Change in profile sounds since reverbs?

  • It’s not a bad idea to keep the previous couple of release versions up on the site just in case.

    If the reason you don’t to that is because upgrades may change rig data making downgrading not feasible then maybe a good feature to add to the rig manager would be to - have it make a backup of your whole system locally to a subfolder as it upgrades and allow rollback that not only installs the older OS but installs your older rigs.

  • i think you should delete this Pic of the spreadsheet , contains Private E Mail and Tel Numbers from the

    guy who sent you the PM

    Don't think he will find this funny seeing this data in Public

    Wasn’t supposed to be funny. Most of it was in a different language foreign to me it was the 3rd non working link that was sent so I posted it to get clarification on how to obtain the previous OS version. * It was pulled as soon as the member indicated it wasn’t pertinent to my query. I appreciate his help in the matter unlike your constant unhelpful banter.

    I don’t think it should have to be a forum members responsibility to supply owners with troubleshooting on issues as it is. Not sure about you but downtime costs my clients their time and me money so issues like this (not having an easy rollback option) can screw up an session as it did for me this week.

  • Wasn’t supposed to be funny. Most of it was in a different language foreign to me it was the 3rd non working link that was sent so I posted it to get clarification on how to obtain the previous OS version. * It was pulled as soon as the member indicated it wasn’t pertinent to my query. I appreciate his help in the matter unlike your constant unhelpful banter.

    I don’t think it should have to be a forum members responsibility to supply owners with troubleshooting on issues as it is. Not sure about you but downtime costs my clients their time and me money so issues like this (not having an easy rollback option) can screw up an session as it did for me this week.

    It absolutely is not a forum members responsibility to help you. That's what the Kemper email/ticket is setup for. You posted your problem, and many others here took time out of their day to try and help you.

    Kemper support will help you fix the problem.

  • Hi all, didn't had time to read all the thread (quite long!) but I can confirm at least to "small" issues (I intend with small that I don't think to go to older release):

    1) Some old rigs with old reverb don't migrate well to the legacy one and the mix parameter in particular have in new release too much higher values (I send examples to Support via mail)

    2) there are clicks/pops switthcing rigs with Rig Manager in some condition (I send examples to Support via mail); same clicks I heard swithing among Output Presets (non present before)

    That's it

  • Except 6 other people I know have the exact same issue and one rolled back to the last beta and the issues went away.

    Some guys don’t have the ear to hear differences in the quality of the distortion. They’re not tight enough players to dicpher the nuances. Maybe you’re that person


    Keep dreaming pal. The only thing that changed is the mix knob for legacy reverb. Maybe you should clean your ears out.

  • Except 6 other people I know have the exact same issue and one rolled back to the last beta and the issues went away.

    Some guys don’t have the ear to hear differences in the quality of the distortion. They’re not tight enough players to dicpher the nuances. Maybe you’re that person

    The thing is... the last beta is just THE SAME version as the stable release. They just released it as stable. Maybe some mod can confirm this.

  • I can confirm the pops and clicks when changing profiles in Rig Manager. Everything else seems fine to me though...

    Im not getting this at all. Just tried tonight and changes between rigs is the same as before..this is using very high gain profiles as well ( Engl, Soldano etc).

    Plus no issues with reverb mix or sound. I can't directly compare but seems fine to me. Interesting to see how this develops..

  • Except 6 other people I know have the exact same issue and one rolled back to the last beta and the issues went away.

    Some guys don’t have the ear to hear differences in the quality of the distortion. They’re not tight enough players to dicpher the nuances. Maybe you’re that person

    This statement has got to be one of the most arrogant things I have ever read on an equipment forum. How dare you suggest that you have better ears than others on this forum. Given your aggressive attitude, I would not be surprised if you have simply bullied 6 of your friends into hearing what you want them to hear. Grow up dude.

  • Im not getting this at all. Just tried tonight and changes between rigs is the same as before..this is using very high gain profiles as well ( Engl, Soldano etc).

    Plus no issues with reverb mix or sound. I can't directly compare but seems fine to me. Interesting to see how this develops..

    Here is a sound sample. I played a chord and then changed rigs in Rig Manager. You can hear the pops for each rig change.

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  • Every Kemper update comes with instructions to backup your profiler prior to the update. It is really easy to do and has saved my butt before.

    I am one of those who isn't having any problems with old rigs. I updated to the beta, then updated that to the release.

    There were reports in the first beta of the reverb setting problem .... but again, I didn't have it.

    I have certainly not heard any difference in the base tone of my rigs.... except for getting much better sounding rigs overall after using the new reverbs.

    Despite this, I do believe that there are some with this problem. Generally speaking, people don't just waste their time and effort creating hate and discontent for no reason. I am confident that Kemper will find and fix the problem soon.

    For those that suggest that Kemper is doing something nefarious by removing older revisions of the firmware ..... please...... get real.

    Kemper is simply making sure that there are as few issues in the field as possible. This is the best way to ensure that. Having to do the validation on moving BACK to "n" number of old revisions of firmware is simply not cost effective. Making a backup of your unit before you update is an absolutely safe way of getting back to what you had since it replaces both the OS and the rigs as a single file.

    Now, if I DID have issues with this release, I would still not be going back to my backup. I would simply tweak any old rigs I needed to in order to get them back where they belong. My tone sounds so much better with the new reverbs than with the old ones. Seriously, after the upgrade, I can barely stand the old verb unit in comparison. The new natural verb is so transparent and wonderful that I have modified all my old verbs on rigs anyway.

    I would suggest that others do the same. There is nothing the old reverb can do that the new one doesn't do better in every possible way IMO.

    As in all things ..... YMMV.

  • I do love the reverb update, my original post was just to try and work out if something is wrong on my end as some previously much loved presets from Rig Exchange sound significantly worse with weird/lots of reverb (and/or effects?!) that weren't present in this amount prior. There is DEFINITELY some incompatibility with some presets and the new firmware - maybe its a global setting, or the rig the preview/new upload is loading over is not 100% cleared reverb wise - it is "something" like this. I will try to find some previously "dry" examples that are extremely effected now to the point of ridiculousness.

    The fact that a large chunk of people aren't posting this issue leads me to believe it is some setting/choice, or interaction or bad luck on my end and a sprinkling of others. My rig lights up like a Christmas tree on some well known to me presets from rig exchange, with effects slots etc assigned and on, where previously this wasn't the case - I'm at a loss, and I did a full maintenance reset before installing release 5.7.2.

    I'll keep working on trying to isolate the issue. I do believe its not widespread, but some presets are so "bad" they have unusable echos and tsunami level overwhelming reverb.

    Sorry some posters have gotten hot with this issue, lets all take a Kemper chill pill - its not the end of the world :)

  • Making a backup of your unit before you update is an absolutely safe way of getting back to what you had since it replaces both the OS and the rigs as a single file.

    I'm relatively certain that backups do not include the OS, just the settings, performances, and rigs.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer