Free Mesa Dual Rectifier Ch2 Vintage-Spongy / V30 / SM57 / BAE1073 MP profiles for modern crunchy rock tones


    To be honest, I have overlooked the non-brutal modes of the Dual Rectifier for a long time. Here are some examples of that.

    The profiles were made with my trusty go-to-chain, which is comprises the Dual Rectifier 3ch, a Rectifier 4x12 with British V30 speakers, mic'd with an SM57 through a BAE 1073MP preamp. No pedals. Power from a Furman power conditioner.

    The amp is in Channel 2 (Orange) / Vintage mode.


    The profiles can be found on the Rig Exchange by searching for "RiF-DR CH2".

    My filename-coding is as follows:

    RiF-DR Ch2[mode].[spongy|bold][brightness level 1-3] [speaker] [mic]

    Example: "RiF-DR Ch2V.s1 V30 57" = Dual Rec, Channel 2, Vintage, Spongy, Brightness level 1, V30 speaker, SM57 microphone

    The brightness level goes from 1-3 , where 2 is what I consider "normal". 1 is darker and 3 is brighter. The difference in brightness is usually achieved by moving the microphone.


    There's a "bonus profile" called "RiF-DR CH2M.s1 V30 57" which is Ch2 in Modern mode. This profile is meant to be used with a Tube Screamer type of pedal in front. The profile has the Green Screamer set up and engaged by default, which works pretty good with this profile.


    Here are some short clips. The guitars are louder than in a normal mix so you can hear them clearly. All guitar tracks have been recorded directly from the Kemper's STACK output with no FX applied. Even in Pro Tools they are kept bone dry, no EQ, no reverb, no nothing. WYHIWYG. There's a Waves SSL bus compressor and iZotope Ozone 8's Maximizer (only that module) as a brickwall limiter on the mix bus, that's it.

    This tone (especially the darker ones) works very nicely with single coil pickups (see sound clip with "Strat" in the name).

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    Not that many pictures this time, because they get somehow redundant.

    As always, I appreciate any feedback (positive or negative) from you guys!

  • Being a huge recto fanboy and I believe I own all relevant commercial ones, these are by far the best profiles for that 1994 pop punk sound. Thanks so much for these. Really made my day ?

    Haven’t used them in a mix yet, but will report back when I do. Please let us know if you do any other amps besides the recto and the Marshall

  • Being a huge recto fanboy and I believe I own all relevant commercial ones, these are by far the best profiles for that 1994 pop punk sound. Thanks so much for these. Really made my day ?

    Haven’t used them in a mix yet, but will report back when I do. Please let us know if you do any other amps besides the recto and the Marshall

    Thanks a lot for the kind words! Comments like yours really make my day!

    Please please report back how they work for you, because tastes are different, guitars are different, band-context is different for all of us and there's no one profile that fits everything.

    Is it too bright? Too bassy? Too middy? Too scooped? Too whatever... I really need the feedback from you to make my profiles work for as much people as possible.

    I have more amps to profile (JCM 800, Bugera 6260) and more channels/modes on the Marshall 30th Anniversary and the Recto on my list.

    And while everybody seems to sell their amps once they got a KPA, I am actually buying more gear :-).

    Since I am enjoying the profiling game in the last weeks, I have bought: Maxon OD808 pedal, Celestion GT-T75 and Creamback speakers, Sennheiser e906 mic and an API 500 rack. Another preamp and parametric EQ for that rack are on order and should arrive in about 2 weeks. This should make my profiles far more sweet and "mix- / stage-ready" sounding. My Soundtracs Megas 32-16-2 console is very nice, but it's EQs aren't surgical enough for doing sharp cuts to get rid of some frequencies.

    And this doesn't even include my wishlist of amps and cabs that I want to get...

  • great stuff ....keep 'em coming , looking forward your take on the JCM800 , my fav' Marshall

    I always wondered how these DR would sound on clean & vintage presets.

    Even the great Lee Ritenour is using a dual recto on cleans , this is really puzzling me :o

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  • I would really love to hear the JCM 800 balanced along the same lines as the recto or the marshall tonally. That's just right up my alley :)

    Here's a quick reamp of a track I am working on

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  • Great stuff!

    I would really love to hear the JCM 800 balanced along the same lines as the recto or the marshall tonally. That's just right up my alley :)

    Here's a quick reamp of a track I am working on

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  • I would really love to hear the JCM 800 balanced along the same lines as the recto or the marshall tonally. That's just right up my alley :)

    Here's a quick reamp of a track I am working on

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    Cool! You have dialed in just the perfect amount of gain as you can hear right at the end where the guitars can be heard in solo.

    What guitar did you use? Have you made any tonal/eq-adjustments beside the gain?

  • LesPaul w/Evertune Bridge > Seymour Duncan jb sh 4

    In my experience the pickup is the most important part of the chain prior to the KPA.

    I usually eq the DI heavily going into the KPA, to get rid of a lot of the fizz, so I don't have to eq too much in the DAW, but I didn't feel that was necessary here. Post amp eq I added a little more lower mids/bass, but nothing dramatically.

    Edited once, last by outoftune (December 4, 2018 at 12:34 PM).

  • Here's another test using the two marshall profiles. For some reason the don't seem to sustain as long as the recto profiles, but sound awesome none the less :)

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