Performance mode skipping performances going up and down

  • Yes, have the same issue.

    Just bought a new Kemper Profiler Stage; upgraded to newest version (also on Rig Manager) and after power on when I want select another rig via the Rig Manager the automated switching starts and end after a minute. It happens only after power on.

  • Similar problem here. In Performance Mode I'll try to move from one performance to the the next, say from slot 3 to 4, and there is a noticeable and, at times a significant delay. Times I think maybe I didn't press on the up/down button firmly enough, so I'll step on it again. The performance slot can jump from 3 to 6, but again not right away. Playing live on stage this can be very, very disconcerting.

    I submitted a ticket, but Kemper was unable to reproduce the problem and said the delay only applied to the display, not the performance. Okay, but not a very good solution, especially when I want a different preset than #1 (for instance, I want preset # 4 in Performance #4).

  • Same for me. Maybe there still is some hardware related issue that cannot be solved by software?!
    There was the OS8.04 that was for me 100% solving that issue but then some users mentioned that there was no scrolling possible with the remote in browse mode. This scrolling problem then was solved by OS8.05. Maybe a coincidence maybe part of the problem?! It happens only randomly and since the updates very seldom but for such a great product a stain and a pain.

  • I know. The scrolling topic happened „by coincidence“ as the performance skipping was solved. I only described the evolution of the OS 8.04 that solved the skipping a 100% and 8.05 that brought the skipping „back“. My Kemper is still randomly skipping performances as also mentioned by the other users. So my assumption was that there might be a connection between those two functions.

  • This topic shouldn't be marked as solved

    You are correct. I modified the title. It seemed to be working for a while, but it still seems to be a problem for me. I do not have the absolute latest release installed. I am one release behind that. I'm also wondering if the performance skipping is somehow related to chorus showing up on performances where I do not have chorus - Chorus effect randomly appearing on performance mode stomp slot

  • Yes, my Kemper skips a performance if I use the external buttons to change performance up or down. I use a midi controller and it seldom skips with it, so I just tolerate the issue. Never bothered support with it as they would probably tell me it was my imagination or I was making it up.

  • Yes, my Kemper skips a performance if I use the external buttons to change performance up or down. I use a midi controller and it seldom skips with it, so I just tolerate the issue. Never bothered support with it as they would probably tell me it was my imagination or I was making it up.

    Are you aware, that the functions "Performance Up/Down" assigned to external switches first step and then start to scroll like the Up/Down buttons of the Remote do?

    If you want to step jest one Performance Up/Down just step on the switch shortly. And make sure your external switch is momentary. Otherwiese it's hard to avoid scrolling.

  • Are you aware, that the functions "Performance Up/Down" assigned to external switches first step and then start to scroll like the Up/Down buttons of the Remote do?

    If you want to step jest one Performance Up/Down just step on the switch shortly. And make sure your external switch is momentary. Otherwiese it's hard to avoid scrolling.

    Sorry if I'm missing something here Burkhard but I (and I think others) are talking about the up/down buttns on the unit itself. I don't have a remote and yes if I use my midi controller it works fine but I don't need to use the Midi Controller now that I am set up like other right next to my work station. Again sorry if I'm missing your point. Cheers

  • The problem of skipping performances by using the buttons is not obsolete but is annoying me every day. My OS : 31. July 2022! Maybe the contacts are chattering, should possibly be solved by a software update. It seems to help, when you let the performances "run" up or down by keeping the buttons pressed.

  • Still wondering why this cannot be solved. It once was away in a revision of OS 7.x. In this OS the scrolling feature was lost. So I still believe that there are links between those. A „loose“ or wobbly contact can also contribute

    to this issue.

  • I cannot reproduce such issues with OS 8.7.10 just hitting the up and down buttons of the RIG navigation cross of a Head model nor the up and down foot buttons of a Remote or Stage. If I hold a bit longer, scrolling starts as intended. If Rig Manager is connected or not makes no difference. I can even hit a button multiple times (hearing multiple mechanical clicks of the button) and the PROFILER follows steping up or down the corresponding number of Performances.

    If you cannot control single steps versus scrolling with the current OS, please open a support ticket and send a video demonstrating how you hit the button and how the Performance gets loaded.