Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • Sure you do. Happens all the time. You don't even have to look outside NAMM '19 to see it.

    Wampler Pedals demo'd their new Terraform. Which they said would be out in Summer. Much like Kemper, they've communicated that it's taking longer than expected and to hang tight. Nothing is 'fundamentally flawed'. But getting it right is taking more time than expected.

    It happens. All the time.

    Quit being so reasonable dude ;)

    I've had a change of heart recently regarding an editor. I used to have my Powerhead sat on top of a cab or shelf in easy reach. I loved how I learned how to twiddle the knobs and change menus quickly at home which was brilliant for use live; unlike if I'd spent all the time using an editor and would be lost without it if one of my patches I'd been working on didn't translate well a volume.

    Recently though, i ended up moving my Kemper into a rack and it now lives at about calf height. Super handy for fast set up live and at home but a right old pig to tweak with an aging back. So now, I do want an editor and have bought a Windows 10 device in preparation. That said, I'm not complaining about the 'delayed' release of the editor.

    Whilst I understand the frustration, I don't understand the lack of manners from those that feel the need to be rude or constantly negative about the current situation. I can't be bothered to argue with them though and it turns out that the block feature has a wonderful effect on my mental state when visiting this place, waiting to see if 3.0 has landed!

  • Quit being so reasonable dude ;)

    ........Whilst I understand the frustration, I don't understand the lack of manners from those that feel the need to be rude or constantly negative about the current situation.

    It’s a weird day when *I’m* the reasonable ones ?

    As for the lack of manners, I’m right there with you. I’ve let some things get under my skin here and I’ll own that.

    Nowadays I wait (somewhat) impatiently. But, it’s coming. We know it’s coming and Kemper is working to get it as close to right the first time.

    I bought mine without an editor and no real expectation. ‘Need’ is the wrong word. Want.....yes please!!!

  • I'm considering to buy a laptop for using the editor in our band room. Maybe a convertible one. But I will wait for the editor release first to check if it's worth it and if the editor can be used with a touchscreen in a practical way.

    If the drag and drop implementation and the GUI itself works well with a touchscreen this would be a great benefit. It would even be a kind of replacement for the missing tablet app resp. missing bluetooth/wlan module.

    I am very curious how the editor will finally be implemented. But the kemper journey continues either way ;)

  • I'm considering to buy a laptop for using the editor in our band room. Maybe a convertible one. But I will wait for the editor release first to check if it's worth it and if the editor can be used with a touchscreen in a practical way.

    If the drag and drop implementation and the GUI itself works well with a touchscreen this would be a great benefit. It would even be a kind of replacement for the missing tablet app resp. missing bluetooth/wlan module.

    I am very curious how the editor will finally be implemented. But the kemper journey continues either way ;)

    I’m not sure how much easier using an editor would be on a laptop in a band room than just making changes on the head itself, but I’m just basing this on rooms I played in so I could be totally wrong!

    A Surface Pro would be a good route to go down if you wanted a tablet form factor, but still runs Windows for the editor app.

  • Are you guys saying the editor won't be available for Mac?

    Nah.....Mac compatibility is a given. But if you want a tablet format to run RM, Windows is (currently) your only option. With iPad OS and the ability to run some iOS apps on MacOS Catalina, that will likely change at some point.

    Possibly before the editor ships. ;)

    (j/k.....just too easy to pass up)

  • Just wait patiently.

    Or they could just use the editor you spent a long time putting together and is already available.

    Nah....they would rather complain here and on FB.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Or they could just use the editor you spent a long time putting together and is already available.

    Nah....they would rather complain here and on FB.

    Like I and so many others do. Since I got my Focusrite interface with MIDI more than a year ago I have only touched my KPA knobs when the home PC is being used by my children.

    Of course I have not updated to OS 7 (TME doesn't support it) but don't need to because having ToastMe I have a very easy access to all presets with one mouse scroll and a couple of clicks.

  • I love my kemper. It's basically something I sort of dreamed of as a kid...but not exactly as you can't even dream of something that hasn't yet been invented!

    I can't wait for the editor, like many of the people on this forum....but I never asked for all of the amazing updates that have happened for me in the last six years - each one was like a present you didn't even know was coming.

    I check this thread just to make sure I don't miss a beta or something of the new editor, but as much as I love this positive community, the complaining and days counting is kind of weak in my opinion.

    I mean, we know after seeing the demo of the software that it's coming. I'm sure Kemper as a company knows that not only its current customers, but also potential customers will value an editor highly...therefore they have every incentive to release a stable editor as soon as possible.

    I realize that with some companies, the feedback loop of its dedicated customers can add productive pressure to get fixes/updates etc out the door faster. But with a history of constant updates with new features that nobody really asked for and yet after were beloved by everyone who received them (me included), I think we should remember all of this gifts we got from Kemper along the way and consider it a huge amount of built of goodwill from the company, and just wait patiently and happily, the whole time making walls of sound that were really just an impossible dream before they developed this amazing product.

    Bravo Kemper team!

  • So - here is why some folks really need an editor....

    Hypothetically so some “guys” (not trying to be gender specific but ... ) may have made an unauthorized purchase of a Kemper and may have it secreted under their desk to avoid detection from others who should have been consulted before procuring said Kemper!

    Being able to keep the device where it is while using the editor to twiddle hard to reach knobs etc would be huge and avoid both detection and the ensuing polite discussion about gear acquisition syndrome....

    this is a hypothetical Situation obviously well maybe not....

    Editor can’t come soon enough for some ?

    1. 1 or 2 people complain about lacking an editor
    2. 10 people complain about complaints about lacking an editor
    3. Rinse and repeat

    Sadly this thread is mostly a stubborn stalemate of nonconstructive additions at this point. Occasionally something interesting is said, like hearing the perspectives from developers/engineers, which I appreciate, but at this point it's a waiting game.

  • Why will they give us OS betas, but not a RM beta???

    Because nobody wants to see The end of world coming. ;)

    Because (RMbeta)OS7beta is not a good number.

    New RM/Editor is probably heavily based on new software features that were introduced in OS7. Those features that we don't see and that are part of software structure. And it seems that some bugs have to be solved first.

    Don't worry they will sort it out as they did it every time.