Profiler OS6 Operating System

  • That's a good idea. I have used it with the Loop in Stomp A and Parallel path which worked OK but didn't give access to any reverb etc. Now that Reverbs can go anywhere that wouldn't be an issue any longer but the using the loop method I only have one FX slot so Compressor EQ and REV wouldn't work for example. Running the Acoustic in the Aux or with the Loop after the stack would work to some extent but would mean that I would have the acoustic and amp going through the same effects. I don't use many effects on electric but Comp EQ and Rev are sort of necessary for acoustic.

    I might play around with that idea a little though. Thanks :thumbup:

    Perhaps use an acoustic DI box that has its own effects, then run that after any KPA effects.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Running just one or the other is easy enough but combining them is a real pain.

    The first thought that came to me would be to just run the electric and the acoustic into an A/B/Y stomp box (electric: A, acoustic: B -> Kemper input: Y) as presumably you'd only be playing one on any given measure of the song.

    Am I missing something?

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • My Hamer Duotone has both electric and piezo output. I love the sound of the neck pickup run into my Polytone Minibrute with the piezo plugged into my Line 6 L2M. The combination is fantastic. So I do use both mag and piezo outputs at the same time.

    I’d love to be able to run the piezo into my Fishman Aura connected to the Line input on the Kemper. And simultaneously use the mag pickups plugged into the Hi Z in on the Kemper.

    As far as the acoustic sim effect is concerned, I plan on using it on each string output by my mag Cycfi hex pickup. Of course I am hoping the simulation will be as effective as I expect a Kemper product normally is.

  • The first thought that came to me would be to just run the electric and the acoustic into an A/B/Y stomp box (electric: A, acoustic: B -> Kemper input: Y) as presumably you'd only be playing one on any given measure of the song.

    Am I missing something?

    To run one at a time you don't even need the A/B/Y switch :) I tend to just run a single mixed cable and toggle the mini switch on the guitar between the two sounds. I have slot 5 of most performances loaded with an acoustic profile from a well known Dutch bloke and just hit that slot at the same time as flicking the guitar switch. However, the combination of an electric and acoustic together can be really nice as scratch17 mentioned. At the moment it isn't really possible to do it easily with the KPA and have a true acoustic sound and electric sound together.

  • That's a good idea. I have used it with the Loop in Stomp A and Parallel path which worked OK but didn't give access to any reverb etc. Now that Reverbs can go anywhere that wouldn't be an issue any longer but the using the loop method I only have one FX slot so Compressor EQ and REV wouldn't work for example. Running the Acoustic in the Aux or with the Loop after the stack would work to some extent but would mean that I would have the acoustic and amp going through the same effects. I don't use many effects on electric but Comp EQ and Rev are sort of necessary for acoustic.

    I might play around with that idea a little though. Thanks :thumbup:

    This doesn’t work with a Loop Stomp. Despite the legending and workflow layout on the front of the Profiler, the Cab section is always last.

    I wanted to do this a while back with my Fender Acoustasonic Telecaster. Assuming it was a bug, I contacted support and was told it was just how the signal chain is within the Profiler. You could use the Aux in, but then you have no effects on the acoustic and are pretty limited.

  • The first thought that came to me would be to just run the electric and the acoustic into an A/B/Y stomp box (electric: A, acoustic: B -> Kemper input: Y) as presumably you'd only be playing one on any given measure of the song.

    Am I missing something?

    I am lazy (:)) and do not use additional cables and/or box.

    For my Fishman Power bridge I use a Poti and a mini switch (On-On) (Mag / Mag+Piezo))

    The Poti can add the Mag to the Piezo from zero to full.

    Fish man has a small print incl. the Poti so you can built in this circuit in the Guitar instead of Tone 2 Poti (Strat)

    Tone 1 Poti works as Master Tone.

    The Mag-Position of miniswitch allows playing even the batterie becames empty - (acc. Murphy normally during a GIG)

  • This doesn’t work with a Loop Stomp. Despite the legending and workflow layout on the front of the Profiler, the Cab section is always last.

    I wanted to do this a while back with my Fender Acoustasonic Telecaster. Assuming it was a bug, I contacted support and was told it was just how the signal chain is within the Profiler. You could use the Aux in, but then you have no effects on the acoustic and are pretty limited.

    Thanks Sam. I didn't know that about the cab but it makes some sense I suppose.

    I gave up on using the piezo in the loop with parallel path just because it was more hassle than it was worth but it did work. I have also just realised that I did try using the loop post stack idea a while back I but (I think) because of the lack of parallel path that late in the chain activating the loop killed the electric signal.

  • A question for G String or the other Kemper guys...

    The new reverb beta is From what I've been reading, overall it's pretty stable with only a few known issues.

    Are you guys planning on doing some fixes and then putting up a production 5.7 release with the reverbs, or will 5.7 stay in beta and the next official production release be for 6.0?

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • A question for G String or the other Kemper guys...

    The new reverb beta is From what I've been reading, overall it's pretty stable with only a few known issues.

    Are you guys planning on doing some fixes and then putting up a production 5.7 release with the reverbs, or will 5.7 stay in beta and the next official production release be for 6.0?

    Obviously I don’t work for Kemper, but I think there are a few fairly critical bugs with the public beta. Usually, they like to have a beta that is bug free before elevating it to release level, so I assume there’ll be a few 5.x FWs before we see 6.0

    Just my observation.

  • Asking for anymore seems greedy...but...

    Profiling...its a snapshot of the amp at a particular setting. Is there anyway that 3 profiles (or more) taken at extreme settings could be combined so that the eq and gain changes could be more aligned to the real amp (I know this has been asked before..)? Not sure the processing power is there but just another thought.

    This is more of a general request so happy to move this to feature requests as I suspect its a fairly big change so perhaps outside the scope of 6.0...

  • Asking for anymore seems greedy...but...

    Profiling...its a snapshot of the amp at a particular setting. Is there anyway that 3 profiles (or more) taken at extreme settings could be combined so that the eq and gain changes could be more aligned to the real amp (I know this has been asked before..)? Not sure the processing power is there but just another thought.

    This is more of a general request so happy to move this to feature requests as I suspect its a fairly big change so perhaps outside the scope of 6.0...

    Maybe the Morph-function could help. At least with two profiles.

    You could make a Profile at the starting Gain-setting of the amp and a second at the higher Gain-setting. Afterwards you could copy These Settings (Gain, Amp-Parameters, EQs, Volumes) into the first Profile as the morphing-end-Setting.

  • Usually, they like to have a beta that is bug free before elevating it to release level

    Yeah, that's my assumption as well. I just didn't know if they were going to wait, roll in the rest of the OS 6 stuff, do some betas and release 6.0 or if there were plans to clean up the 5.7 issues found by the beta testers and release that while they worked on 6. I can see a case for either approach.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Is there any possibility of getting a succinct description of what Kemper is currently defining as what the new/upgraded ‘Preset Management’ will encompass? It’s hard to give feedback on what has been shown/divulged so far, thanks.

    we are not asking for feedback on something we haven't released yet. you need to wait for a public beta.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here