses this particular OD pedal 'the right way'?

    It's becoming a bit tedious to read, really. ;)

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    I know that lightbox will tell me know that this guy is "no pro" since he does not use the level of the klon "as he should"..ok..

    Nevertheless you clearly hear the difference between a "more neutral drive" and the klon.

    And who ever tried the vertex boost will know what a really "clean boost" should sound like.

  • there isn't and there never was a right way and a wrong way to use gear.
    tube amps originally weren't meant to distort and look how 'well' that held up in the long run.

    using gear differently than it was originally intended by the creator is an integral part of being a musician.

    could you please stop implying that you are the only one that uses this particular OD pedal 'the right way'?

    It's becoming a bit tedious to read, really. ;)

    Thing is that I understand lightbox and every other klon freak.

    I always supported the whole "nostalgia" and this "attitude" thing with gear.I like it.Rocknroll.All attitude.It has to be like that.We will play better with all this.

    Thing is... that I remember what bad name all these pedals had for us in the late 8os and how they stood around in the darkest corners of the rehearsal rooms as a reminder of how bad we sounded until we got our modded Marshall's.And just one,two years later the first boutique tube amps.Today we have a gazillion wonderful tube rigs for everything.15-20watts.30watts SLO!!!All for the harmonic content and the "push" in your bedroom,lol..

    Maybe this is why I insist.I dont like to much hype.Great little funky machines all these pedals.But that's it.

  • If one were to say that there is a "right or wrong" way to use a device, that's an evaluative statement. Meaning: there's an epistemic standard at play.

    This can be "what the creator of the device intended". It can also be many other things: for example what one's music requires. It can surely be said that a certain use is "wrong", given the original intention of the creator, but "right" when the evaluative standards changes.

    I don't think the poster would disagree with that. The issue with such discussions seems to typically arise from people presenting one epistemic framework as the only one that can and ought to matter compared to all the rest (possible for this to be true, but imo rare).

    Personally, I've been using the kemper drive to try and get something close to the green scream but with a bit less of a mid hump. I did compare against different "tone" green scream settings and eventually seemed to preffer the kemper drive results for the intended purpose.

    The bonanza

  • So the way I see it ( trying to balance this thing out):

    • The KD has been designed in a specific way to replicate many of the variables used to create the sounds of these pedals.
    • OD pedals offer a number of variables in how they can be used ( no right or wrong)
    • lightbox I think is emphasising a particular use case which indicates a particular behaviour he does not seem to be able to replicate easily ( or at all).
      • Does this make the drives useless or not able to replicate the drives under other use cases? Nope.
      • Does Lightboxes use case represent the definitive and only use case of the Klon and OD pedals? Nope.
      • Is it important to him and possibly others in the way to increase the use and flex of the KPA, Yep.

    As Im not a pedal guy as well, I struggle with the "magic" that is supposed to be generated from these pedals which have now achieved this godlike status and therefore crazy prices.

    It has to be articulated into the impact on the end sound not necessarily how its done, so i would start with "this is the sound I want, how do I get it" rather than "it doesn't sound the same as my Klon".

    Nikos are you saying you won't be spending $2000 on a Klon then :)