I heard a rumor about a new Kemper Reverb that compete BIG SKY or IMMERSE type of reverb

  • Pixelman

    Ofcourse my idea will never happen.I just made some suggestions of what I would like to see for the future of the kpa.

    Anyway..Kemper will obviously continue what they started.For me personally this more relaxed marketing and policy of waiting for the tube amp purists to "understand" that in the long run the will not escape the kpa is a good thing.It is a (always in my humble opinion) perfect way to approach guitar players who have "obvious difficulties" to let decade old habits go.

    And personally I believe that Kemper does very right to let ****6.com and ******* audio.com exhaust themselves in a war of attrition against each other for the few percent of guitar players who never cared much of being tube purists and had their minds most of all on "user interfaces" and other funny things.

    As I like to say since years.One has juste to go to the homepage which still is Kemper AMPS.com to understand.It is very simple indeed.

  • ..., I remember at the time when they announced the power amp, they said we could add it ourself (in the empty space) or send it back to kemper so they can add it but finally none of that.

    In Kempers defense, this was due to regulations. Adding or modifying the original product by adding the amp would change it's UL/CE rating. Doing so would open the company up to liability issues if anything ever happened. Enter a company like Camplifier.

  • I think we will see a floorboard model based on Kemper 1 long before a Kemper 2. As long as products from the Kemper 1 line are selling well, there is no reason to introduce a #2.


    Arguably, the KPA is equal to or superior to the Axe III Fx (I have played both side by side for 5 hours and this was my personal assessment) in tube sound quality and over-all sound. It does this at a price considerably under that of the Axe III Fx so in the competitive landscape, Kemper is doing pretty well with current product.

    It makes much more sense for Kemper to introduce a floor model at a lower price point to compete with the Axe AX8 and Helix.

    As long as the processing power still exists to complete the reverbs, and enhance the stomps, the sound quality is definitely already there.

    Really, the verb engine is the biggest piece IMO. Not that the current verb is crap, it just isn't top-tier quality like Strymon, or Eventide (but it will soon be).

    Using the same processing and modifying the physical portion to accommodate a floor unit is a very very good idea (great bang-for-the-buck). A great side effect is that it is quite likely that such a floor unit would also come with a really good PC or tablet editor to lower the amount of controls needed on the physical unit :)

    Personally, the verbs are where my yearnings lie. While a lower cost floor unit has appeal. To me, it is just more wires around my gigging area. I like just the single Ethernet cable as I have today with my KPA Rack.

  • CK is rightfully pretty secretive of the product roadmap. We know only what he wants us to know, and that's as it should be.

    Even if they *were* working on a Kemper 2- or even a Kemper 1 Floor- or Kemper Lite - Or a new type of toaster oven that can profile a really good sandwich - there's no way they'd tell us until it was at the point in the product lifecycle that a release date was firm.


    And - if they're working on a firmware update with new features, they may 'tease' these features but it'll be ready when it's ready and not a moment earlier.

    It's just good business.

    KPA Unpowered Rack, Kemper Remote, Headrush FRFR108s, BC Rich Mockingbird(s), and a nasty attitude.

  • Personally I'm fine with the verbs as they are, don't use them a ton. I don't know what all the head-banging is all about over this issue. I'd prefer better OD stomps and FX management, as I've previously alluded to, but the damn thing is great - why all the negativism over some reverbs? In live gig situations (which is mostly what I do), reverb is only to be used in moderation, and we've got great verbs already for them.

    Too many complainers here, not enough appreciators imho.

    Just my opinion.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Personally I'm fine with the verbs as they are, don't use them a ton. I don't know what all the head-banging is all about over this issue. I'd prefer better OD stomps and FX management, as I've previously alluded to, but the damn thing is great - why all the negativism over some reverbs? In live gig situations (which is mostly what I do), reverb is only to be used in moderation, and we've got great verbs already for them.

    Too many complainers here, not enough appreciators imho.

    Just my opinion.

    Only to be used in moderation?! Hogwash! 8o

    I like super psychedelic tones, simply DRENCHED in cavernous vintage spring and plate reverbs, and I use it that way live as it’s perfectly suited for one of my bands.

    The Kemper spring Reverb is great so far. Really hoping for a Plate.

  • I doubt very much we will see a release of the new reverbs during Namm show.
    When they will be at the Namm Show, they won't be in Germany (Captain Obvious !) to be able to support the users.
    So either it will be relased before or after Namm. Since we are now two weeks from Namm, again i doubt that there is enough time for them to release the firmware, support the release and then fly to Namm, so i think it will be released after, hopefully shortly after (but don't hold your breath !).

  • Personally I'm fine with the verbs as they are, don't use them a ton. I don't know what all the head-banging is all about over this issue. I'd prefer better OD stomps and FX management, as I've previously alluded to, but the damn thing is great - why all the negativism over some reverbs? In live gig situations (which is mostly what I do), reverb is only to be used in moderation, and we've got great verbs already for them.

    Too many complainers here, not enough appreciators imho.

    Just my opinion.

    Love the KPA. No doubt.

    For someone who uses very little verb, of course, a new verb engine is unnecessary.

    The KPA is, in fact, a high end guitar processing solutions though. It is not unusual for the kinds of people that gravitate to this level of a device to desire top-tier effects.

    Even without top-tier verbs, the KPA would be used by these people simply because of the great guitar tone it produces. Despite this, many will still use top-tier external verbs with it today.

    For those who do use or desire this level of verbs, the new verb engine eliminates external pedals making their work much easier.

    Edited once, last by OneEng1 (January 7, 2019 at 3:08 PM).