Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • As we talk about reality and twisting it..

    Who’s getting a stage ??

    In my post from the 30/7 the Stage was already number one in the sales rank..close to 4 months now..

    Stage beats even the kemper head in the preamp category in total sales. If total sales is calculated differently than just "amount of units sold", taking into account stock, then how exactly? Would this amount to "winning a war", at that point? Why does stage not show up in top 19 of past month sales of same category? Is there some different way of calculating that alone, some extra variable.. or maybe out of stock orders don't count? When did stage go out of stock? Do they not count in both monthly and all time pages? If not so on all time page then how was kemper able to fullfil such insane demand that left kemper head itself in the dust?

    At times, empirical reality isn't as simple to understand. I'm sure thomann will explain things to me.

    The bonanza

    Edited once, last by Dimi84 (November 18, 2019 at 7:05 PM).

  • I for one, have no interest in the stage sales numbers. The thread is about the editor so we should keep it at least close to the topic. I realize that after 2,304 posts there may not be a lot to say, other then some cathartic bitching and moaning about the delay. :|:rolleyes::thumbup::saint:

  • That's assuming it has the functionality we're expecting....

    Let me say that 1st that it's really ok after evaluation to change yer mind on stuff. ;) That said, I suggest to create a poll that asks whether the users (who own a Kemper) will or wont use the Editor "after" (note I said after) it's released. I'll wager we have less than 10% total that wont be using it in some capacity compared to the 90% that will be.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Let me say that 1st that it's really ok after evaluation to change yer mind on stuff. ;) That said, I suggest to create a poll that asks whether the users (who own a Kemper) will or wont use the Editor "after" (note I said after) it's released. I'll wager we have less than 10% total that wont be using it in some capacity compared to the 90% that will be.

    I would make use of it in some capacity for sure. It would make setting up performances easier for sure.

  • Interesting...is this different than locking the cab block on the KPA? Like it keeps the same ir, but allows the other settings in the cab block to change?

    No it’s similar although you can have Toastme and RM open at the same time (can’t use OS 7 though) and lock the cab in Toastme but use RM to audition profiles by clicking on the relevant profile rather than having to scroll through a number on the screen. If that makes sense.

  • I for one, have no interest in the stage sales numbers. The thread is about the editor so we should keep it at least close to the topic. I realize that after 2,304 posts there may not be a lot to say, other then some cathartic bitching and moaning about the delay. :|:rolleyes::thumbup::saint:

    Okay.I have nothing against this approach.I even agree and again have no idea what brought me to "contribute" 5 posts in this kindergarten of a thread..I guess all I wanted to say is:Let this thread die.The editor will come when it's ready and Kemper has absolutely no need to listen to anyone who wants to tell him how to do his work..his stuff sells like crazy and we should play our guitar instead to feed this freakin' apocalypse of a needless discussion..

  • Okay.I have nothing against this approach.I even agree and again have no idea what brought me to "contribute" 5 posts in this kindergarten of a thread..I guess all I wanted to say is:Let this thread die.The editor will come when it's ready and Kemper has absolutely no need to listen to anyone who wants to tell him how to do his work..his stuff sells like crazy and we should play our guitar instead to feed this freakin' apocalypse of a needless discussion..

    If you don't want to be part of the thread and can't add anything constructive to the topic, you're entitled to not read it or contribute. You're only bothering yourself, and not going to stop people from having their own opinions and voicing them here, which is the thread for that declared purpose.

  • So to summarize 115 pages of comments and many other editor threads over the years. What we know for sure:

    When the editor arrives, the net time it will save us and the convenience it will provide in our lives will be vastly exceeded by the hours we spent thinking, hoping, discussing, and arguing about it before it is actually released.

    totally worth it, just for the comedy factor

  • We spent years asking for new delays...and now we have one... ;)

    Funny ;)

    Now .... to be serious, we did get delays that are really good. We asked for an improved reverb engine .... and have a really great reverb engine that rivals even the most expensive pedals out there. We also asked for them to fix the horribly inefficient scrolling through things in the menu system .... and now it is really nice.

    The editor will come as well.

  • Funny ;)

    Now .... to be serious, we did get delays that are really good. We asked for an improved reverb engine .... and have a really great reverb engine that rivals even the most expensive pedals out there. We also asked for them to fix the horribly inefficient scrolling through things in the menu system .... and now it is really nice.

    The editor will come as well.

    I agree, though people were clamoring for an editor since day 1. This isn't to repeat a complaint; Kemper announced the editor and I celebrate that it's coming. But to some, the reverbs & delays were a distant concern next to a functioning editor, myself included. The reverbs & delays are neat to noodle with, but I honestly have no practical use for nearly all of them, not that this means I don't appreciate them.

    Hopefully since the reverbs & delays gave people more than what they hoped for, the editor will follow that trend.