Rig Manager 3.0 Beta Release Discussion Thread

  • Ok, today I tried multiple times to create a new performance filling each of the five slots with the same rig (Michael Britt Taylor K4 3). First, it would not allow me to save it local or to the Kemper using the orange buttons at the bottom of the main screen. Then, most or all of the slots were reverting to crunch when I changed slots. Then, it started crashing and giving me an error message when I tried to drag and drop the rig onto new slots in a new performance. I shut down and rebooted a couple of times. Will submit to support but attaching the error pic here for reference.

    Yeah, I got the same trying to add a rig to an empty slot. Pressing the switch for that slot does nothing except make the morph light on the current slot flash momentarily (!). Moving to the new slot (which has the rig name in it) using the arrow keys next to the display (this is the Stage btw), as soon as you get to the new slot/rig, you get that error screen and have to reboot. At first I panicked, but deleting the slot in Rig Manager solved the problem.

  • So the bad news is I'm short on time this weekend.

    The good news is that my first impressions are 'absolutely fantastic'. Thank you very much to the team that made this. I've had my Kemper for many years and it's incredible that it's actually still improving each year since the time I had it. This does not happen with most other electronics and I'm very grateful that it's the gift that keeps on giving.

    I have been politely asking for an editor for many years and I am over the moon - the layout for doing this stuff on a PC screen vs going through 6+ menus on some of the delays just makes so much more sense to my brain. For the guys that don't want it / need it, no worries. For me, this has given my beloved green box another massive boost in the usability. We are all wired differently and this works for me better than the front panel. Strange but true.

    As I use it more over the coming weeks I'll no doubt make some suggestions but so far, so good :)

    One thing - I followed the instructions (latest software via USB and then installed Rig Manager). Reboots, cable fiddles etc did not help me - the Kemper worked, and I could see my local library but the Kemper just would not talk to the PC. I unistalled Rig Manager and re-installed. It then worked without any further problems. Thought I'd share in case this helps someone else.

  • Ok, today I tried multiple times to create a new performance filling each of the five slots with the same rig (Michael Britt Taylor K4 3). First, it would not allow me to save it local or to the Kemper using the orange buttons at the bottom of the main screen. Then, most or all of the slots were reverting to crunch when I changed slots. Then, it started crashing and giving me an error message when I tried to drag and drop the rig onto new slots in a new performance. I shut down and rebooted a couple of times. Will submit to support but attaching the error pic here for reference.

    Yep, had the same thing happening to me. I've posted about it here:

    Rig Manager 3 is available for testing ?

    I've also emailed KPR support at suggested in the error msg.

  • On my Windows 8.1 computer, everything seemed to install correctly but when I run Rig Manager it looks like it's launching (splash screen, progress bar, etc.) but then it just dies--no error message or anything.

    It seems to be working fine on my Windows 10 computer so far.

    Kemper guys--let me know if you'd like logs or anything.

    I thought someone said that Win 10 was a requirement for Rig Manager....no?


    Todd in Chicago

  • Ok, today I tried multiple times to create a new performance filling each of the five slots with the same rig (Michael Britt Taylor K4 3). First, it would not allow me to save it local or to the Kemper using the orange buttons at the bottom of the main screen. Then, most or all of the slots were reverting to crunch when I changed slots. Then, it started crashing and giving me an error message when I tried to drag and drop the rig onto new slots in a new performance. I shut down and rebooted a couple of times. Will submit to support but attaching the error pic here for reference.

    I get the same error/crash.

  • Ok, today I tried multiple times to create a new performance filling each of the five slots with the same rig (Michael Britt Taylor K4 3). First, it would not allow me to save it local or to the Kemper using the orange buttons at the bottom of the main screen. Then, most or all of the slots were reverting to crunch when I changed slots. Then, it started crashing and giving me an error message when I tried to drag and drop the rig onto new slots in a new performance. I shut down and rebooted a couple of times. Will submit to support but attaching the error pic here for reference.

    Same thing here.

    I've spent the last 2 hours trying to create a new performance. No luck

    Really frustrating.

    Kemper crashed probably 7/8 times. Had to delete the performance in Kemper to stop it from crashing.

    When creating a new performance rigs would switch slots.

    Rigs would revert back to crunch.

    Dragging presets into rigs would work some times.

    Could not save changes in RM. Orange save would be grayed out.

    I would be starting at rig manager showing me one thing and kemper showing a different thing.

    Very frustrating experience so far.