• That's just how how perceive things. Doesn't mean it is true.

    Frankly, implying that people who are into gear might be jealous of your new toy, just because they don't agree with you, is even a little childish, no offense.

    No offense taken. I never implied that though. Not once. That's just how you perceive things. Doesn't mean it's true. ;)

    I just stated the fact that some people in this thread assume that if I say something critical about the Kemper that it "equals a negative mindset or bad intentions" which of course, it does not.

    I'm just illustrating that you seem to want to shine the light in one direction only, when in fact it should be shined all around.

    It's possible to be both a fan and longtime user of the Kemper, and also be critical of its shortcomings.

    Holding both of those ideas in one's head seems to be very difficult for certain Kemper users these days.

  • No offense taken. I never implied that though. Not once. That's just how you perceive things. Doesn't mean it's true. ;)

    I just stated the fact that some people in this thread assume that if I say something critical about the Kemper that it "equals a negative mindset or bad intentions" which of course, it does not.

    I'm just illustrating that you seem to want to shine the light in one direction only, when in fact it should be shined all around.

    It's possible to be both a fan and longtime user of the Kemper, and also be critical of its shortcomings.

    Holding both of those ideas in one's head seems to be very difficult for certain Kemper users these days.

    True, but this is a thread about QC. I didn't see anyone defending the Kemper. I think most people said that in Bea's video the QC sounded better. The only debate was about whether that video is accurate or not, that's all.

    I don't even know why you think it's QC vs Kemper. It's not. People are just pointing out QC's potential flaws and some just can't take that criticism. It's the same in the huge TGP thread.

    ( also, disclaimer, in my opinion QC will be a huge let-down, at least in the beginning and it's nowhere close to the Kemper outside of a handful of flashy "features" that don't do much for me )

    Edited once, last by andreio23 (February 15, 2021 at 7:56 PM).

  • ?! What? LOL

    Oh, I get it! It’s part of the big conspiracy to bring down this year’s rehash of the “kemper killer”. :))

    Last year it was Mooer, now it’s QC.

    Do you see any qc threads at Fractal’s?

    No! it’s an orchestrated effort by a Secret cabal of guitar gear manufacturers!!!!!

    That misdirection won't hunt. Wanna try again? ;)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Out of tinfoil, sorry!

    Also, go to Fractal, Line6, Ndsp, Atomic forums.

    Do you see an “other gear” section where they exclusively talk about other modelers?

    Go, I’ll wait!

    What you are purposely missing (besides the point) is that you "could" view the "Other Gear" tab not logged in, like all the rest of them, up until about a week ago... Now why do you think that is Mr. tinfoil?

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • I don't even know why you think it's QC vs Kemper. It's not. People are just pointing out QC's potential flaws and some just can't take that criticism. It's the same in the huge TGP thread.

    People are just pointing out Kemper’s shortcomings and some just can’t take that criticism.

    Are you seriously going to tell me that nobody is reflexively defending Kemper when some of us mention areas where it can be improved?

    How odd.

    “QC will be a huge let-down, at least in the beginning and it's nowhere close to the Kemper ...”

    Coming from someone who has never tried the QC, this counts as defending Kemper ^^^

    And you’re fully entitled to it that opinion! But...how would you know?

    None of us do.

    This is all very strange.

  • You seem to have a personal problem with this community and the Kemper Profiler.

    You found a new love? Nice, go and be happy, nobody will stop you.

  • I find the "Kemper Boys" vs. "Kemper Haters," frequent discussions in this thread interesting. I don't know about all you but I am a "Guitar Boy," and favor anything that gives me the chance to have a better playing experience. If you are oriented to only favor, love, and use this pile of parts, chips, and firmware over "their" and pile of parts, chips, and firmware, then your option is worthless to me.

    This all is about playing guitar. Making guitar tones, and occasionally noise. Having FUN with my guitars and equipment.

    How I do that is irrelevant to who's silly name is on the box. I'd love every new piece of modeling, profile, replicating gear to reach new heights win accuracy and tones. But I am not blindly buying into the corporate marketing Kool-Aid, and their minions mindlessly following their BS doctrine.

    You gotta have the right guns when you enter the town of tone. And please, shoot ALL fanboys you come across!

  • After revisiting the Neural Privacy Policy, and the data they say they will collect, I searched to see if any discussion of requiring an iLok account to use the QC Cloud had been made. Found no mention found of iLok relative to QC, which makes me want to know if it its a potential or not ......

    I’m not sure about the QC cloud but this thread made me curious about Neural DSP in general so I downloaded the 14 day free trial of some of their plugins. They need iLock to activate them. I don’t know if that is a one time only deal or if it only applies to the plugins though.

    One of the things that really p%%%ed me off about my Two Notes Wall of sound plugin in was the constant need to revalidate my credentials by going through the whole process every few months. I eventually stopped using it all together after I got the Kemper.

    Anyway, back to Neural.

    I played around with the plug ins (Cory Wong, Cali Suite and Nameless). They sound really good. No better than my Kemper and not that much better than my old Guitar Rig 5 but still some nice sounds. I even profiled one of them (Cali Suite on OD2) and the Kemper pretty much nailed it.

    I definitely don’t hear anything game changing in the plugins and I can’t justify spending the money on them but they are still nice and good quality. Everything has a very bright polished slightly scooped sound that I’m not massively keen on but I can totally understand why the metal guys might like them. The UI seems OK but again nothing ground breaking. In fact when running as a VST in Logic the graphics are too small to be comfortable to use and the changes between Pedal, amp and Cab sections feel slow and cumbersome compared to other stuff I have.

    Basically, if the QC is of similar quality to the plugins I think it will be another viable player in the marketplace. It will appeal to some people and not others (the form factor, touch screen and wall wart are big turnoffs for me) and might be the device that gets a lot more people into the digital realm for the first time because of the interface/form factor/artist endorsements etc.

    I for one wish them well and welcome fresh blood but I certainly won’t be splashing the cash.

  • Imagine you run a studio and you get hired by a pro act to record a new album. You sign an NDA for this job to happen. The guys want custom profiles/captures so they can use them on stage. Great, I profile their sounds and hand them a pendrive with the profiles. Done.

    Now they ask me for QC captures and the only way to make them available is through the cloud. Breach of NDA, I can't guarantee that nobody will ever get access to them. At least it's not in my immediate control and responsibility.

    Rule #1: NEVER EVER use cloud services to distribute protected, non-public, confidential materials! Just don't do it!

  • Why would using the cloud for a designed-in backup copy of the QC captures be violating an NDA? Sounds like someone wrote the rules of the NDA without knowing the equipment they would be using...

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • This is what I am wondering myself.There so many strange little problems to use the qc in a more serious environment.

    One has not to be a "kemper fanboy" to point them out.But obviously we are not allowed to say this...because then we are "defensive" or "weird".


    It is also funny to see that no other forum from fractal over line6 to the super open and social media friendly neural.. have "other gear" place in their blogs?

  • Like I said, if Neural dropped the cloud requirement, I'd be on board.

    I cancelled my pre order due to the cloud issue! Where I'm living in Europe at the moment, I have a studio in a very remote area, no Wifi, nothing there, my phone doesn't even work there! Need to go about a mile away to get phone service, so QC won't work for me, luckily my Kemper rack sounds fine, I wanted the QC to set up for live gigs, looks like I might end up getting a 3rd Stage for that (first 2 were defective and lost trust on them) .. Obviously at the house where I live I have good internet/WIFI, but not at the remote studio where I have all my tube amps etc, I understand the cloud being very convenient, But local backups of individual captures is necessary for my way of working, not about to carry the QC back and forth from studio to house just to save and load captures..

  • In any case..this thread has no purpose.It is just a lots of negative energy.And I am sorry to say that neural has a good portion to be blamed on this.Again.This is an extremely aggressive marketing.And no good business model.

    Besides this..till yet..there is nothing I have heard from the qc which makes me believe that all these negative energy is "worth it".

    Sorry to have once again posted in here.It is the last time.

  • I cancelled my pre order due to the cloud issue! Where I'm living in Europe at the moment, I have a studio in a very remote area, no Wifi, nothing there, my phone doesn't even work there! Need to go about a mile away to get phone service, so QC won't work for me

    This is the 1st legit reason I have read that makes common sense in canceling the QC because of the cloud. I hope someday you will have better access in your studio DigitalTube! :)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • I cancelled my pre order due to the cloud issue! Where I'm living in Europe at the moment, I have a studio in a very remote area, no Wifi, nothing there, my phone doesn't even work there! Need to go about a mile away to get phone service, so QC won't work for me, luckily my Kemper rack sounds fine, I wanted the QC to set up for live gigs, looks like I might end up getting a 3rd Stage for that (first 2 were defective and lost trust on them) .. Obviously at the house where I live I have good internet/WIFI, but not at the remote studio where I have all my tube amps etc, I understand the cloud being very convenient, But local backups of individual captures is necessary for my way of working, not about to carry the QC back and forth from studio to house just to save and load captures..

    You'd be able to save and load captures you create using the device without the internet. You just can't save them to your computer without being connected. Eventually, when the editor is released, you'll be able to make full backups without the internet, as well. The thing you can't do without the internet is download new presets and captures. You also can't share presets/captures with others, and that's apparently not going to change, even when the editor is released.