New rig pack from Kemper & amp factory

  • here is the full list and some clips :

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    TAF - Blue Ton Cr 2 Bluetone
    TAF - Bogus Supersonic 4 Bogner Überschall
    TAF - Bud A. 18 Lead+ Budda Superdrive 18
    TAF - Car S 6 BP+ Carr Slant 6V
    TAF – D/13 Push Divided by 13 JJS 31
    TAF - Diesel VH 4 Ch 3 Diezel VH 4
    TAF - Engle 650 RB Ld 2 Engl E650 Ritchie Blackmore
    TAF - Engle Eyeball Ld 2 Engl Ironball
    TAF - Engle Eyeball Solo Engl Ironball
    TAF - Fan Band Mr. Cl 2 Fender Bandmaster 1964
    TAF - Fan Band Mr. TS+ Fender Bandmaster 1964
    TAF - Fan BM TS+ Fender Bassman 1959
    TAF - Fan Cert Muff+ Fender Concert 1963
    TAF - Fan EC Trem Crank Fender Eric Clapton Tremolux
    TAF - Fan EC Trem WL+ Fender Eric Clapton Tremolux
    TAF - Fan Pro C1 Crank 2 Fender Tweed Pro 1958
    TAF - Fan Pro C3 Cl 2 Fender Tweed Pro 1958
    TAF - Fan Sup. Rev. Fz2 Fender Super Reverb 1969
    TAF - Fan Super C1 Cl 3 Fender Super Reverb 1961
    TAF - Fan Twins Clean Fender Twin Reverb 1968
    TAF - Fan Twins Full Fender Twin Reverb 1961
    TAF - Fan Vibr. Clean Fender Vibro King
    TAF - Fortune 3 C1 Fortin
    TAF - Fried Man Drive 6 Friedman Dirty Shirley
    TAF - Gibb's Son Cl 2 Gibson BA 1955
    TAF - High Watt Clean Hiwatt 50 1970
    TAF - High Watt DG Cl 2 David Gilmour's Hiwatt 100
    TAF - High Watt DG Full David Gilmour's Hiwatt 100
    TAF - High Watt WL+ Hiwatt 100 Custom
    TAF - Mars 800 Bst 2 Marshall JCM 800
    TAF - Mars 800 Cr 2 Marshall JCM 800
    TAF - Mars CM 900 Drive Marshall JCM 900
    TAF - Mars SL Lead 1 Marshall JCM 2000 DSL
    TAF - Mars SL mod Lead+ Marshall JCM 2000 DSL
    TAF - Mars TM Full Marshall JTM 45
    TAF - Mars VM OD2- Marshall JVM 410 HJS Joe Satriani
    TAF - Matchbox H+C 30 Matchless HC-30
    TAF - MeBo Electro Cl 2 Mesa Boogie Electra Dyne
    TAF - MeBo Road Ch 3 Mesa Boogie Roadking
    TAF - MeBo Still Crnch-- Mesa Boogie Stiletto
    TAF - MeBo Trem Verb 2 Mesa Boogie Trem-O-Verb
    TAF - MeBo V Drive 3 Mesa Boogie Mark V
    TAF - Oranje Blast Cl Orange Thunder 200
    TAF - Oranje Matt Fuzz Orange Matamp
    TAF - Oranje OD Cl 2 Orange Overdrive
    TAF - Pea V. 505 Cr+ Peavey 6505
    TAF - Pea V. 505 Lead- Peavey 6505
    TAF - Pea V. Class Cl 3 Peavey Classic 50
    TAF - Pea V. JSX 4 C2 Peavey JSX Joe Satriani
    TAF - Rainheart Clean+ Reinhardt The Storm 33
    TAF - RedFlag Push 2 RedPlate CDS3
    TAF - Riviera Full Ch 1 Rivera 3012
    TAF - Riviera KH Lead 2 Rivera Knucklehead
    TAF - Roll Land 120 Cl Roland JC-120
    TAF - Silverclone Cl 3 Silvertone 1418 1967
    TAF - Sold S+L+O Soldano SLO 100
    TAF - Sure Badge Push 2 Suhr Badger 35
    TAF - Ton King Bird Ld+ Tone King Falcon
    TAF - Voice Ace 15 Clean Vox AC15 1971
    TAF - Voice Ace Clean Vox AC30
    TAF - Voice Ace Push 3 Vox AC30 1964
    TAF - Voice Cop Top Cl 3 Vox AC30 Copper Top
    TAF - Watson Push 3 Watkins Dominator

  • Thanks for sharing! I will say looking at these huge packs I scratch my head wondering why so many with such varied amps? I'm usually just looking for a couple of specific tones and don't want to pay that much for a bunch of tones I'm not going to use.

    I did see they have some packs with less content and essential tones like the 1987x one I bought the other night from the TAF.

    Edited once, last by WolfsLair (December 20, 2017 at 10:17 PM).

  • Definitely an awesome pack!

    I'm slightly confused by a rig I like, TAF - MeBo V Drive 3, which has a gain of 2.7 but it sounds like it should be around 6. It is kind of annoying because I like to sort my rigs by gain so this one is not exactly where I expect it to be. Does this happen often? And is there a way to fix this? I tried increasing the gain and countering this with a studio EQ with a negative volume but (at least to me) it sounded a little off afterwards...

  • Definitely an awesome pack!

    I'm slightly confused by a rig I like, TAF - MeBo V Drive 3, which has a gain of 2.7 but it sounds like it should be around 6. It is kind of annoying because I like to sort my rigs by gain so this one is not exactly where I expect it to be. Does this happen often? And is there a way to fix this? I tried increasing the gain and countering this with a studio EQ with a negative volume but (at least to me) it sounded a little off afterwards...

    Every once in a while there will be a profile that behaves like this. It's very rare. I think you just have to live with it :)

  • Many Thx Andy , this is a huge collection of both classic & rare stuff, and most of them are directly usable for my gear :) Loved the Gibson and the silvertone.

    And yeah, I got surprisingly good Hendrix tone out of the Gilmout Hiwatt ;) , and that JCM800 has some killer vibe

    I've a question about the Orange / Matamp profile, could you tell us a bit more about this amp & story , is it an Orange or a Mat , maybe I'm missing something ?

  • took and hour on my holiday to do some recording tests & clips with major profiles from this pack

    do not expect smoothness, these are raw spdiff takes and just some panning . Guitar is my usual semi hollow on P90 , see pic ( on the right) even on the VH4 and Peavey.

    comments are self explanatory regarding profile names, so check the soundcloud comments :

    tone king ld
    fan vib queen
    ac15 clean
    watson dom
    pea V 505
    Orange MATT fuzz
    Diesel VH4 ch3

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  • Is there any way to tell which profiles, especially the Fenders, are from pack 10.
    I quickly played thru most of the Fenders w my old Strat, grey bottom pups
    and these profiles are spectacular with this guitar.
    I’m plugged into a magnum 44 power amp and a single Celestion V Type, 12”, open back cab.

  • I did a few more recording tests with that special 1972 amp from Andy's collection, I'm pretty amazed by it's tone. I've seen these WEM on Led Zep, the Who and Floyd vids, for some obvious reasons ;)

    I did not have to mix anything BTW, not a single shelving.

    Guitar : P90 semi hollow, ebow, Nitrogen21 fuzz on lead parts, delays are crinkle and Twotap, vintage chorus

    Jazz bass on ampeg profile. drum samples.

    I wish you all a merry Xmas, peace and love !

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