Public Beta discussion

  • Regarding the latest beta.
    Are there any reported problems with it so far?
    I’m having a gig next weekend where I’d like to use the newly added Mono “aux in” option for the monitor feed from FOH.
    The Kemper is otherwise working perfectly now, so I’m a bit afraid to install the beta in case of problems.

  • ....
    The KPA is great, but customer service (and the forum is part of it since KPA takes part) is an important part of a product that can create a long lasting connection and turn each customer into an ambassador of KPA.
    You often don’t just buy a product. You choose if you can identify with the brand and the community.

    In my opinion there is room for improvement.

    You're absolutely right , there are so many products and so many tools out there. I was a fan of the product, but I just looked around and found better solutions that does the job equally as good if not better than my Kemper which I will likely get rid of it shortly. I got banned twice from this forum and the reason was that some members didn't like what I posted so they complained to the mods.

    The mods should have banned those who complain or at a minimum tell these below petty individuals to get a life. When was the last time, did you or I, or any normal person, complain and encourage the ban of a member because you didn't like their avatar or what they write.

    It's kind of silly and the atmosphere is more like kindergarten due to this group of complainers who get to sensor the forum because they mods don't address the issue professionally, but the significance of this is that when I was recently banned for 10 days I needed to reach support for a technical support question and couldn't use my account,. The ban should only limit my ability to post, not to use the other features as customer support. so I concluded that the Kemper forum as well as the device are not complete products and I needed to simply find another tool.

    This was the tip and wasn't the main reason as you can imagine. My Kemper recently has been more Unreliable that any tube amp I've ever owned. Sometime the sound completely becomes unusable and
    becomes a pain to fix with reseting after reseting.

    The current firmware of 5.5 has been crashing almost on demand when I run Rig Manager and use the KPA control panel.

    Needless to say, I'm grateful that this thing has happened because ultimately I found a solution that works much better for me.

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (April 29, 2018 at 9:49 PM).

  • You're absolutely right , there are so many products and so many tools out there. I was a fan of the product, but I just looked around and found better solutions that does the job equally as good if not better than my Kemper which I will likely get rid of it shortly. I got banned twice from this forum and the reason was that some members didn't like what I posted so they complained to the mods.
    The mods should have banned those who complain or at a minimum tell these below petty individuals to get a life. When was the last time, did you or I, or any normal person, complain and encourage the ban of a member because you didn't like their avatar or what they write.

    It's kind of silly and the atmosphere is more like kindergarten due to this group of complainers who get to sensor the forum because they mods don't address the issue professionally, but the significance of this is that when I was recently banned for 10 days I needed to reach support for a technical support question and couldn't use my account,. The ban should only limit my ability to post, not to use the other features as customer support. so I concluded that the Kemper forum as well as the device are not complete products and I needed to simply find another tool.

    This was the tip and wasn't the main reason as you can imagine. My Kemper recently has been more Unreliable that any tube amp I've ever owned. Sometime the sound completely becomes unusable and
    becomes a pain to fix with reseting after reseting.

    The current firmware of 5.5 has been crashing almost on demand when I run Rig Manager and use the KPA control panel that it honestly makes me wonder about the Beta testers and their suitability..

    Needless to say, I'm grateful that this thing has happened because ultimately I found a solution that works much better for me.

    Wow, what a turnaround! Never thought I’d read that coming from you, Dean. Must’ve been some bad problems you were having. What is the solution you’ve found?

    For the record, I’ve had no problems whatsoever with the beta, though I know saying that doesn’t help anyone that does.

  • What is the solution you’ve found?

    A tube amp and speaker-sim device, Sam.

    I'm really shocked that our resident attack dog has experienced this turnaround. The only "consolation" I can think of is... well, there're two actually:

    1) Dean's happy, and every guitarist should want this for another.
    2) He didn't settle for a sub-par modeller (anything but a Kemper), and embraced the only viable alternative - the real thing.

    So sad (and happy for you) that you've left our beloved beastie, Deano. I do hope that, like so many before you, you eventually return. I mean, that tube amp's only ever gonna be able to sound like one amp, isn't it?

  • I will definitely consider a Kemper 2 with Cab section that includes room simulation, tone stack, and gain Knob profiling with the ability to run a Stomp Profile at the same time and with some spring reverb maybe. It seems like a reasonable expectation considering the price

    Kemper worked very well for profiling my own amps, but third party profiles never sounded right.

    when I recently got a an AC15 and with the other few amps I have, the profiles I made were close enough but also sounded much better than the best commercial profiles had. That lead me to rationalize that if I can use my own amps at home, in the studio and live easily with a DI-Cab simulator, the Kemper became redundant.for that one purpose.

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (April 29, 2018 at 9:00 PM).

  • Wow, what a turnaround! Never thought I’d read that coming from you, Dean. Must’ve been some bad problems you were having. What is the solution you’ve found?

    I'm using the AMT CP-100 Pangea, it works quite well as it's a DI with various choices of attenuation when using with a tube amp speaker out, but can also be used in other configurations. with preamps or other line level modelers etc.

  • Kemper is a great device, it's just that I found out that currently I have no need for it.

    It's without a doubt the most realistic tube simulation in existence but I'm fortunate enough (thank God for that) to have a whole first floor of my house to myself where my guitars and amps can be put to use.

    It's just the nature of guitar players wanting to constantly experiment with new stuff. I also just switched from Celestion speakers to Eminence Red coat speakers and for that thick British Rock sound, those governors get you there faster than any Celestion. I've tried.

    I'm definitely keeping my eyes peeled for what comes out and I'm almost certain that Kemper will keep developing the KPA. Who knows with my luck, 6.0 might be just around the corner and it would address some of the things I cared about and I would have to get back in.

    Edited 2 times, last by Dean_R (April 29, 2018 at 11:46 PM).

  • Well, I told AJ he'd be back in short order and he was, but you're in a situation where space allows you the luxuries of more amps and cabinets, so I predict you'll be back, but not quite as quickly as AJ, Deano.

    Regardless of what you do, you're bound to learn many things and refine your techniques (mic'ing for instance), things you'll be able to apply when you buy your next Kemper... and share the knowledge with us!

    I'm gonna miss you, bro'. ;(

    Sorry to hear that the beta was flakey for you. From what I've read here, it seems to me to be one of the least-problematic I've seen.