Who's using their FR powered monitor for un-mic'd stage volume?

  • The band I'm in (I'm an occasional fill in) just doesn't want to have the guitars and bass going through the FOH speakers.

    We're playing average sports bar venues. I guess I'll just have it on a stick behind me pointing forward.

    Anyone else doing this?

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

    Edited once, last by HCarlH (May 23, 2019 at 2:46 PM).

  • Not exactly the same, and for different reasons, but... in my last project, I had my Kemper sitting on a Tech 21 Power Engine behind me, a line going to the FOH, and an Alto TS210 on the floor in front of me. The FOH still mixed the line in, but in kept it out of my mix monitor. It took up some valuable floor real estate, but for whatever reasons, I found this the best solution for me to hear myself in the mix, and to not have the Tech 21 too hot in the stage wash.

  • I'm in a band that has traditionally only had vocals through PA.

    I have used a Yamaha DXR10 as backline, also a XiTone MBritt 1x12, and now testing a Bose L1.

    I now have my vocals and guitar into the L1 rather successfully.

    All the above speakers sound great.

  • I had my Kemper sitting on a Tech 21 Power Engine behind me, ...

    My P.E. has been sitting unused for a few years so I'm going to put the Kemper Kone in it when available. I'm hoping it gives me the tone the stock P.E. didn't have.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • My P.E. has been sitting unused for a few years so I'm going to put the Kemper Kone in it when available. I'm hoping it gives me the tone the stock P.E. didn't have.

    I want to try putting that in the MBritt as well!

    BTW, I had the DXR10 and the MBritt on the floor, but raising them up could be good too!

  • I bet the band thought the guy with the Les Paul was an asshole the first few shows.8|

    Carl Perkins! What a great time for the beginning of popular music. It was downhill after that. :D

    Thanks everybody for the input. I'll use the QSC K10 + stick for now until the Kemper Kone is released.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Its the same principle as using a regular cab, with all the same issues...projection, balance etc.

    I really don't understand that attitude..... we mic everything up at every venue for sound control. Its way harder to get the right balance without it and reduces the need for on stage volume.

    I suggest, just keep turning the volume up (to make sure people at the back can hear you)...the band will hopefully get fed up and accept it should go through FOH...

    Seriously with a wedge, as long as its facing the audience then you should be fine. I think FRFR is less directional as well ???

    Hope it works out...

  • For an experienced combo in a small venue, mic’ing nothing but vocals is sublime. The potential is for everything to gel. In my experience doing that with the Kemper, a real guitar cab makes a big difference versus the dxr and clr that I gigged many times. Yes, with a decent soundman, very slight PA reinforcement is great too, where you feel the stage but achieve greater clarity. But for bands that can’t or choose not to self-modulate their own volume, the PA isn’t necessarily going to solve their problems.

  • I really don't understand that attitude..... we mic everything up at every venue for sound control. Its way harder to get the right balance without it and reduces the need for on stage volume.


    Hope it works out...

    The bassist is 60-ish and old school.....60s garage band thing. They did try a few times, but it's his P.A. and he doesn't want to set up and run sound from stage.
    This is the first band I've been in where they do it like that. My traditional amps have always been used only as a monitor and mic'd; I've never cranked an amp to feel it move air.

    Thank you!

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • The bassist is 60-ish and old school.....60s garage band thing. They did try a few times, but it's his P.A. and he doesn't want to set up and run sound from stage.
    This is the first band I've been in where they do it like that. My traditional amps have always been used only as a monitor and mic'd; I've never cranked an amp to feel it move air.

    Thank you!

    I feel for you.

    I’ve not done gigs with guitar only coming from the backline since the early 1990’s. I can’t understand why anyone would choose to run on stage volumes when you have a PA.

  • The bassist is 60-ish and old school.....60s garage band thing. They did try a few times, but it's his P.A. and he doesn't want to set up and run sound from stage.
    This is the first band I've been in where they do it like that. My traditional amps have always been used only as a monitor and mic'd; I've never cranked an amp to feel it move air.

    Thank you!

    Yeah I do know people who have thought like this but to me its got way more dis-advantages than advantages, mainly a better overall sound. Who would not want that?

    I also feel for ya dude..