Rig Manager 3 is available for testing ?

  • For me on Windows 8.1 64 bit the issue is with the new rigeditor.dll which is the new dll added that allows the new editor functions

    when i removed this from the new 3.0rm install directory then it loads up fine but of course without the new editing features :(

    Otherwise for me it just crashes and will not open up.

    Please fix this issue.

  • I don't think it's about cheapo hardware, so it's a cat you can probably skin (if you're into hairless felines, of course). If you're getting an error about a missing dll, there's a good chance that there are Windows updates that you haven't installed. Usually these updates are automatic but sometimes installations don't happen properly (Stuff Happens).

    If it were me, I would Google the name of the dll. You'll have to wade through a lot of "is this a virus?" results but if you keep going you'll probably find a reference to a Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article or update referring to that dll.

    It may also be related to a device driver, which can be it's own thing, but again it's a problem that can probably be solved.

    If you'll post the name of it, I don't mind doing a little poking around to see what I can learn. There are guys here who work on the IT / support side of the fence who would be even better resources and some of them may chime in as well.

    Hi Chris,

    I've followed a few 'How to' guides trying to resolve it including modifying a couple of files in the registry. All without luck.

    It doesn't specify a dll, just that one is missing.

    Error: "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor"

  • I'm having issues dragging effects into my presets library. When I try to drag a treble booster (for example) into my local preset library I get an error saying, "Import has failed. Rig Manager didn't find any suitable files to import. This happens if the items are unknown or damaged."

  • Hi Chris,

    I've followed a few 'How to' guides trying to resolve it including modifying a couple of files in the registry. All without luck.

    It doesn't specify a dll, just that one is missing.

    Error: "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor"

    Hey, Chu.

    I would recommend getting in touch with Kemper and including the specifics on the version of Windows that you're currently running, i.e. the build, etc. rather than just "Windows 10". It'll help them with debugging.

    You might have uncovered something in the installer that they can address, solving your problem and keeping others from experiencing it.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • At the moment there is just one feature I would appreciate: to change the values manually (digit the numbers under the knobs) and not just turning the knobs virtually. If this is the only way I feel more accurate with the real knobs on the unit.

    I’m missing something?
  • To be honest windows 7 is over 10 years old. You wouldn’t want your phone to be that old you’d be on an Apple iPhone 3GS or an old shite Nokia.

    Also and using the same analogy you’d be on kemper OS 1 (If the tech was even invented by then).

    I suppose something just move on?

  • In this day EOL also means no updates and lack of security updates will put a system at risk. I work in the disaster recovery field and I for one would not recommend running a system that touches the internet on an OS that is EOL.

  • Every time I try to save from RM, the option grays as if it saved, but it never does lol. I've seen some other posts from other users having a similar problem.

    Saving the changes made on the editor, via the Store button on the Stage, the save functions work properly.

    So far I've only been able to test this with Performances in Performance mode. I'm going to test it out with Rigs while in Browse mode and hopefully I'll have better luck!

  • Every time I try to save from RM, the option grays as if it saved, but it never does lol. I've seen some other posts from other users having a similar problem.

    Saving the changes made on the editor, via the Store button on the Stage, the save functions work properly.

    So far I've only been able to test this with Performances in Performance mode. I'm going to test it out with Rigs while in Browse mode and hopefully I'll have better luck!

    I've had better luck creating/saving performances with the chickenhead knob in Browse mode

  • In 30 years of being connected to the Internet, I honestly can't recall ever getting hacked or a virus. Personally, I'm more suspicious of the company that gives it's latest OS away "for free" in order to get people to adopt it.

    Probably because you’ve been sensible and used a supported OS. Once unsupported, it’s literally open season.

    Microsoft giving its OS away is good business. Ask Apple.

  • So you rarely need new things and dont need updates to firmware either? What year model car do you drive, or is that a horse and buggy? ;)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user