Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • I'm not one of the people complaining or getting impatient, but... we are going on 8 months after it was announced, and surely was being worked on before that to debut at NAMM. Considering it's being integrated into current software and is only meant to communicate changes to the KPA (assuming), it's doesn't strike many as the highest mountain to climb. When you also consider ToastME is a pretty serviceable as an editor, that was done part time by a guy who isn't a Kemper employee, I can understand what makes some people ask what's taking so long.

    Personally, I'm ok with waiting given that it's been announced, and hopefully the wait is in part adding functionality beyond the very basic controls shown at NAMM. Perhaps due to suggestions in this thread?

    But if the new OS and Stage rollout is any judge, my expectations for how functional it's going to be on day 1 is pretty tempered. Does feel like it's taking a really long time, though.

  • I got the impression from some of the new features lists in OS updates over the last year that new features to the OS were necessary to allow the operation of the remote editor over the USB link. The other thing is, the guys at HQ know about future plans that we have no idea about yet and laying some of the groundwork for them might be part of the process. Still, you can see what an impressive job Damien has done with ToastME.

  • Who can make sense of the logic behind announcing only the editor and the Kone at NAMM and instead releasing the Stage first?

    I don’t think anyone will disagree that the Stage was released before the software was ready and no one was expecting them to. We never needed an editor more than with the Stage so why not wait to release it until it’s all ready?

    There’s more at play here than we know, that’s for sure.

    Get a sound,
    Feel the groove,
    Make something happen.

  • Who can make sense of the logic behind announcing only the editor and the Kone at NAMM and instead releasing the Stage first?

    I don’t think anyone will disagree that the Stage was released before the software was ready and no one was expecting them to. We never needed an editor more than with the Stage so why not wait to release it until it’s all ready?

    There’s more at play here than we know, that’s for sure.

    The editor software was due to be released before most of the technical staff went on their summer holiday, but it wasn't ready in time.

  • It will be nice to get the editor out to clear the forum of the issue and also concentrate on other things. It seems to dominate so much for a tool that doesn't affect tone amongst guitarists.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • I look forward to the editor. While some might feel it unnecessary, please allow for other opinions and workflows. Yes, it takes resources ... resources that could (should?) have been deployed over years, not months. It just seems like some customers want to "police" the opinion/desire of others ... Kemper can/will jump in if needed. I guess it's just like driving to work ... people in the left (fast) lane that have a line of folks behind them and feel it's their responsibility/right to control the flow of traffic (rather than the police).

  • No offense but all the "no editor necessary" folks sound like Steve Jobs when he declared the iPhone would never have third party apps.

    I spewed coffee all over my keyboard on that... LOL

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • It's a small Company. Just up to now they dealt with the launch of the Profiler-Stage and still have some issues on that. The Kemper-Kone is announced and has to be implemented. The Kabinet has to be produced on stack, to be able to fullfill the early-bird-demands. Besides this all, they have to devellop a bug-poor Software (as usual), so th I think it might still take some time.

  • It's interesting that Christoph Kemper had indicated that the Kone would be released this summer in a Premier Guitar video.

    And the videos seem to indicate that a prototype OS with Kone functionality was already ready. It was in fact displayed side by side with a working editor on separate Kemper units.

    Would be quite a trick if the Kabinet is released alongside the editor when the summer is up.

  • It's a small Company. Just up to now they dealt with the launch of the Profiler-Stage and still have some issues on that. The Kemper-Kone is announced and has to be implemented. The Kabinet has to be produced on stack, to be able to fullfill the early-bird-demands. Besides this all, they have to devellop a bug-poor Software (as usual), so th I think it might still take some time.

    I agree, but we all think that the editor should have been there from day one! (Or at least year two or three) but we’re at year 7.

    Users neglect quality over usability all the time, and this product screams for an editor! (The floor model even more so, since no one likes bending over to edit presets).

    I just find it absurd that I have to turn that little knob 15 times to get to my tremolo effect instead of choosing it from a drop down menu on my computer.... (just as an example). So you can see the frustration when they throw a feature that should’ve been there from the start in your face, promise it will be available in 6 months (!!) then say, “Sorry! It’s gonna be another 3 months” (which I highly doubt)...

  • I know everyone goes on about it.

    But I can't wait for the editor either.

    I'm going to take a weeks holiday the day it comes out to fiddle with it.

    Every body is different, butbi don't don't need or want a million delays and reverb to scroll through that I don't use or like.

    I'd like the od and distortion pedals to be improved.

    And I'd like a simple button to turn the amp gain on and of with a switch rather than a pedal.

    I know I could just save a clean and distorted profile of the same amp profile. But it would be nice just to switch it on and off like a channel switch ?

    Or is this already possible ?