[Public Beta] PROFILER OS

  • Too busy recording to take the chance on the new OS but gotta say the Kemper drive sounded great on a rock bass track today. I was able to keep the low end intact and just add some fur.

    Something to keep in mind, it sure is nice when fuzzes, distortion and compressors have a high pass filter. It lets you leave the low end alone and only process the mids and highs which works well for Baritone and Bass.

    These profiles go to 11!

  • This is getting ridiculous.

    I've managed to import the new presets into RM, so now they're visible under 'All Presets/Local Library' (they're not in any subfolder).

    There are no presets under 'Kemper Drive' on the Stage when browsing presets. How do I get the presets from RM to appear on the Stage so that I can select them with the 'Browse' knob? I can't find any way to put them on the Stage. 'Store in PROFILER' right-click menu is disabled when selecting any preset in RM.

  • This is getting ridiculous.

    I've managed to import the new presets into RM, so now they're visible under 'All Presets/Local Library' (they're not in any subfolder).

    There are no presets under 'Kemper Drive' on the Stage when browsing presets. How do I get the presets from RM to appear on the Stage so that I can select them with the 'Browse' knob? I can't find any way to put them on the Stage. 'Store in PROFILER' right-click menu is disabled when selecting any preset in RM.

    Local Library is local to your Rig Manager on your hard drive. Drag them to “My Profiler” under All Presets, assuming your profiler is connected, which it would need to be.

  • Kinda cool how Kemper has kept it so simple but powerful. But just goes to show what most of us already new about the boutique pedal market, more to do with how pretty the enclosure is, maybe Kemper can add a design you own box graphics illustrator in rig manager and sell it as a add on for $400 , that would make it even more real?

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • Weirdness.

    I have deleted the presets from RM and reimported. Now they show up as Distortion/Full OC...

    Entries in All Presets/MyProfiler also show up properly now.

    Previously I had updated RM to 3.0.140, KPA to, and rebooted both KPA and Win10 prior to importing the presets.

    Whatever. I blame it on some cosmic particles.

    Thanks, I'm off to play now!

  • Is it possible, that you imported the new presets before you upgraded Rig Manager?

  • Seems like that with this drive upgrade a lots of blues & fusion players will let go any resistance..That's it.

    Wow..just wow..

    The most interesting part is that with this new approach most pedal guys will have the huge chance to let down their schematic thinking "this pedal for this and this pedal for that" and just spend a long time to create their fav OD "by ears"..amazing..I dont think that many old fashioned vintage rig guys will resist to these possibilities tbh..:)

    And now watch the competition getting hysterical and just jump on the bandwagon..1,2,3...Haha..

  • Seems like that with this drive upgrade a lots of blues & fusion players will let go any resistance..That's it.

    Wow..just wow..

    The most interesting part is that with this new approach most pedal guys will have the huge chance to let down their schematic thinking "this pedal for this and this pedal for that" and just spend a long time to create their fav OD "by ears"..amazing..I dont think that many old fashioned vintage rig guys will resist to these possibilities tbh..:)

    And now watch the competition getting hysterical and just jump on the bandwagon..1,2,3...Haha..

    Here's hoping they can do something similar with fuzz. 8o

  • I’m curious why the Kemper drive doesn’t have a knob that lets you pick the pedal (Klon, Timmy, etc) or have them as seperate stomps like the original included pedals, cause then you wouldn’t need to worry about presets, you could just pick ‘klon’ and set to taste. Then if you set the gain to 8.5 you’d still have a klon at 8.5 and it wouldn’t have become a Timmy or something else in terms of gain/sound.

    Maybe I’m missing something. I’m still really glad more stuff is being included!

  • Where in RM do I find the NEW OD presets? In Presets Tab there was only the ”old presets” to be found. Am I looking from the wrong place?

    I have upgraded Both RM and Profiler to newest FW.

    Gear: Kemper Profiler | Neural DSP Plugins
    Guitars: .Strandberg* 

  • I’m curious why the Kemper drive doesn’t have a knob that lets you pick the pedal (Klon, Timmy, etc) or have them as seperate stomps like the original included pedals, cause then you wouldn’t need to worry about presets, you could just pick ‘klon’ and set to taste. Then if you set the gain to 8.5 you’d still have a klon at 8.5 and it wouldn’t have become a Timmy or something else in terms of gain/sound.

    Maybe I’m missing something. I’m still really glad more stuff is being included!

    Kemper (the man) has never approached solutions the way others do. This approach is infinitely more flexible and pushes the idea that it *isn't* about sounding exactly like something that already exists.

    I think the pursuit of 'sounding like.....' a certain amp, pedal, or player very often misses the point of music and its inherent individuality.