• Yeah, Heres my feedback.

    I'am back to my beloved D'addario 0,9 to 0,42. The paradigm are too expensive. I checked 0,10 set's on all of my guitars and for me the diffrence is not as big as exepted for that price. Fresh 0,9 d'addarios sound best on my Jem's.

  • I’ve tried those Paradigm EBs. Didn’t really notice any difference, if I’m honest. I’ve tried Elixirs and those XL D’addarios, but again, haven’t really noticed any difference. I used to love Dean Markley strings, but then my local store stopped selling them, so I went back to D’addario (they were also cheaper). Now I play mostly EB Slinky (10-46), though I have 9-42 on three of my guitars (Ibanez JS1000, Charvel GG and MM Luke II; they all came like that from the factory), funnily enough all signature models.
    I was surprised to learn that Guthrie plays Rotosound. Back when I was a pre-teen and had just started playing, Rotosound were the cheapest strings my local store stocked. They were like cheese wire, so you only went down that road when you really couldn’t muster up enough pocket money for D’addario :D
    One day I’ll go up to the holy grail of 11s (when I grow up!), but right now I’m having too much fun on 10s, with the odd guilty shred on 9s (gotta love light gauges!).

  • For me it is D'Addario 10 - 46 balanced Tension strings on my solid guitars and 10.5 - 48 Balanced Tension strings on my 335 and 330 to keep a similar feel. I don't like the feel of 10's on a 24.3/4 scale.

    On my L4 and 175 I use D'Addario Chrome 12's with a 22 plain string. Anything less than 12's does not activate the top and you just don't get the sound.

  • D'Addario for the Loomis 7 string with black outs (actives)
    Elixirs for the Strat (bastard expensive bloody things)

    Ernie Ball for the Gibson (some times heavier gauge on the 3 bottom strings)

    HRS usa strings for the 9 string
    Have acoustic/Nylon and a Dobbro too (just use cheap generic ones for them)

    I dont know i am still evaluating the Elixirs (are they worth it etc)

    I do like the idea of Ernie ball making light gauge on the top three strings and heavier on the bottom for the gibson.
    you can do heavy rock and still do your bends. Of cause i am a pussy and play 9's ..meow :D


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

    Edited 2 times, last by ashtweth (July 26, 2018 at 5:47 AM).

  • @Rapidfire Hello my friend i use the nickel wound D'addario 9-54's
    PLENTY of bottom end on the low 7 , you can still sound heavy and do bends on the high strings :)


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • I'd have to keep a database to remember which strings go on which guitar if I were in your shoes, Ash. Yikes! =O

    After I change strings on a guitar, I put the empty pack in the gig bag pocket so I know what strings are on it. I do this for all my guitars.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Do you find the NYs stiffer-to-bend-and-fret than "regular" strings of the same gauges by any chance, mate?

    After I change strings on a guitar, I put the empty pack in the gig bag pocket so I know what strings are on it. I do this for all my guitars.

    Genius, Carl. What'll they think of next? :D

  • I was shopping strings last night and noticed they now have GHS boomers in a thin core set. Supposedly these are easier to bend than regular core strings. So if you are looking for something with a lighter feel/touch, you might want to consider trying them.

  • Do you find the NYs stiffer-to-bend-and-fret than "regular" strings of the same gauges by any chance, mate?

    Those cores are thicker than D'Addario XLs. Dean Markley has thick core strings too, which is why I don't like them.

    I got one of the free, test packs of NYXL strings in standard .010 gauge. They were REALLY stiff. I'd probably have to go to .008s if I used that type of D'Addario string. I find Elixir strings stiff as well.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • My experience exactly, Carl.

    Received a "complimentary" NYXL .10 set and they were the stiffest I'd ever played, which is why I asked you. Good to know it definitely wasn't just me then.

    You, @Finally and I have all shared this impression, so for anyone considering them, maybe do as I suggested earlier and go at least 1 gauge lighter than you otherwise would have.

  • Played EB Skinny Top Heavy bottoms ( 10-52's) on virtually all my guitars ( because I got confused with different string for different guitars), all either concert or semi tone down. If I go down to lower gauges I find I over bend/fret so no intention to down gauge just yet.

    I'm shocked about the rust issues others have seen, never seen that myself. Might go a check my packets now!

    Tried coated strings ( DR's in particular) and they felt plastic, didn't get on with them. tried Eilixir and D'Addario and they never felt as good as the EB's for me, but its probably more habit than anything.

    EB cobalts were over rated, didn't like them nor the paradigm ones...

    I hit my strings pretty hard but the EB's seem to last very well - can;t remember the last time I actually broke one and I don;t replace that often.

    To make things worse, I use talc on my hands ( to much amusement of everyone) to get rid of the sweat - so bad for strings and necks but not issues!!

  • Have played DR pure blues 9-42 for many years on LP and Strat. But i had too much finger vibrato so i have changed to 10. Then i moved to Pyramid, also pure Nickel 10s and was happy. Lately i have tried the Elixier Nanoweb 10 and stick with them for a while. My problem was not rust on the strings but i had very soon scratches from the thread on the strings so sometimes i had to change every two weeks. Hope they last longer. Soundwise and from the feeling i was very happy with DR and Pyramid. They were not overly bright. Some kind of vintage vibe.

    Gibson 2012 R8 with Wolftone Pickups
    Tokay ES110
    Schecter Custom Shop Strat
    Dano 59 for slide
    Brunetti Singleman 16 with Alnico Gold
    FUCHS Full House 50 Head with Buzz Feiten Vintage 2x12 closed cab
    KPA head

  • Gonna try these tonight.
    Usually do 10-46 NYXL, so it should be an interesting change...

    [Blocked Image: https://s5.postimg.cc/6v84orql3/strings.jpg]

    OK... banged them up for 3 hours on Wednesday night.
    Nice but slight increase in bass response.
    Feel on the bottom end is stiffer. Not unmanageable, but noticeable.
    No issues with tuning at all. Worked perfectly and stayed put.
    I think my PRS Silver Sky is happier with 10-46 though, and I might try going lighter than that, like 9.5 or 9s.
    I will beat the crap out of these and try something else... cuz... fun! 8o

  • In the days I thought I could here a big difference between two 12AX7's, between guitarcables, between a lot of bla bla bla, I used Ernie Ball Super Slinky's exclusively. Now I use one of the cheapest strings available: from supermarket Lidl: 5 sets for € 5,99. Each set contains an extra D. A few years back I had the same discussion on another forum which resulted in a small test: Dean Markley strings versus Lidl strings - both on the same guitar, a fresh and new set of strings.
    You can listen to it on Soundcloud. 0.00 - 1.00 = Brand A; 1.11 - 2.05 = Brand B. Can you tell which one is which?

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