Rigs missing from browse pool, but still available in saved performances

  • Hi, after update to 7...all rigs are missing in the browser (I have scrolled through all rigs, favourites, current author etc), but they are still showing in the performances I have set up.

    Any way other than a restore from back up to get these visible?



    PRS Custom 22's - Fender Strats - Diezel VH4 - Carol Ann OD2 - Toneking Imperial MK2 - Colin the Kemper - CLR Neo ii.

  • I just discovered the same thing. Performances still seem to have them (thank goodness), but the Browser is missing a bunch. Not sure what to do from here without goofing something up. I've got a gig next week and can't afford to start over building 60+ performances. Hopefully someone can chime in who knows how to rectify this.

  • I think rigs and performances are pretty independent as long as you are not building the performances directly on the Kemper. I build my performances with the RigManager and with rigs which I have in local folders (outside of the Kemper). Actually I never loaded any rigs onto the Kemper, just deleted a lot and cleaned it up. When I load the performances it does not matter which rigs are on the Kemper.

  • The Performance memory is separate from the Browse Mode Rigs.

    Check your Rig View settings - For example: are you looking at Favorites only?

    I suggest ANYONE who has missing Rigs after an update should contact Kemper Staff, ASAP.

    Since you have an upcoming gig, you can restore your Rigs from any Backup. You could restore the entire Backup with a USB drive, or use Rig Manager to restore selected items.

  • Thank you for the advice. I build my performances in Rig Manager, however I no longer see many of my purchased Rigs in Rig Manager or on the Kemper itself. I've tried Initializing Globals (all it did was jack up my Output levels) and also tried holding in the Rig button while powering on to rebuild the database as the manual suggests. That was unsuccessful as well. Looks like I need to write Kemper. Thanks again!!

  • I have had a few rigs go missing too. In fact, the main profile I took from my Mesa Boogie Mk3 that I based most of my performances on is no longer showing in the Rigs on my Stage. The two profiles I took after that I don’t use are there.

    Fortunately, because I built most of my performances from the missing profile, I still have it.

  • ALL my rigs are missing in browse pool, but they are still there in performances.

    I have gone through the 'view only' options on browse pool - favourites - author - all - etc...but they're still not showing!

    Gig tomorrow...cant...touch...anything!! :D

    PRS Custom 22's - Fender Strats - Diezel VH4 - Carol Ann OD2 - Toneking Imperial MK2 - Colin the Kemper - CLR Neo ii.

  • So, let me ask this... Since it's said that rigs and performances are completely separate. If I were to delete all rigs and reload the rigs, would it impact your current performances?

    No. Rigs in Performance mode have their own memory locations. Deleting rigs in the browse pool has zero effect on rigs in performances

    I’ve actually done what you’ve suggested. The two are totally independent.

    From the manual “Rigs contained in Slots of Performances are stored in a dedicated memory area, so you can tweak them independently from their parent Rigs in your browse pool.”

  • No. Rigs in Performance mode have their own memory locations. Deleting rigs in the browse pool has zero effect on rigs in performances

    I’ve actually done what you’ve suggested. The two are totally independent.

    From the manual “Rigs contained in Slots of Performances are stored in a dedicated memory area, so you can tweak them independently from their parent Rigs in your browse pool.”

    So this gives me a whole lotta hope. I would like to go into the Rigs Browse pool, blow what remains away, reload the Factory Content, load all the rigs I've purchased over the past year, and then start fresh (thankfully with my performances still intact). I'm not seeing under System where you can restore the Factory Content like you could in previous versions. In 7.0.9 I can't find it. Am I missing it somewhere? I emailed support regarding this issue 4 days ago but as of yet haven't heard anything back from them.

  • Update -

    Peter from Kemper support got back to me and asked me to check a few things. One thing he asked was if the missing rigs reappeared if downgrading the OS back to a previous version. He also went on to say that if they did, then there may be a problem with the current OS (7.0.9). I downgraded to and all my rigs came back except for the one rig pack I installed after upgrading to 7.0.9, it is now missing. So at this point I'm waiting to hear back from support as to what to do.

  • The Performance memory is separate from the Browse Mode Rigs.

    Check your Rig View settings - For example: are you looking at Favorites only?

    I suggest ANYONE who has missing Rigs after an update should contact Kemper Staff, ASAP.

    Since you have an upcoming gig, you can restore your Rigs from any Backup. You could restore the entire Backup with a USB drive, or use Rig Manager to restore selected items.

    SinceI did a Rig search in RM Version V2.3.24.15126 (Toaster is version all my Rig Folder disapeared, also all Kemper Factory Folders...

    I made sure the search-line is really empty and did a Backup-Restore, but still everything is gone...

    I also wrotew to support a minute ago..

  • I hope you get it all sorted. I had a different issue (I have contacted support a few days ago but have not heard), I updated Rig Manager before updating the profiler so they stopped talking to each other. I then manually updated Profiler, but unfortunately they are not talking to each other. Now I'm worried that some rigs may be gone like the OP. I'll have to check tonight.

    So are some of you saying that even though you had a backup, it hasn't worked? I always worry about this.

  • I hope you get it all sorted. I had a different issue (I have contacted support a few days ago but have not heard), I updated Rig Manager before updating the profiler so they stopped talking to each other. I then manually updated Profiler, but unfortunately they are not talking to each other. Now I'm worried that some rigs may be gone like the OP. I'll have to check tonight.

    So are some of you saying that even though you had a backup, it hasn't worked? I always worry about this.

    Had the same problem and deleted and installed RM new, since then it works,

    Take a look here: After 7.0.9 Update I can no longer see My Profiler in Rig Manager

  • Hi guys, just an update all is good in my world again. Just for anyone interested, I was about to uninstall as suggested by aehaem, but I right clicked on the programme and one of the options was "repair". So I thought lets what happens, and it worked. Cheers all, the Kemper family to the rescue again.