Unfriendly answers

  • I wrote in a former thread that the colours are to bright.

    G-string anwsersd very unfriendly: quote :

    guys, the colors are the same. if we find time, we'll get you a dark scheme so everybody can choose. i've said that already. :Unqoute

    And closed the thread immediately so that no answer is possible. :thumbdown:

    I did not read the whole 156 prostings when the new Forum arised

    Let me put it this way: this is no way to deal with customers!

    I expect you to get be courteously as it is demand from us all.

  • Guys, I must admit I was a bit surprised by the complete overhaul of the forum but to be honest, after a little acclimatization, I actually like it. The only thing that I don't like so far is the lack of a back to top of page link for easy of navigation but the new menu drop down might mean I don't need it anyway.

    I would have thought that time and effort would be better spent on delivering the new Reverbs and an Editor etc as the natives seem to be getting pretty restless at the moment. However, I take a positive view on it and tend to think that Kemper are generally very good at what they do. I am greatful that they actually provide an official Forum at all and have staff contribute to this to help users like me make the most of my KPA. I also hope that the new forum is actually just part of a bigger roll out of new features so, even though there doesn't appear to be any immediate benefits from the new look, I assume that there is a more modern platform behind it that will allow further features to be added in the foreseeable future. I also hope that this might signal that the next OS update will be more than just new Reverbs. They clearly had the reverbs working at NAMM in the summer so the delay in releasing them suggests to me that there may be more coming along with the complete liberalisation of the Stomp and Effect slots etc, maybe there is a whole new set of FX models and architecture plus a new version of Rig Manager and an Editor. Who knows but, given how long it has taken for the Reverbs release I think Kemper must be planning to make a real splash when the next update finally arrives.

    Maybe I'm just living somwhere with pink and fluffy clouds but I am inclined to hope for the best.

    I repeat, I really appreciate having the forum and I really appreciate GString, Timo and Burkhard's input on it. None of us are perfect but as long as people are trying to do the right thing and are being helpful I don't see any benefit to anyone in giving them a hard time.

  • Rather than see my thread where I invited Kemperites' opinions on the new look / format suddenly closed without explanation, I'd have appreciated some sort of indication as to whether or not the "improved" design allowed for the things we no longer have, such as the ability to see who's visited our walls and when they did so (explained the great benefits of this in my post on it), and, for instance, the "members' link where we we were able to see how many and who had joined the forum, would be able to be re-activated.

    I'm already missing the field that showed who'd visited my wall, being the social simian I am...

    Just sayin':

    I don't understand the thread closure/s. It's not like this is a sensitive topic that somehow reflects badly on the forum or company, and to the best of my knowledge nobody stepped out of line.

  • You're putting too much into it, Sharry.


    guys, the colors are the same. if we find time, we'll get you a dark scheme so everybody can choose. i've said that already

    Picture that said with a friendly face. Or picture it with a sour face. Up to you.

    Not everybody use smilies all over the place :);):D=O:/:S:/8):|;(||<3

  • Further to the two missing functions I've mentioned, another seems to have disappeared since yesterday:

    I noticed yesterday when perusing the new format that we were able to change the background picture on our wall page. The option is no longer there.

    Unless I'm reading this incorrectly, this is a further degradation of the "social experience" the software offers. Sure, it's not a biggie when compared to the loss of the section / window that showed who'd visited one's wall, but hey, the ability to personalise the look of it is surely a nod to the idea of freedom / the right to remain individual. I do not, nor will I ever, support the homogenisation of "the people" into a "convenient" proletariat.

    Anyway, that's now three functions I'd like to see activated, two of which we had previously.

  • I think this thread is gonna have a fairly short lifespan, as people get used to the new layout! As a rule people 'don't like change'. I don't mind it either way, looks a bit cleaner to me, but have no preference either way. Just reverbs next PERLEASE! 8)

  • I agree, it seems like more and more threads are getting closed for trivial/silly reasons, or no reasons at all.

    My observation/speculation is that it's the domino effect at play here...

    • Development, and new releases are occurring at a G L A C I A L pace.

    • Users are impatient, or just won't accept Kempers release ideology.

    • The constant trickle of new users, means new people coming to ask the same questions, same suggestions.

    • Stable KPA w/few bugs means an increasing percentage of forum content is "lack of feature" complaints.

    • Veteran users are insulted at newbies and their lack of appreciation for "the Kemper way."

    • New users are shocked at the complete lack of responsiveness from on high.

    • Mods get frustrated over the same complaints over and over and over.

    • As angst grows, more and more threads become counter-productive bickering.

    • Off-topic, counter-productive, bickering threads get closed here. Again, "the Kemper way" in action.

    • Back to the top, and start over...

    I'm not saying any of the above is good or bad. Just the way I see it.

    Remember when Microsoft said the internet was a fad? Lucky for them and their investors, they finally accepted that they were wrong. There's no moral component to the Line 6, Atomic, Mooer, Fractal Audio, or Kemper way of doing business -- it's just business. There's no right or wrong. It's just a matter of what allows Kemper to stay in business.

  • I think this thread is gonna have a fairly short lifespan, as people get used to the new layout! As a rule people 'don't like change'. I don't mind it either way, looks a bit cleaner to me, but have no preference either way. Just reverbs next PERLEASE! 8)

    I like to remember that this thread is not made to diskuss about the new form of the forum!