• You may as well be renting the unit from them with these limitations put on who stores your files.

    This is a software mentality that has been transferred over to hardware. It’s not a business model I would ever buy into.

    They lost my interest with the omission of a euro socket to power the thing.

    There is a future money-maker; change the Neural Cloud to be a subscription service with varying levels of cost based on the storage space you use. Given my number of Kemper Profiles I'd need the Plutonium level!! Wait 2 years and then slam that on the users .....

    You gotta have the right guns when you enter the town of tone. And please, shoot ALL fanboys you come across!

  • I understand that people are concerned that you can’t separate the cab from the amp in full rig captures like you can in the Kemper. But again, the Kemper just makes a best guess. It does a good job, but I rarely swap out cabs on the KPA so for me it’s not a big deal.

    Best guess is only for Studio Profiles.

    Merged Profiles contain the fully-accurate, swappable Cabinet component.

  • BTW, anybody know if credit card info is required to set up a Neural account? I don’t think you can even do a firmware update without an account, so it would be nice to know ahead of time what is going to be required.

    You cannot do a firmware update without a Cloud account and an Internet connection. So stated on the Neural forum.

    You gotta have the right guns when you enter the town of tone. And please, shoot ALL fanboys you come across!

  • I don't see the difference though. Both devices can do direct profiles. And the cab can be added or switched on each? So why is this being typed as some revolutionary feature?

    The only difference is that with the KPA, you can swap the cabs no matter what kind of Profile, versus with the QC it has to be a DI Capture.

    It's definitely not a new feature or anything and I think the point of my post might have been missed lol. I was trying to point out with the all kinds of Profiles you can swap the Cab but you can only swap the Cab in certain kinds of Captures. The only new feature the QC has is the ability to stack Captures. And then I've also heard people talk about Capturing each individual part of an amp to stack Captures in crazy ways but that's a really rare use-case that I don't see being a common thing.

  • The only difference is that with the KPA, you can swap the cabs no matter what kind of Profile, versus with the QC it has to be a DI Capture.

    It's definitely not a new feature or anything and I think the point of my post might have been missed lol. I was trying to point out with the all kinds of Profiles you can swap the Cab but you can only swap the Cab in certain kinds of Captures. The only new feature the QC has is the ability to stack Captures. And then I've also heard people talk about Capturing each individual part of an amp to stack Captures in crazy ways but that's a really rare use-case that I don't see being a common thing.

    Just seems like conjecture at this point. I can't imagine the QC being unable to swap out an IR.

    On stacking Captures: Might be handy if you can capture a pedal and then stack it, but we'll have to wait and see if the system works as advertised.

  • Just seems like conjecture at this point. I can't imagine the QC being unable to swap out an IR.

    On stacking Captures: Might be handy if you can capture a pedal and then stack it, but we'll have to wait and see if the system works as advertised.

    No conjecture from me when giving you info you asked for, my friend.

    I think you might be mistaken, or misunderstanding lol. No one is saying you can't use different IRs with the QC.

    In a full rig Amp+Cab Capture (which is the equivalent of a Studio Profile) there is not a way to disable or mute the Cab to allow using other IRs with that Capture. In a full rig Amp+Cab Capture, the Cab has been mic'd up so there's no IR involved.

    It isn't like throwing an IR on Profile or DI Capture. I think you're thinking it's like that, and you think I'm saying you can't just swap the IR with any kinds of Captures. Definitely not what I mean brother haha.

    Full rig Captures have a mic'd up Cab in them and the QC currently has no way to separate an Amp+Cab within a Capture and no way to mute the Cab in full rig Captures. The QC doesn't even have a way to tell what part of the Capture is the Cab so a full rig Capture is stuck with the mic'd up Cab sound from when it was made.

    If you're working with just DI Amp Captures (no Cabinet, equal to a DI Profile) then you can use different IRs with it.

    With Kemper Profiles, an algorithm called CabDriver figures out where the Amp ends and Cab begins in a Profile and it allows you to turn off the Cab for any type of Profile so you can use different IRs or Cab presets.

    That Cab flexibility is limited to Amp Captures. That's my only point lol. You asked about the difference between Profiles and Captures and what about the QCs limitations were being discussed and I'm just explaining haha. No conjecture on my part regarding anything I've said about Captures. These are things Doug Castro has literally said on TGP and I'm just passing on the info after you asked lol:)

  • Didn't mean to cause offence. What I mean is, is there any manual or link you can direct me to which has this info? You mentioned TGP, no longer a member there haha

    I'd just be surprised if the QC's full rig captures did not allow you to separate the cab from the amp. That would seem like a step down from the Kemper's amp+cab modus operandi.

    Was trawling the 900-page thread on TGP, and someone said you could also capture just the cab. How does that work?

  • The way I get it is this:

    1. You make a full capture with the QC.

    2. You make a direct amp capture with the same settings.

    Now you can, at least, have a row in the grid where you can go to FOH with a full capture.

    Plus you can have another row with only the amp sans cab where you go to your guitar cab an stage for the people who prefer real cabs for their own monitoring.

    But there is no way of extracting cab portion from a full profile lie you can do with cabdriver in the Profiler.

    Personally I think this is a huge disadvantage, because swapping IR's with direct amp profiles is clearly not the same (IR's sounding inferior IME).

    Cabdriver is genius. It wasn’t there at launch btw.

    Will the QC have something similar later? We don’t know.

  • Was trawling the 900-page thread on TGP, and someone said you could also capture just the cab. How does that work?

    You'd made a capture of a cab powered by an arbitrary random neutral sounding amp.

    Sounds odd to me and VERY far from accurate.

    Amps and cabs always belong to each other.

  • Didn't mean to cause offence. What I mean is, is there any manual or link you can direct me to which has this info? You mentioned TGP, no longer a member there haha

    I'd just be surprised if the QC's full rig captures did not allow you to separate the cab from the amp. That would seem like a step down from the Kemper's amp+cab modus operandi.

    Was trawling the 900-page thread on TGP, and someone said you could also capture just the cab. How does that work?

    No worries, no offense taken my friend :)

    I didn't mean to give off a defensive vibe or anything like that. I meant no offense on my part either and I'm sorry if it seemed that way. That definitely wasn't/isn't my intention.

    I was just trying to explain because I felt like there was some miscommunication. We seemed to be mostly on the same page before that so I was just confused lol but now I totally get what you mean. Part of why I've been so vocal about that drawback is because it seems like such a step down from the Kempers capabilities, like you mentioned. I think we're thinking the same thing lol and you know what they say about great minds thinking alike ;)

    I read about the QC's full rig Capture limitations from one of Dougs posts but I heard the QC's manual is up online. I'll definitely look around online for some more solid info for you. I too, get really into researching as well so I totally understand the want for more information. I'm the same way haha!

    And regarding the Cab Captures, I think the way to do it would be basically like Capturing a full Amp+Cab Capture with a few differences. So you would mic up the Cab you want in the way you'd shoot your IR, and then you'd use a totally clean and flat power amp or a PA or something like that which doesn't add coloration as the amp, and then you'd take the Capture of that. And then theoretically, you can stack it with an Amp Capture like an IR. But I'm not sure how well it works because I don't think anyone has tried it. It's like the preamp Captures and power amp Captures, and at this point they're more ideas of what the QC might be able to do but it hasn't been tested yet. I'm not sure what I think of it. But I can see Cab Captures stacked with Amp Captures being boomy in the low end (just like when you use 2 IR's on top of each other and it gets really boomy and dark sounding lol) based on two interactions from two power amps being stacked on each other. But, for all I know it could work out pretty well lol

  • In that regard, is there a specific mode where you choose "cab capture" or something like that? Wondering because of how the power section might differ between a guitar amplifier and a power amp that is built for amplifying a PA.

    I was impressed by the idea of up to 8 captures simultaneously though. The QC sounds like it has tonnes of processing power on tap.

  • In that regard, is there a specific mode where you choose "cab capture" or something like that? Wondering because of how the power section might differ between a guitar amplifier and a power amp that is built for amplifying a PA.

    I was impressed by the idea of up to 8 captures simultaneously though. The QC sounds like it has tonnes of processing power on tap.

    There’s no cab capture mode.

    When you capture a cab with a flat poweramp there will be quite a different interaction as with the original poweramp.

  • The same way all IRs of speaker cabs are generated - there are millions of them available now. Look up convolution and deconvolution.

    Personally I'm a bit skeptical about going back to IR's.

    I've always felt that the way Kemper has implemented the cabs sounds more lively.

  • The same way all IRs of speaker cabs are generated - there are millions of them available now. Look up convolution and deconvolution.

    Earlier it was stated that there was a better way to capture just a cab with the QC that would include capture of non linearities and be superior a normal IR capture. The QC manual doesn't mention this.

    If you need a clean amp, then that is no different to a kemper

  • There’s no cab capture mode.

    When you capture a cab with a flat poweramp there will be quite a different interaction as with the original poweramp.

    Once you have captured every element individually, I doubt it would sound anything like a full capture of the whole rig because of this.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5