Is anyone else still experiencing performance mode skipping performances going up and down? For example, if I am on performance four and hit the up arrow, it sometimes goes to six. This happens both with the physical buttons on the Kemper and using a midi controller.
Performance mode skipping performances going up and down
patrick2099 -
April 4, 2020 at 9:54 PM -
Thread is marked as Resolved.
This is still a known issue. I thought I had seen where it had been resolved, in a firmware update, but I must have been mistaken.
Any Performance or a particular suspect?
I reported this to support some time ago. Was doing it to me sometimes on 7.1.22. Just updated to 7.2.2 and it still does it.
I notice it around performance 1-5, but maybe that's because I spend most of my time there.
It seems that once it has done it, it doesn't do it again until a power cycle...and not always.
Here is my support email FYI
Had a small issue with 7.1.2
Still have it with 7.1.3
Nothing connected to KPA (Head)
Here is a set of steps taken:
A: Set the Performance number and shut down the KPA with Chicken knob
B: After a few seconds, start up the KPA directly into Performance mode and observe what Performance number it has started in.
C: Select a different Performance using up or down buttons and observe the Performance number
I did this a few times and here are some results
1 : 1 : 3 using up button once
3 : 3 : 1 using down button once
5 : 5 : 4-3-1 using down button three times
A couple of times I started the KPA up and Performance #1 was selected, even though the sounds from Perf #2 were actually playing. When I pressed the up button once, it jumped to Perf #3.
It seems that everything is OK once this “jump" has been made.
I cannot reproduce such behavior with current OS and my data at all.
My impression is, there is only a problem with one of your Performances: #2.
I would overwrite that Performance and rebuild it from scratch.
Good idea, thanks Burkhard. Not sure where my problem solving skills disappeared looks so obvious now.
I cannot reproduce such behavior with current OS and my data at all.
My impression is, there is only a problem with one of your Performances: #2.
I would overwrite that Performance and rebuild it from scratch.
Thanks. I actually had to redo the performances, due to another bug. The problem persisted after that.
Then please open a support ticket and send a PROFILER backup including the Performance in question.
Then please open a support ticket and send a PROFILER backup including the Performance in question.
I did. It is a known issue.
Also having this problem...
Yeah, same here (still).
Same here, although haven't seen if for about a week now.
Just dropping a note that I'm having this problem too, on FW 7.3.1. It happens every 5th time or so I use the up or down performance change button on the head. I'm not clicking too fast, going quite slow. Can happen in either direction, no particular performance number. I re-initialized all performances in rig manager and then copied performances in again in different slots (and some different performances), and it happened again.
Going to send a support ticket with links to a video and a backup.
Its not a performance slot problem as this has been happening to me for a long time now on all different performances (and I have a lot!!). It happens whether i arrow up or down
Do we really all have to send support tickets and send profiler backups etc? Clearly this is a common problem, and not user error...
alligatorlizard, I got a response back from Kemper support that it’s a known issue and will be fixed in a future update.
Thanks for the update. Good to know the fix is coming.
Same problem here..... Performances not being stored correctly. Kemper stage.
After the update, mine is still skipping. It is random and not related any particular performance.