How do you cure writers block?

  • Its work and the guys that do it write EVERYDAY.
    Dont be over critical we are our worst critic's
    Make your goal to write something everyday. Good or bad, do one thing.
    You may have a germ in one song you will flush out latter.
    Just get in the habit of finishing something... anything.

  • Sometimes it also works taking a break from guitar altogether - like a week or two.
    Sometimes trying alternate tunings work, because it throws you off your muscle memory.
    Sometimes using a completely different tone works to. Use substantially more or less gain than normally, more or less bass, more or less delay/reverb etc etc.

    When you say writers block - are you struggling with coming up with whole songs, or riffs, or what?

  • I’ve stumbled onto a huge writers block moment recently, I’ve tried writing in different styles and I’m lost for ideas everywhere.

    What do you do to help get out of a rut?

    walk away.
    for a week or more if possible.
    stop playing guitar and read a good book, go outside for the sake of being outside - walk, bike, skate whatever you like to get plenty of oxygen and as much sunlight as possible.
    do some kind of physical work.

    hth :)

  • interesting topic, my best writing is when I'm really down or either euphoric . When I'm in normal mood , I cannot write anything or record any decent music, it just gives plain boring usual stuff.

    I won't recommend getting melancolic by either serious moves in your like or the use of other intoxicants , but Don's advice is precious , leaving your instruments for a while will surely help.

    I'm fed up of guitar ATM , that's why I began learning and playing the trumpet, I also pick up bass and synths much more lately, this will enhance the quality of my recordings a lot BTW, and guitar became much less prominent in my writing.

    I guess musician have to evolve to keep the magic drive music can add yo your life.


  • Play multiple instruments. Percussion improves your internal metronome and gives you new rhythm possibilities.
    A harmonica can open a melody you might not think of on guitar. Be damn sure you don't pressure yourself into writing.
    I've pulled some good people out of the gutter because of that. Drinking and chasing women always works but it's very expensive.
    Go easy on it, you'll be back when the groove arrives man.
    Reading the Kemper forum won't hurt you either! 8)

  • I usually put everything up for a little while and walk away, but I finally got my recording computer set back up and when I sit down I draw a blank, when I’m downstairs and just riffing around I come up with stuff but now as soon as I sit down I loose everything like all inspiration is lost, it’s weird

  • Aside from the obvious break , what has worked besides not being bummed by it (Loomis and Merrow will tell you this )
    is to recharge the brain with NUTRIENTS. Even Blue Berries,…-of-blueberries
    EFFECT THE BRAIN in this way. Before you discount this, Ginko, brahmi, gotu kola (i have all of them in a tea)
    will re charge your brain AND keep it that way. Have a read what blue berries do to the brain and those herbs

    Why do you think your brain hit the wall in the first place?
    FATIGUE is part of it (sorry )
    nutrients my friend or lack there of...
    There is a reason why i can afford 2 mission cabs, 2 kempers and every profile that exists.
    (just saying so you take this seriously)

    The break is essential too.
    Most do not realize that your brain ALSO needs nutrients.
    Be well brother.


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Are you writing instrumentals, songs, or both?

    If songs, pick a key emotion, or theme/word (or, literally, open a dictionary to a random page, and put you finger on the page- that is your word. )

    Write down song title ideas, with no second guessing or editing. Write until you fill the page, or run out of ideas.

    Pick one of them at random. Write it on the top of a page. Write words and phrases that could possibly work as lyrics to support that title. Write a lot of them, if you can.

    Grab another possible title, and do it again. No self-editing, just brainstorming.

    Do either of them look like they are worth turning into a song? If not, no problem - you are already past your writers block by this point. :)

    Pick something else from the title list, or just make a new list, with a different emotion/word.

    And, if you try this, Hold onto the old lists- anytime you are looking for inspiration, you may find it there.

  • The main issue I’m having is when I sit down at my computer load up Logic Pro and addictive drums 2 and want to start composing I draw a blank, when I’m sitting in a room with my amp I’ll riff all night. I was just writing though with everything 3 weeks ago, we came off a killer 4 day show week so juices were flowing now I hit a wall.

  • The main issue I’m having is when I sit down at my computer load up Logic Pro and addictive drums 2 and want to start composing I draw a blank, when I’m sitting in a room with my amp I’ll riff all night. I was just writing though with everything 3 weeks ago, we came off a killer 4 day show week so juices were flowing now I hit a wall.

    Sit in a room with your amp, and use the Voice Notes app on your phone - just turn it on, riff on, and listen to it later.