Guitar picks. Which one do you use ?

  • More and more guitar-players here love the Dawman-picks, I'm glad that I could recommend these fantastic picks to Bert and others. I couldn't go back after changing from standard Dunlop Delrin-picks first to V-Picks and then to Dawman-picks, for me it's a big improvement in playing and tone. I'm still using some V-Picks for acoustic guitar (Tradition lite and ultralite), especially for strumming, but for all electric guitars it's 100% Dawman.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

  • More and more guitar-players here love the Dawman-picks, I'm glad that I could recommend these fantastic picks to Bert and others. I couldn't go back after changing from standard Dunlop Delrin-picks first to V-Picks and then to Dawman-picks, for me it's a big improvement in playing and tone. I'm still using some V-Picks for acoustic guitar (Tradition lite and ultralite), especially for strumming, but for all electric guitars it's 100% Dawman.

    After two weeks of playing the dawnmans I can say exactly the same. Thx for the hint Günter.


    Edited 2 times, last by Eltzejupp (September 1, 2018 at 8:47 AM).

  • Yep. I ordered a Dawman pick to try out after reading this thread and it arrived yesterday. I got the black jazz III skull and I absolutely love it. Enough, actually, to have just ordered a handful more. My only complaint is that it`s only engraved on one side and the other gets very slippery....a problem solved, yes, rectified by emailing dawman and having them engrave the skull on both sides!! I`ve still got at least half a bag of my customs but I suspect from here those will be mostly used to give away at shows (I have seen at a few NAMM shows that handing out picks w/ contact info/website address is much more effective for a solo musician than business cards so I`ll still keep a few on me at all times).

    FWIW, I was concerned I wouldn`t like the 3mm pick but the way the tip is shaped it plays like a much thinner pick as far as attack goes.

    Just a guy who plays a little bit of guitar.

  • Yep. I ordered a Dawman pick to try out after reading this thread and it arrived yesterday. I got the black jazz III skull and I absolutely love it. Enough, actually, to have just ordered a handful more. My only complaint is that it`s only engraved on one side and the other gets very slippery....a problem solved, yes, rectified by emailing dawman and having them engrave the skull on both sides!! I`ve still got at least half a bag of my customs but I suspect from here those will be mostly used to give away at shows (I have seen at a few NAMM shows that handing out picks w/ contact info/website address is much more effective for a solo musician than business cards so I`ll still keep a few on me at all times).

    FWIW, I was concerned I wouldn`t like the 3mm pick but the way the tip is shaped it plays like a much thinner pick as far as attack goes.

    This. I ordered a scull and some other ones. The scull is my fav and it‘s a good idea to engrave it from both sides. Igor say it is possible? If so, i will order some more skulls.

  • Another boring user of Jazz III here. I'm sure there is better stuff out there but no matter what I try I always come back to them. Funny story, I usually have at least one spare in my pockets during gigs (a slip out only happens maybe once a year). There was a gig where I went at the front of the stage and the pick fell into the crowd while I had no extra (total Murphy's Law scenario). At the end of the song, I desperately pointed at the red spot on the floor and some benevolent audience member threw it back to me, the incident probably didn't look very rock & roll but that random person saved me. Since then I've been superstitious and only get the red ones! The older ones felt better, more "rubbery" though, hopefully I'll find a better replacement one day.

    For acoustic strumming, I use the slightly larger ones Dunlop makes, in various thicknesses (I usually stick with the orange one mostly) but also looking for one with more grip.

  • LOL Brilliant story, Jed.

    Chiming in 'cause I'm in the same "boring" boat as you:
    Jazz III for lead & chugging.
    Bigger Dunlops for strumming or shuffling.

    I'm still not skilled-enough to use the IIIs for strumming or shuffling without grazing my fingers, so any attempts at doing so call for a bigger Dunlop.

  • For tone and articulation I WANT to use the Jeff beck Mark Knopfler signature picks but my technique just can't handle it :rolleyes:

    Therefore, I settled on Dunlop Jazz III. I have a pack of normal and extra grippy versions. I actually find the extra grippy ones so grippy they are unnerving I can't palm them or spin them in my grip. If I want to slightly change the picking angle or palm it to adjust something on the KPA it's a two handed job ;(

  • LOL Brilliant story, Jed.

    Chiming in 'cause I'm in the same "boring" boat as you:
    Jazz III for lead & chugging.
    Bigger Dunlops for strumming or shuffling.

    I'm still not skilled-enough to use the IIIs for strumming or shuffling without grazing my fingers, so any attempts at doing so call for a bigger Dunlop.

    Have you tried the Jazz III XLs? Best of both worlds.

  • LOL That's too-funny, Alan! :D

    Have you tried the Jazz III XLs? Best of both worlds.

    Of course I haven't, mate; I'm an idiot.

    Thank you so much man.

    The Petrucci are between the Jazz III XL and the normal Jazz III.For me they are the perfect size.

    Thank you, Monkey!

    Great, so it looks like I've got two options to try that fall right into my practically-zero-budget-pick M.O. 8o

  • I'm intrigued by these Dawman picks. I've used Wegen gypsy picks for years. They are 3.5 mm with heavy ridges on both sides. They are pricey, at $15 @, but the difference in tone and control is astounding, and they last a long time. I've tried lots of other picks but nothing comes close to the volume and tone of these picks.

    I might try the 3mm Dawman shredline standarts, though. Anyone else try the Wegen gypsys?

    Edited once, last by dvto63 (November 12, 2018 at 6:49 PM).