NAMM 2019

  • A great trick is to send the Main Outs to the FOH plus Kemper poweramp to cab, mic a cab then blend with the Main Outs.

    That's what live engineer Martin Walker is doing on the Judas Priest world tour where Andy Sneap is using two Kempers.
    "I’m miking Andy as well to get something a little warmer,” says Walker. “The Kempers sound okay, but to me they sound a little brittle when you just use the DI, so he’s leaking some sound into another cab. If Andy had the choice, he would just use two DIs, but I’m just trying to bolster him a bit."

    This is the way our engineer likes to do it when we play live.

  • It is even better than you can imagine Frankieboy..and now with the editor and all the new stuff(cabs) indeed..go for your second playmate..^^;)


    This new cab really makes things interesting.This is indeed something very revolutionary.It is nothing else than a Multi-Vintage "anti-pistonic"/coloured speaker emulation.And I guess we will learn soon how good it is in the "real world".I am quite positive it will be good.Otherwise Kemper would have given up onthis project..I remember pictures of the Kempercab years ago..

  • I think it is coaxial. Because there is a directivity parameter. The only way i can imagine to change the directivity of the speaker would be modifing the crossover freq between center cab tweeter and the cone.

    Maybe i am wrong..because it is difficult to tell the cab how to behave through a powered audio signal.

    The Directivity parameter doesn't actually change the physical directivity of the speaker. Christoph explains it as more of a HF attenuator, if you have the Kone pointed directly at your head, so you get more of the sound that we guitarists are used to, when the guitar cabinet is pointed at our knees ;)

  • It is even better than you can imagine Frankieboy..and now with the editor and all the new stuff(cabs) indeed..go for your second playmate..^^;)


    This new cab really makes things interesting.This is indeed something very revolutionary.It is nothing else than a Multi-Vintage "anti-pistonic"/coloured speaker emulation.And I guess we will learn soon how good it is in the "real world".I am quite positive it will be good.Otherwise Kemper would have given up onthis project..I remember pictures of the Kempercab years ago..

    Yeah, those pics from years ago was a standard cab with racing green tolex, nothing magic behind that, but it looks quite good

  • I have seen the option "stereo monitor" chooseable by softswitch in the video. What could it mean ?

    Choose this if you want stereo monitoring with the same specification used: CAB ON or CAB OFF for both cabs.

    In the aforementioned use case Eltzejupp will want to have cab off for the speaker output for use with the Kemper cab. He chooses cab off for monitor out which will determine that the direct out will remain cab on.

    If he chooses stereo monitor they will both be off.

  • These new cabs may bring back "some fun" many guys miss with their FRFR.While all the world was about the missing editor @CK went to celestion and asked for some interesting questions about how to bring back inspiration into a digital guitar world we can't escape on the long run.. if this one works I predict some panic at the competitors headquarters..;)

  • I REALLY hope this speaker can handle a maximum power of 600 watts but I somehow doubt that. Interesting nevertheless!

    Oh, yes because CK didn't think that maybe Kemper users with a powered Kemper of 600watts might want to connect their Kemper Amps to their Kemper Cabinet. For sure it will not handle those 600 watts...

  • Oh, yes because CK didn't think that maybe Kemper users with a powered Kemper of 600watts might want to connect their Kemper Amps to their Kemper Cabinet. For sure it will not handle those 600 watts...

    It has been very difficult to find a passive cabinet that will handle this much power - most of them fall well below 600W so it would be a nice change from the norm to have a single 12 inch speaker like this handle all that power without having to worry about it blowing. I know it will probably never get to that stage with normal use but it's just nice to know the speaker isn't going to blow if the volume is accidentally cranked.

  • No panic man, they will release a 4th generation device with double CPU power and parameters so you can dial the tone to the exact number of people in the crowd :D:D:D

    No 1000gen CPU will alter physical/biological laws of how the sound reaches the ears and how we receive it in our brain.It' s fun to see that @CK is always a step ahead.The KPA makes the question of "is is the real thing" meaningless.It is so close that no one seriously cares anymore.The only thing left now is a speaker which can do the same with all the vintage cabs.So simple.Yet just one guy does it.Ofcourse the rest will follow.Anyway..interesting times we live as musicians.

  • People that has FRFR systems and are happy with them don't have the need of the Kemper Kone or Kemper Kabinet.

    I think it's a product or system to fill the need of people like me that like to have an actual guitar cab but loose the "complete" experience that the Kemper offers by just having all the time the same speakers, so all profiles sound too similar. This of course has nothing to do with FOH, but the personal experience in front of the amp.

    With the Kemper Kone I can have my guitar 4x12 and make it sound with different speaker imprints, getting more of the DSP of the Kemper without having to go the FRFR route.

    I do like to have my 4x12. I'm a rock guitar player and I think that rock and roll is 25% music and 75% attitude and looks. I have nothing against combos, 2x12 cabs or whatever. But too many FRFR cabs just look bad.

    And to be honest, we won't know if this sounds good or not until we try it ourselves. So...let's just wait.

    erm, that isn't how I interpret it. You need a speaker with a flat response to hear the difference between the "profiled" speakers....

    There are 2 changes here:

    The cab itself, which will just be a tuned flat response cab.

    The speaker "profiling" which you can then change the speaker to suit the amp you've set up.

    Therefore running this through a non FRFR type set up with muddy the waters somewhat. I assume that it WILL work through a regular FRFR set up but might not sound as good ( as all FRFR setups are not equal).

    I might be wrong.

    I totally agree that most FRFR speakers look awful, to the point that I'm thinkng of constructing a false/foldable fake 4x12 to put in front of mine :)

  • He said himself on the vid it has nothing to do with the cab/speaker but the changes in the Kemper itself. So the ‘special speaker’ should be one that can simply handle the full spectrum of all options. The cab doesn’t matter obviously, since he said they will be offer to have where you can buy the speaker as a replacement. That is a cool idea. So best of both worlds, a hybrid speaker design. I don’t think it would be a dual speaker, who knows. Probably will be a 200 - 300 watt speaker which is typical.

  • Therefore running this through a non FRFR type set up with muddy the waters somewhat. I assume that it WILL work through a regular FRFR set up but might not sound as good ( as all FRFR setups are not equal).

    A Marshall cab will sound like a Marshall cab. But two Marshall cabs do not sound the same if one has V30s and the other Greenbacks for example. And there is where I think the difference is. The Kemper Cone will make possible to change the sound of your speakers on the fly. I think that is a tall order and doubt they got it 100%. But the idea is genius.

    Of course you will not make your Marshall cab sound like a Mesa cab. But neither the FRFR cabs do that.

  • It has been very difficult to find a passive cabinet that will handle this much power - most of them fall well below 600W so it would be a nice change from the norm to have a single 12 inch speaker like this handle all that power without having to worry about it blowing. I know it will probably never get to that stage with normal use but it's just nice to know the speaker isn't going to blow if the volume is accidentally cranked.

    There is effectively no chance of a single speaker rated at 600w. The purpose of the 600w power amp isn’t to provide that much power but to makes sure there is always plenty of headroom.

  • so this pretty much answers all my questions:…er-kabinet-demo .

    I picked such a great time to jump onto the Kemper wagon, only had my powerhead for a month and was starting to get slightly irritated by the lack of preset management. also in the market for a FR speaker and a guitar cab (or pimping my current combo) ... so all my issues will be settled with a K-Cab and the new editor in summer :P


    free you mind and your ass will follow …

  • Anyone good with "PowerPoint" or some such software to make an actual drawing on the proper way (from the KPA powered and NON powered) to hook up this cab and go to the FOH/ studio monitors? Thanks!

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Anyone good with "PowerPoint" or some such software to make an actual drawing on the proper way (from the KPA powered and NON powered) to hook up this cab and go to the FOH/ studio monitors? Thanks!


    Speaker Out to Kabinet

    Main Outputs to FOH/Studio Monitors

    Non powered:

    Monitor Out to power amp to Kabinet

    Main Outputs to FOH/Studio Monitors

  • I’ve seen comments from CKemper where he said he was working on a watt output meter or some type of power limit for the power amp. My guess is when you turn on the Cone the power amp will automatically limit its power to what that can handle. That being said the power amp in my Powerhead doesn’t seem to be able to push my cabs as much as a 40 watt brownface bandmaster so not sure what I am doing wrong. The Kemper headphone amp did blow a pair of my headphones though that thing has the power.

  • Thank you paults! Kinda what I have now but wanted to see it from other perspectives. :thumbup:

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user