• Threads that vanished into oblivion because the claims could never be backed up.

    The thing is: the internet doesn’t forget (even the fake claims).
    Don't waste your time with it.

    It is there, so I'm not why you state otherwise. Ck referenced the old Andersons video. Within that they even said that there was a difference but they did like the result. It would be nice for someone to work with the vendor to walk through things. I no longer have amps otherwise I would do it.

  • And this also cast a bad light onto NDSP.
    If I were CEO there I'd have forbidden any comparative advertisement pre-sale when done so badly, because it is so uncool and un-classy. I'd have insisted to let the unit speak for itself. Instead we see all half-assed downplaying of the contender.

    How embarrassing! In NDSP's shoes I'd already feel a certain degree of external shame right now.

    I don't know. To me it seems like a very carefully orchestrated marketing campaign with a script, pretty much all of them try to compare. They are all paid to do it. They definitely (inc. Rabea, who admitted he wants to be a professional gear reviewer and that's what he is) are biased. Whether the unit is "better" or not, it's irrelevant. The way they promote it is not for me, way too obvious.

    I'll check the thing myself and form my own opinion as soon as I can. Kemper is not going anywhere, nonetheless, I work with a heavy drummer and this thing wouldn't survive him stomping on it, remote does :)

    I may take an opinion of someone like Michael Nielsen who has incredible gear and sound knowledge and can make great profiles (he won't BS and practice grimacing before shooting the video) - if he ever gets to it.

  • Hey Christoph! Thanks for these thoughts.

    What I would say is that changing the amp block parameters (pick attack, compressor, sag, tube shape, etc) can radically change the sound of a profile, and many many times you can get better sounds and/or closer to the real amp.

    But it isn't really fun to sit there tweaking all these things, trying to get closer to the real amp. Playing my guitar is fun for sure! :)

    I remember many a year ago we exchanged emails about profiling the Diezel D-Moll, and palm mute differences. I don't know if any extra work was done in this area since then, but I am happy to do some more tests if you want, focusing specifically about palm mutes and the low-end cloudiness that Rabea describes it; because over the various years of owning the Kemper (I had my first one in 2011, and have owned several since then too) I can agree with him - the palm mute reactions and the low-mid frequency response has always been a little off.

    It's a great device - and you're a very intelligent and admirable company, so I'm sure there is something you could do in this space.

    I have to hand:

    Marshall JVM410HJS

    Diezel D-Moll

    Diezel VH4

    Orange Rockerverb 100 MKIII

    VHT Sig:X


    Marshall JCM800 4x12 with T75's

    Marshall Mode Four 4x12 with K100's

    Egnater Tourmaster 4x12 with Chinese V30's

    I'd be totally happy to take some profiles and really explore this with you.


  • I don't know. To me it seems like a very carefully orchestrated marketing campaign, pretty much all of them try to compare. They are all paid to do it. They definitely (inc. Rabea, who admitted he wants to be a professional gear reviewer and that's what he is) are biased. Whether the unit is "better" or not, it's irrelevant. The way they promote it is not for me, way too obvious.

    I'll check the thing myself and form my own opinion as soon as I can. Kemper is not going anywhere, nonetheless, I work with a heavy drummer and this thing wouldn't survive him stomping on it, remote does :)

    The fact they are biased is not even the worst thing. All through the video I felt like Rabea was kinda dismissive and bored when talking about the Kemper. All these guys used the Kemper on most of their work for years now. All of the sudden they forget how to properly profile and operate and demonstrate the Kemper.

    At some point Rabea even had profiles with his name on them. How can you trust and respect people who were praising a device 1 year ago and now that they're paid by the competition display a total disregard towards it ...

    I mean, even if he liked the new device better that's no way to put out a comparison video not to mention the first one where he "forgot" to refine the profiles ...

  • At some point Rabea even had profiles with his name on them

    Sure he actually made them himself?

    Maybe he wasn't even in the same room, city, county, contry when they were made?

    Maybe I'm wrong and he creates everything that carries his name himself? Who knows :D

    BTW: If you happen to click the link ... notice that these are custom designed FOR Rabea Massad ... not even custom designed BY Rabea Massad?

  • Yes.Soemthing here is fishy.But we don't know who or what..all I can say we had one,two similar shows here in this blog when "competitive products" appeared on the market.

    That some guys suddenly appear and "warm up" old memes (like "cocked wah") is in my book just lame.

    More so that since then the kemper was found on to many stages and world tours of to many big names that these claims dissapeared.Nobody was so crazy to claim that Mark Knopfler is an idiot who does not hear a "kemper sound" in his profiles.

    Now..warming up old stinky food..okay..to each his own.Cheap tricks.Wont help.

    This glenn guy just made his "review" and if the qc really sounds like this (or in this other "Fluff" and some other folks) it will be eaten alive by the kemper and the axefx3.

    And no hype or promos will help.

    Again.Time to close this thread.This is disgusting.

    Edited once, last by Nikos (February 6, 2021 at 7:14 PM).

  • Sure he actually made them himself?

    Maybe he wasn't even in the same room, city, county, contry when they were made?

    Maybe I'm wrong and he creates everything that carries his name himself? Who knows :D

    BTW: If you happen to click the link ... notice that these are custom designed FOR Rabea Massad ... not even custom designed BY Rabea Massad?

    Didn't say he made them himself. He associated himself with this product endorsed it.

  • Any chance of staying on topic a bit more guys? It’s a thread about the QC, could we stay on this rather than bashing reviewers or even the Kemper?
    Apologies in advance if anyone takes offence, it’s just I’m quite interested in the QC and very impressed at how the Kemper company have handled themselves in this thread.

    It gets a little frustrating finding the nuggets amongst all these posts, many of which aren’t relevant.

  • The main problem with these comparison videos is that they all apply the same process to both units. They assume that because QC capturing is single step process, it should be the same on Kemper. This is flawed logic: these units are not the same and Kemper offers way more knobs to tweak the sound if profile turned out to be slightly off (which can happen - this is solving for non-linear equation in complex space, some errors may happen). However given that we're living in dumbed down world where everything needs to be single touch, single click and happen magically Kemper's approach doesn't look very appealing, when profile needs some more work. And I guess video showing someone tweaking a profile for 10 minutes would not generate a lot of views... It is easier to show "magic" and contrast it with half baked profile claiming that "it's not quite there".

    That being said - QC captures are spot on to my ears and their approach looks magical - which is something refreshing and new. And to be honest I'm a bit surprised that so many people are surprised that NeuralDSP pulled this off :) - Todays CPUs are ultra powerful and code optimized for a specific CPU that exploits all pipelining, out of order execution, caches, NUMA etc. can run extremely fast when put in hands of clever and knowledgable people. Of course you get untweakable capture in the end, but how this is different from people who don't tweak profiles on Kemper but just try another one from the pack until they find what they like?

    I love my Profiler every single day and it is quite unlikely that I'll ever switch to anything else - but I can see how QC can look appealing to many - it is on the path to become the most popular unit, IMHO. Not among pro-musician with this version due to some annoying issues - button spacing, wall wart, big touch screen, rotary encoders in buttons you step on with dirty shoes (but pro-musicians might be smaller market than you think, when compared to bedroom and amateur crowd).

  • Nikos Please stop your "Mark Knopfler, Mark Knopfler, Mark Knopfler..." thing :D

    Or I start my Paul Landers thing: Paul Landers is no idiot, that is why he is still using his Sansamp GT-2. Steve Hackett is still using the Sansamp GT-2 too! They could not be wrong ;)

    And don't demand this thread to be closed. Just leave and ignore it. Problem solved for you.

  • In a couple years from now, Helix 2 or Kemper 2 or Axe FX 4 or whatever have you will employ Rabea and Pete thorn to do paid promotions and they will highlight why those products are better than whatever they promoted in the past lmao. Just the nature of the game. Im still super excited for this to come out and for us to see more of it to make more informed decisions. it looks like a really cool product

  • It looks like the QC has proven, that it can Capture the amp tone as good or maybe even more accurately, than Kemper.

    I could not believe this might happen, but after all the HYPE starting from the announcement of QC about a year ago it actually seems to deliver!

    Kemper is as great unit as it was yesterday. I feel bad when comparison talk turns into this direction, where suddenly Kemper is inaccurate at profiling. So far Kemper has been one of the best if not the best sounding Digital Amp solution.

    While we keep all this in mind, QC is looking to be the Next Gen Big Name in the game. Time will tell.

    Gear: Kemper Profiler | Neural DSP Plugins
    Guitars: .Strandberg* 

  • I actually find it quite amusing how people are nitpicking about really minor differences, assuming that a perfect 1-to-1 copy is the best sound. Is it really? I mean, shifting the mic 1 cm or using a "famous" pre has more impact and would lead to an equally desirable result.

    In the end it should be about the sound itself - the feel of it under the fingers. Why bother wasting time with A/B scenarios?

    And for those who still are looking for an ultimate copy, as many already pointed out: Sure, the QC seems to be the better plug-and-play capture, but does anybody of you really think that with all the adjustable parameters in a Kemper you could not get to an equally perfect match?

  • Well at this point QC beeing the new kid on the block, it has pretty big job to prove it capabilities and of course these comparison videos are a must have.

    This time coversation has moved into the direction, that profiles has been done wrong or ”of course we can get Kemper sound the same after little tweaking”. This just proves, that QC has hit the home run in Capturing amp tones.

    Gear: Kemper Profiler | Neural DSP Plugins
    Guitars: .Strandberg* 

  • And for those who still are looking for an ultimate copy, as many already pointed out: Sure, the QC seems to be the better plug-and-play capture, but does anybody of you really think that with all the adjustable parameters in a Kemper you could not get to an equally perfect match?

    I do wish we could remain balanced here - we're not saying the Kemper is bad. We're just (and have been for years) trying to identify a particular issue, and establish what could eventually be a fix for it. Christoph seems happy enough to have the discussion.

    Yes. I really do think that with all of the adjustable parameters in a Kemper, I cannot get 1:1 match in terms of palm-mute response and low-mid frequency response using the Kemper. And since I play metal, post-rock, and progressive styles, doing a lot of palm muted and stacatto runs, this is important to me.

    And a lot of other people care about it too.

    This isn't a new discussion, the QC videos have just reignited it, which is to be expected when the goal here is to capture the souls of our valve amp collections.

  • It is outrageous that an official promoter of a neural product uses claims which were used before in a negative way and with no proof.

    Thats not cool.

    And in the thread on TGP, a Kemper Forum Moderator (who I will not name) has been spreading rumors, with no proof, the the reason for the QC delay is that they are likely being sued by Kemper.

    Is that cool?

    Just move on. No need to demand that this thread be closed. I get that you’re very attached to your Kemper and a bit defensive (this is obvious) but if Kemper starts closing forum threads they don’t like, this community will quickly get labeled as just another version of the Fractal forum, and we will deserve it.

  • The fact they are biased is not even the worst thing. All through the video I felt like Rabea was kinda dismissive and bored when talking about the Kemper. All these guys used the Kemper on most of their work for years now. All of the sudden they forget how to properly profile and operate and demonstrate the Kemper.

    At some point Rabea even had profiles with his name on them. How can you trust and respect people who were praising a device 1 year ago and now that they're paid by the competition display a total disregard towards it ...

    I mean, even if he liked the new device better that's no way to put out a comparison video not to mention the first one where he "forgot" to refine the profiles ...

    In the Rabea video he was quite clear that he had happily used Kemper for a long time and still owns it. Is he now not allowed to prefer a newer piece of technology?

    Personally I am not convinced on some issues with the QC, but I wouldn't discount it if they make a rack version with IEC lead in the future.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5