M Britt Profiles what am i doing wrong?

  • Ok, so we can rule out monitoring or signal path issues.
    Next in line is the guitar(s) you're using. Michael Britt mostly uses a Tom Anderson Hollow T Contour Telecaster style guitar for tweaking and profiling. Waraba mentioned P90 equipped guitar but that's what Michael Britt uses on stage, not so much for profiling. The telecaster is a pretty bright guitar (basicaly all Telecaster style guitars are much brighter than e.g. Les Pauls). This preference leads to slightly "warmer", more mellow results in his profiles. Not exactly perfect for Les Pauls or other "darker" sounding guitars.

    Keep in mind that as a gigging artist, Michael Britt might have a tendency to keep the treble "under control". At high volumes, guitars (especially Telecasters) can get pretty harsh in the trebles. So in this regard I do agree with you that his profiles lack a bit of the clarity and brilliance you'll find in profiles specifically made for studio/recording use. That's not necessarily a downside, just depends on your application what's best for you.

    Now what can you do about this? Of course there's always the option to try other cabs with the amp profile. But before you start doing this, you might want to try "High Shift" and/or "Character" in the CAB block. I wouldn't recommend to start using lots of EQ trying to compensate for what you miss. It's well possible that Michael Britts profiling style just isn't made for you. :)

    One last remark:
    Michael Britt typically has the reverb block engaged with a pretty low mix setting. This adds to the impression that a sound seems to be "thin". Others often use quite a bit more reverb or even delay. Best advise in this regard is to setup a reverb (and delay) that you enjoy with other profiles and then lock these slots so they stay the same whenever you load a Michael Britt profile.

    Hey mate,
    thanks for taking the time here.

    Ok that is something i haven't considered yet that his profiles might adress a specific purpose more live situation then studio use.
    It may come from the fact that i saw so many different guitarists using and praising them for like any situation so far. So
    i just assumed they would work in the studio as good as live. For gigging purposes that might still work. But the best thing on the
    kemper for me is that i can use it with headphones and it still sound realistically like and amp. Many of my favorite profiles have
    a realistic tone and feel to them. And thats why i get so frustrated that especially the praised britt profiles can't match them.

    Maybe i should read the profile description first. Maybe his profiles are mainly for live situations. From high class profiles I
    assume that they were profiled in a flat characteristic without boosting or cutting to many frequencies so that i have a chance
    to modulate them to my needs later. But there is so much missing right out of the box.

    I usually tend to take all of the effects out of the equation to really figure out what the amp sounds like. Effects come second.

    Maybe you right and Britt just isn't my cup of tea.

    Hi ZSchneidi,

    I don´t know if you are aware that your first posting is quite disrespectful!?

    Sorry i think this was a bit harsh from me.
    I had no intention to criticize Britt personally. I'm sure he is good with what he is doing.
    Maybe its just the pure disappointment and frustration that spoke for me.

    This.MBritt's profiles all tend to sound a bit darker because they're tweaked for a live setting and therefore have treble under control.
    Also his profiles often make use of his favourite cab and therefore tend to sound more similar than other vendors' profiles that use several cabs and mics.

    As you have made an opposite experience than what’s common sense here why not make a recording?

    That is the real strange part here.
    You might be right and his profiles tend to serve live purposes but his previews on his profiles sound great to me.
    But using them myself can't live up to the expectations. Maybe there is a huge difference in just hearing them and
    playing them myself. Maybe i always need a reference point.

    I could try to record and compare those differences i'm talking about.

    I LOVE the MBritt Vox pack. It's my go to clean sound. Melts my heart every time and it's super dynamic and responsive.

    Also a big fan of the mesa boogie profile.

    MBritt does a great job of adding great effect with many of his rigs which act as a great starting point for tweaking.

    No complaints here.

    I'm using humbuckers.

    I got myself the 65 ACE30 PACK from Britt because i love the AC30 character.
    And like the 800 pack just pure disappointment. This doesn't sound any good out of the box.
    And i dont run those profiles into guitar cabs i rather monitor them via studio equipment.
    Maybe thats just the wrong environment for those profiles.

    I think he was just REALLY frustrated and was venting a bit. We've ALL been there with gear at one point or another. :)

    I use Mike's profiles with both single coils and humbuckers, and they aren't thin or distant sounding at all with my gear (QSC K10s). I'm thinking maybe something is tweaked in the global settings in OP's Kemper that is messing with his sound. We've seen that many, many times around here.

    Could you point out what in my global settings could cause these kind of problems.
    Because i really want to find a way to get them to work like you all seem to know them.

    Riding an old horse.

    Month ago I asked also what‘s the magic behind Michaels profiles, because for me they are too dark and I also got no useable sound right out of the box.

    The answer from one of the mods was, that I have to buy a tele......Lol

    After checking again I must say that Michael has also done some brighter profiles. A big gamechanger for me was the cab. I tried the profiles with a 1960AV from deadlight studios and the profiles where ok for my taste, but i must say I have a bunch of Miachels profiles and i dont use one.

    If you are from the JP fraction, you find more gems in other packs. What’s your experience with the Lars Lüttge pack from kemper?

    Maybe trying other combinations of cabs and eq might help but i spend money on those profiles because I want more like
    a plug'n'play approach and don't want to put to much time into a single profile in order to see whether it works for me or not.
    Other profiles work that way and i i like them i start putting some time into them.

    I haven't tried the Luttge packs yet but if you recommend them i sure gonna try them out.

    Don't get me wrong guys i'm not here to just bitch about M Britt he must deliver good stuff or else the community wouldn't
    praise him like that. I currently more frustrated with myself that i just don't get anything decant from it. Maybe the problem
    is me or my settings or just my expectations. I guess i need to record a bit and tell you whats bothering me.

  • Very insolent title and totally inappropriate choice of words! Wrong place to post here, by the way - "third party rig discussion" is where it belongs, I think?

    That is what you said. But I don't want to contradict here...

    Sorry im not able to post into these sections although i'm registered. But I might be just to stupid for that too.
    I usually take myself into consideration when it comes to blaming.

    Maybe you're just not a Marshall guy lol.

    Would be possible but i freaking love the sound of those amps.
    Maybe i just heard mastered versions of it so far.

    Mike is a stand up guy - maybe you should reach out to him - my guess he will probably try to help you out.

    I'm sure he is. Again this is nothing personal. But the man has better stuff to do than dealing with my shit ;)
    Thats why i come to you guys i guess you could tell me too what the real problem might be here.

    As the guys above said i need to record a bit and show you guys what my problem is so you don't need to guess.

  • Sorry im not able to post into these sections although i'm registered. But I might be just to stupid for that too.

    Log in to the main Kemper page: https://www.kemper-amps.com/account

    Scroll to the bottom right and enter your serial number from your KPA, last page of the system menu. Good to go!

    I currently more frustrated with myself

    It happens man! The community is here to help with lots of very knowledgeable members, not to mention the mods! Just be calm, and precise, with perhaps a more modest approach/tone. You'll get more mileage with this method! ;)

  • HI

    It would be interesting if you could record a unprocessed guitar track and then reamped 1-2 Britt profiles that you are having issue with, then let us download the files and compare it with our Kempers with the same profile. Then we would know for sure if you are hearing something odd or if it was the same as our profiles.

    Just an idea.

  • Log in to the main Kemper page: https://www.kemper-amps.com/account
    Scroll to the bottom right and enter your serial number from your KPA, last page of the system menu. Good to go!

    It happens man! The community is here to help with lots of very knowledgeable members, not to mention the mods! Just be calm, and precise, with perhaps a more modest approach/tone. You'll get more mileage with this method! ;)

    Heh thanks i kinda knew i would register my KPA guess i will do that later this day.

    And you are right i tend to be a lil toxic especially when i'm mad with a situation. But you guys are awesome and still listen to
    my complaints and try to help me. i love this community. Others aren't that helpful.


    It would be interesting if you could record a unprocessed guitar track and then reamped 1-2 Britt profiles that you are having issue with, then let us download the files and compare it with our Kempers with the same profile. Then we would know for sure if you are hearing something odd or if it was the same as our profiles.

    Just an idea.

    That is a good idea i guess. A DI track would give you the chance to prove me wrong or send me your results.
    I hope i can take the time today to record a lil di track. Doesn't have to be anything special. I will let you know when i got it.

  • What headphones are you using? I'd think that perhaps your headphones are the weak link here.

    I'm using Beyerdynamic DT990 pro so i guess they aren't the weakest link in that chain ;)

    But you are absolutely correct here. The headphones could be the issue. i have a pair of AKG 240 headphones.
    Man these sound like total garbage compared to the DT990.

  • So many free and commercial profiles out there. I have a lot of M. Britt's stuff, but also have many user profiles from RE in my favorites.
    Combinations of the type of guitar, playing style (talent), monitors/cab, audio interface, etc..all affect the overall tone.
    A profile may sound like crap when I play it, but hand my guitar over to another player and he can make it sound like freakin' heaven.

    Not all profiles are good, of course, but just find the ones that you enjoy playing, that inspire you, and make music.

  • I have a ton of Britt profiles and I use and listen to them on my studio monitors and I always found them to be thick and dark, in a good way. Very rarely thin sounded.

    He made them mostly for live work being play loud through a PA. So something at a lower volume may sound dark but when it gets louder its going to get brighter.

  • So many free and commercial profiles out there. I have a lot of M. Britt's stuff, but also have many user profiles from RE in my favorites.
    Combinations of the type of guitar, playing style (talent), monitors/cab, audio interface, etc..all affect the overall tone.
    A profile may sound like crap when I play it, but hand my guitar over to another player and he can make it sound like freakin' heaven.

    Not all profiles are good, of course, but just find the ones that you enjoy playing, that inspire you, and make music.

    The personal taste and the ability to get something out of the system may be the biggest factor.
    There are definitely great profiles out there. In the beginning i went for commercial profiles because
    i expected them to be better then community profiles. But to this day all you guys out there profiling your
    gear you keep getting better and better is more and more fun to search for new great profiles from you guys.

    That is the greatest thing with the kemper that it is community driven and no closed system. There is so much
    room for improvements. I always find something really nice out there. But i need to know whether i'm doing something
    wrong or if i just bet on the wrong horse here.

  • Have you tried High Shift, Low Shift, Character in the cab block already?
    If this doesn't help much, try to swap the cab for one of the rigs you like.

    With all this being said, I think I know what you don't like about his profiles. I own a few packs of him as well and I can get them to work using cab parameters or even cab swap. But it's not an out of the box wow feeling for me either ... probably because I'm not a gigging musician, I'm a studio guy. And the fact that I never play Telecaster doesn't help either, hehe. Also I'm a relatively soft picking guy, not a hard strummer by any means.

    Finally, one more short remark:
    It's not a crime if you can't bond with his profiling style or sound preference. That's normal and perfectly fine. Try to find a profiler (the guy making profiles) that suits your style and taste. There's plenty out there and pretty much all of them "sound" different. In my case it's Andy from TAF, his profiles just work for me, right out of the box. Or the free Mesa Boogie Mark IIc+ profiles by Djemass.

  • Unfortunate thread title - asking ‘why they are so bad’ means that it is fact they are bad. This is only your opinion, not a fact.

    A better title might be ‘I have tried Mbritt profiles and I don’t like them’. That is fairer in my opinion.

    This is like saying ‘All French Food is terrible’ as opposed to ‘I haven’t yet found and French food I like’.

    Personally I love MBritt prifilesand so do most people. Again just opinions :). Most of the tones I love are low to mid gain and my two main guitars are a P90 loaded Tokai Goldtop and a PRS which has fairly low OP pickups. With these they sound great but of course we all have different sounds we think are beautiful. There are other profile manufacturers that are shown a lot of love that I have not really liked much but I’ve put this down to us all being different as opposed to then being bad.

  • I'm using Beyerdynamic DT990 pro so i guess they aren't the weakest link in that chain ;)
    But you are absolutely correct here. The headphones could be the issue. i have a pair of AKG 240 headphones.
    Man these sound like total garbage compared to the DT990.

    It could be that you just don't like the profiles! Are you okay with other profiles through your headphones?

  • It just seem to be "horses for courses" and his style just isn't to your taste. I am sitting in mys studio just now and rant through some of Michael's profiles again then compared them to Lars Luettge as some earlier posts suggested his stuff to be more to their liking. I'm sure they are great for certain things and for certain styles but I didn't find one I could ever imagine using. Some were way to bright and fizzy others we totally muddy in the mids and some had a real woof to the bass. Basically I hated them all. That doesn't make them bad profiles just not to may taste. I have the same experience with Most of the high gain stuff like Sinmix, Lasse Lammert and Ola Englund. None of them sound like real amps to me; all way to hyped and thin. Whereas the MBritt stuff sounds full and warm like a real amp to me straight out the box.

    At the end of the day, you can't please all the people all of the time. In fact trying to please everyone generally results in blandness that pleases no one. Every one of those profilers seems to have their own sound and stick to it. They nail their colours to the mast. If you like it great if you don't no problem but they ain't going to change their sound because its "their sound".

    Fortunately we all have different tastes and there is plenty of room for all of us to express it musically.

  • This.MBritt's profiles all tend to sound a bit darker because they're tweaked for a live setting and therefore have treble under control.
    Also his profiles often make use of his favourite cab and therefore tend to sound more similar than other vendors' profiles that use several cabs and mics.

    As you have made an opposite experience than what’s common sense here why not make a recording?

    This has been my experience, as well. I typically don't use Michael Britt's profiles for recording, because they are darker and thicker, and I don't want to do a bunch of EQ for my humbucker equipped guitars. Live though, Michael's profiles are what I typically use, because when you crank up the volume, they sound very balanced and natural. I use several of his Marshall Super Leads, his Vox, his Deluxe Reverb, and a few others for a lot of what I play. I honestly hadn't messed with his JCM 800 or Jubilees since I got my XiTone speaker, so I definitely need to go back and try them out loud, as well. For higher gain stuff, there are other profilers I prefer, but for cleans, lower, and mid gain, I use a lot of Michael's profiles.

    I guess some people could describe a JCM 800 as "thin" sounding, compared to some other amps, but to me it fits in the audio spectrum where a six string guitar should sit. To me, it is bright, tight, percussive, "kerrangy". I don't use Jubilees as much, but almost grabbed one about six months ago. Michael's Jubilees sounded really close to what I was hearing in the shop. There were a few of the Jubilee profiles that may have sound more "distant" to my liking, but they'd probably work with other guitars.

    Here's a quick runthrough of the profiles I just did. This is with a JB with the tone knob all the way up, but I don't think it sounds thin or distant. Excuse the crappy playing, this is just a quick test.

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    I haven't made it all the way through the thread yet, but posting some clips may help with seeing what is going on. I have a graphic EQ in X with a 100 Hz low cut andd a 7700 hz high cut. Other than that, everything is just straight into the DAW.]

    As a few others have said, Michael is very responsive and very helpful, as are most of the folks on this forum.

    Edited once, last by patrick2099 (June 5, 2018 at 9:24 PM).