NAMM 2018

  • I have another device from Kemper Amps, an Access Virus TI Snow. It is an amazing synth. But it too has its limitations and will tell you when you are taxing the system too much. When that happens, voices get dropped and other insanity.

    you cannot compare the two in this regard. a synth is something entirely different to an audio processor like Profiler.

    As far as processing power, there are certain effects that add latency to the Kemper, for example, the transpose or pitch FX. I'm assuming this is on account of processing power, though perhaps it is on account of just the time required to affect the signal.

    That said, I have external gear that does not exhibit the same issues at least as far as pitch FX are concerned.

    pitch recognition in the digital domain requires time. that's true for your external gear as well. some prefer this resulting latency to be static, others choose a dynamic approach. it has nothing to do with calculating power.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • There are already devices where there is a cutoff for how much processing you can do. For example, the AX8 and I think the Helix have a ridiculous message that says something like "Out of processing power"..

    Obviously the profiler works very different.It is not "building up" rigs "from the scratch" like the other modellers do.At least this is what I have understand so far..the KPA just "records" or better said "copies" a rig.This obviously means that for some reason it needs far less processing power..if I am wrong about this please correct me someone.

    And yes..


    and believe me, reverbs are some of the most taxing FX you can come up with.

    ..I believe you! :D

    Actually I guess this is the reason why the kempers "saved the best for last" and first finished the delays which are far more "sexy" for the customers than the "boring" reverbs..the "rest capacity" of the processor will surely go at its biggest share into the new reverbs.And yes..IMO sure at some point in time the processor capacity after the reverb updates(and maybe some new/better pedals) will reach the limits and the time for new hardwarewill come..but when will this be;Sure not to soon..maybe even 2-3 years.

    That being said I believe that they are working on the editor,a floorboard and as @skoczy said a FRFR..maybe even a new (tube;) power amp;

    Just guessing around here..dont know &%$§..

  • In regards to potential reverbs. Has it ever been more than speculation that the Kemper is nearing capacity on CPU? -to which adding advanced reverbs might be too much, at least with open-ended use in any slot.
    If so, there are ways to open this up a bit. Perhaps a limit on the number of advanced reverbs and delays allowed in a single rig? Or only one Advanced reverb per rig? But two, if only one is advanced and the other is the legacy reverb?

    Things that shouldn't require more CPU: more overdrive models. A Klon, Timmy, or other potential overdrive stomp models shouldn't take any more CPU to use than the TS808 and Rat models that it already can model.

  • I do apologise! Needless conjecture on my part that the Kemper is running out of power, after all, look at the wonderful stuff that's been done in terms of the amps and the FX so far.

    The assumption was borne from the premise that we have better FX than most digital FX units. But look at the kinds of chips and processing power in those. Add to that the fact that we have very high expectations - it just won't do if the Kemper reverbs aren't earth shattering.

    I'm just assuming that there is some kind of theoretical limitation to how much horsepower the processor has. If you look at what goes into some stompboxes alone, you'd be surprised how much CK has already done with what some people have said.

    For example, CK has said the Kemper uses a freescale DSP56/Symphony (Dual Core, equivalent 400MHz), according to some old thread.

    According to some benchmarks, that @Per ran:
    DSP5672x ranges from 590 to 740 while the TigerSHARC TS201s ranges from 5330-6400) otherwise it could be

    AxeFX II : 5330
    MSC81xx: 5610

    Now, just look at the delays. They're pristine, beatiful. As per some users, better than units like the Strymons.

    So, in that respect, erm, useless conjecture.

  • People always ask for "more" drives and reverbs. But like the delays, I''d like a "rebuilt" drive engine .. a single, deep stomp capable of accurate replicas of all the separate analog drives/boosts we use in one effect, and that also incorporates some of the ingenious approaches to drive and grit I've only seen in the Kemper.

    The presets could invoke cute names that suggest Tube Screamer, Klon, Blues Driver, Zen, but these settings would all be achieved with the same master stomp. It would be amazing if the "master" effect also incorporated compression algorithms (pre and/or post) in the same stomp.

    I'd love a rebuilt compression engine too, and yes new reverbs. And like the dream drive/comp mashup, figuring-out a way to create presets that exploit the delay and reverb engines in a single preset and stomp slot would be incredible.

    I actually think that some of these developments could actually alleviate stresses on processing power versus taxing it further. PSP audioware has sometimes provided "lighter" versions of certain plug-ins, and they can sound great too, while freeing-up dsp resources. That might be a nice option if the KPA chip really is being overly taxed.

  • Processor speed isn’t an indication of anything other than how many operations per second can be done on the processor. The algorithms you run are more important, and the type of chip and it’s optimization. The Kemper clearly uses a much more efficient algorithm that doesn’t simulate every single component in the amp (unlike the AxeFX), and the chip is less stressed meaning the Kemper can be air cooled without fans, we have no way of knowing how much more can be done with the existing hardware or what the limits are, but I don’t think we’re necessarily at the limits of the hardware yet.

  • WHEN the new reverbs are made public? You know something we don't Mats?

    No I don't actually know anything. BUT...
    having followed discussions and having talked to Mr K himself numerous times and seen how he's worked with the Virus synth, I'd be more than surprised if new reverbs didn't show up at some time. Not necessarily at this NAMM.


    Mats N

  • Not meant too seriously but I would love to see a dedicated wireless KPA option that won't interfere with my w-lan. Hate cables... :D

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • I dream with you the impossible dream ;) (don quichotte)I think it would need the cabability for 2 Profiles at same time .

    Yes !! [Blocked Image:] Dual amps ... that would be fantastic ... I thought I´d be the only one here in desperate need of dual amps ... personally I would need this much more than any gadgetry ...

    Good active FRFRs would be nice too ... we have seen some "prototypes" on the Kemper stand in the past.

    I have once opened my KPA and spotted that (what it seems to me) the main CPU board is designed as a plug-in board, i.e. that it could be swapped not only for a replacement but also an upgraded board with a faster CPU at some given time in the future.

  • Yes !! [Blocked Image:] Dual amps ... that would be fantastic ... I thought I´d be the only one here in desperate need of dual amps ... personally I would need this much more than any gadgetry ...
    Good active FRFRs would be nice too ... we have seen some "prototypes" on the Kemper stand in the past.

    I have once opened my KPA and spotted that (what it seems to me) the main CPU board is designed as a plug-in board, i.e. that it could be swapped not only for a replacement but also an upgraded board with a faster CPU at some given time in the future.

    Talking about "dreams" I'm the other one that, if I could, I would choose for Dual Amp Chain as a first innovation in Kemper World!

  • Ive had Line 6 and Fractal gear that allowed for dual amps and found it more of a gimmick than a really usable feature. Its a lot of tweaking/matching and mucking around for not much benefit IMO.

    I would rather see better overdrives/reverbs as a priority and then maybe an editor (if only to save wear on the rotary knobs).

  • Ive had Line 6 and Fractal gear that allowed for dual amps and found it more of a gimmick than a really usable feature. Its a lot of tweaking/matching and mucking around for not much benefit IMO.

    I would rather see better overdrives/reverbs as a priority and then maybe an editor (if only to save wear on the rotary knobs).

    exactly my thought.and parametric eq on the main output

  • Ive had Line 6 and Fractal gear that allowed for dual amps and found it more of a gimmick than a really usable feature. Its a lot of tweaking/matching and mucking around for not much benefit IMO.

    I would rather see better overdrives/reverbs as a priority and then maybe an editor (if only to save wear on the rotary knobs).

    Agreed - However, if I could morph between two different profiles and effects settings..... ;)