Kemper profiles that has actually been used on albums???

  • Does anybody know any (metal) profiles that has been used on any albums?
    I mean, the ACTUAL profiles, not just something you think "sound alike".

    Because I suck at finding useful profiles.

    I think I need to hear them in context of an album mix to decide if it's useful or not

    (and please dont say "but your mix will be different"... YES I KNOW THAT but someone always brings that up and I dont need to know that over and over)

  • My "DR R OD9 57 SCOOP" on the exchange was used on both of our Coraxo albums Neptune (2015) and Sol (2017) for 90% of the guitars. Some tracks are 50/50 mix of that and the "MIDS" version.

    High end is pretty heavily low passed in post. Profile is a mid-90's 2ch. rackmount Dual Rec on the red channel, boosted with a Maxon OD9. Mic pre was a Great River ME-1NV, perfect match for that huge Mesa low end.

  • the Ace and Michael Wagner Rig Packs certainly qualify, but I'm not sure if they are 'metal' enough for you. ;)

    I've thried the Wanger and I dont like them much

    @Cederick I do not think this is a good idea at all. If you find someone who uses similar guitars, pickups, tuning and playing style, then you have a chance. If not, you are wasting your time and money. Like I told you in private, @Deadlightstudio makes killer custom profiles.

    I know

    I dont wanna spend money on Kemper profiles anymore since I cannot find any I can use anyway, so it would with 99% certainty be a waste of time and money.

    Mike Britt and Katzbach and the Morgan are 100 % of the guitar tones on my new CD
    No amps other then Kemper,,,, BTW the bass is all kemper as well
    could not be more happy with it,,

    I asked for metal nothing else

  • Hey man, i know what you want but i think what the others are saying is something like this. IF you took *name any great guitar players here's rig" and you were right there with them playing live, and they played and then handed you their guitar, you would not sound the same. I know you already know that but here is my point since you know that. Search for who evers sound you are trying to get, go look for that amp and then tweak it out the best you can. That's really all you can do. then put it in a mix with some bass and drums and tweak a bit more. Here's a true story, i got to meet a famous guitar player when they were here in san antonio in the late 80s and got to be there warming up with the band at freeman colusium. This guy knew i was a guitar player and let me jam on his guitar for 10 minutes in front of about 20 people, not only did i not sound like him, i sounded like shit lol...i wasn't used to that volume and dynamics of the whole sound. i might have sounded ok or have been nervous. But my point is you have to find your "own" sound within that idea of what you hear from others. It will also identify you with what you are anyway and not what someone else sounds like. to be honest i don't want to sound like anyone else anymore, i find tones i like and then play "my way" and its my sound on "that"/"their" amp...i hope that makes sense.

    Edited once, last by IronWord: speelling (January 24, 2018 at 12:38 AM).

  • Denman recorded their EP with Michael Wagener and just wrapped up their latest album. It's all Kemper.

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  • Denman recorded their EP with Michael Wagener and just wrapped up their latest album. It's all Kemper.

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    That sounds pretty good but what exact profiles was used??

    My "DR R OD9 57 SCOOP" on the exchange was used on both of our Coraxo albums Neptune (2015) and Sol (2017) for 90% of the guitars. Some tracks are 50/50 mix of that and the "MIDS" version.

    High end is pretty heavily low passed in post. Profile is a mid-90's 2ch. rackmount Dual Rec on the red channel, boosted with a Maxon OD9. Mic pre was a Great River ME-1NV, perfect match for that huge Mesa low end.

    Thanks, not the sound I'm looking for tho

  • Because i know your after REAL old school metal and not modern metal, now ignore that some of the list have not used profiles on albums, BECAUSE IT DOES NOT MATTER THEY HAVE PERFECT REAMPING SKILLS (some on the list HAVE BTW)
    There are three and try at least 3 man

    2) Dan
    3) SinMix

    All of them have a specific talent at this.
    I am keeping this short okay
    You know what send a DI to sin , Lars ad Dan
    they will show you that you wont waste your money

    Ill bet 500$ on that, i got the cash right here man
    Euro or USD


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Dont bet Ash. Save for a jem ^^

  • I don’t play it and I don’t like it, I just absolutely detest the ‘cookie monster’ vocals… however I completely respect guitarists who play metal, the good metal players have amazing picking technique…
    I do like ‘Miles away from home’ and ‘High heels and Leather’ songs, but I realize it’s not metal… Just great hard rock!