Issue with volume

  • Same problem here. It's been brought up in other threads. No one seems to ever have an answer. I have even contacted Kemper support and was told "We have no software issue of randomly disable volume knob". Unfortunately there is an issue as you and I, as well as several other people I have seen on here have brought it up. I just hope it doesn't happen at a show. The only way to make mine work again is to restart the unit.

    Music is my religion.

  • Check what outputs are linked to the master volume knob. If there are any outputs that have to much of a discrepancy in level in relation to the main/monitor outputs, it will appear to be 'stuck' until you've turned the knob past the point where the levels are in the same range.

  • Somerimes that is the case. Other times, especially after editing a performance or profile thru my DAW. I will have the master completely down to hear the recorded sound but then when I try to raise the master to hear what it sounds like thru my cab it will not go up from 0. I have to restart the KPA to get it to work again.

    Music is my religion.

  • Ha!

    I was thinking along similar lines, Sam.

    Many a time I've encountered "stuck" or stubborn knobs on synths and whatnot when MIDI pass-through is enabled in a DAW and a track record-enabled, meaning that as one sends data (unknowingly, in this case) from a knob, slider or pedal, it's re-transmitted to the device being listened to a few ms later in time.

  • No. I am tracking guitars using the XLR out, which I have set to a static -18dB (not controlled by the Master) going into my interface. No midi or third party editors. I only use the master for my speaker out which is connected to a 2x12 cab. When I track guitars in my studio I do not want to hear the cab sound so I turn it down to 0. I'll tweak the tone a bit for the recording using the Kemper itself. After I am done recording I'll go to make sure the changes I made to the profile's tone still work thru the 2x12. I go to raise the master to turn up the cab and get nothing. It just stays at 0. I have to restart the Kemper to get the speaker out volume to work again.

    Again, there is no midi. No third party editors. Just me turning down the cab volume so I don't here it when I track. Then when I am done I try to turn the cab's volume back up and it stays stuck at 0.

    It's really bizarre. I've tried at rehearsal to turn the cab volume up and down and it works just fine. It seems as if editing the profile after I turn the cab volume down causes this behavior.

    I've seen the same thing mentioned on this forum a few times. And I said in the original post I have mentioned it to support and received the "We have no software issue of randomly disabled volume".

    I'm hoping with the next update maybe this bevavior will go away.

    Music is my religion.

  • No. I am tracking guitars using the XLR out, which I have set to a static -18dB (not controlled by the Master) going into my interface. No midi or third party editors. I only use the master for my speaker out which is connected to a 2x12 cab. When I track guitars in my studio I do not want to hear the cab sound so I turn it down to 0. I'll tweak the tone a bit for the recording using the Kemper itself. After I am done recording I'll go to make sure the changes I made to the profile's tone still work thru the 2x12. I go to raise the master to turn up the cab and get nothing. It just stays at 0. I have to restart the Kemper to get the speaker out volume to work again.

    Again, there is no midi. No third party editors. Just me turning down the cab volume so I don't here it when I track. Then when I am done I try to turn the cab's volume back up and it stays stuck at 0.

    It's really bizarre. I've tried at rehearsal to turn the cab volume up and down and it works just fine. It seems as if editing the profile after I turn the cab volume down causes this behavior.

    I've seen the same thing mentioned on this forum a few times. And I said in the original post I have mentioned it to support and received the "We have no software issue of randomly disabled volume".

    I'm hoping with the next update maybe this bevavior will go away.

    A value of 0 indicates that the Master volume knob is linked to more than one output. As soon as only one output is linked the scale is no longer in a range of 0-10 but will show the actual value in dB. Can you confirm that f.e. the SPDIF output level is not linked to the master volume as well? In any case please take a short video that shows how you turn the master volume and what is being shown in the display at that time and send that to along with a backup of your Profiler.

  • Forgive me for enquiring further on this, LP, but can I take it that there're no MIDI cables whatsoever connected to your KPA at these times?

    No midi cables are connected at all.

    A value of 0 indicates that the Master volume knob is linked to more than one output. As soon as only one output is linked the scale is no longer in a range of 0-10 but will show the actual value in dB. Can you confirm that f.e. the SPDIF output level is not linked to the master volume as well? In any case please take a short video that shows how you turn the master volume and what is being shown in the display at that time and send that to along with a backup of your Profiler.

    The headphone was linked. Turned it off. Displaying dBs now. We shall see next time I edit a performance if it still happens. Many thanks in advance if that fixes my issue.

    Music is my religion.

  • I do believe it was acknowledged by Kemper that the volume sometimes could become negative and it would take some turns to get it back up. They also said it was already fixed in the beta code but I don't see it mentioned. Anyway - I just updated to the beta and will see if it reappears as well. I have no midi stuff attached or anything.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

    Edited once, last by musicmad (July 21, 2017 at 8:40 PM).

  • This is a good example of these misunderstandings around Master Volume. Bold statements like: "Master is only controlling speaker out. Nothing else." And later it turns out that Headphone Output is also linked to Master Volume, which takes two seconds to verify.

    Multiple users have raised "volume issues" recently, but nobody has been able to substantiate a real problem so far. If you are convinced you have found a bug, please open a support ticket, attach a complete backup of your Profiler and add instructions how to reproduce the issue.

    It has consequences if you link more than one output volume to Master Volume. Intentionally, Master Volume doesn't break the volume relations of outputs linked to it! Therefor it is possible, that the output with the lowest volume is "under water" at the low end of Master Volume or that the maximum volume of one output is limited by the loudest output arriving at the 0dB ceiling. We hope, that the new Master Volume screen introduced in 5.3.0/5.3.1 makes visible, what is going on.

  • This is a good example of these misunderstandings around Master Volume. Bold statements like: "Master is only controlling speaker out. Nothing else." And later it turns out that Headphone Output is also linked to Master Volume, which takes two seconds to verify.

    Multiple users have raised "volume issues" recently, but nobody has been able to substantiate a real problem so far. If you are convinced you have found a bug, please open a support ticket, attach a complete backup of your Profiler and add instructions how to reproduce the issue.

    It has consequences if you link more than one output volume to Master Volume. Intentionally, Master Volume doesn't break the volume relations of outputs linked to it! Therefor it is possible, that the output with the lowest volume is "under water" at the low end of Master Volume or that the maximum volume of one output is limited by the loudest output arriving at the 0dB ceiling. We hope, that the new Master Volume screen introduced in 5.3.0/5.3.1 makes visible, what is going on.

    This! It is absolutely visible what happens with all linked and unlinked things. Very good , but i miss the option to change the screen to another overview. This means: I would like the option to choose what i like to see when using the display like only master volume from 0 to 10 or the volume in db.

  • What is the value add of the Master Volume scale 0-10, if you can see the dB of each output?

    Dont missunderstand. Id like to see ( as an chooseable option) only the mastervolume like in former times in a bar from 0 to 10, or if I like to see it in db Id like to change to a real showing of the db's. That's all. It would be cool to have these options imho.
    If we had this possibilities we all can choose a displayed value
    1. The new thing with all interaction
    2. The value from 0-10
    3. The value in db

    Just a wish and a big thing to claim

  • This is a good example of these misunderstandings around Master Volume. Bold statements like: "Master is only controlling speaker out. Nothing else." And later it turns out that Headphone Output is also linked to Master Volume, which takes two seconds to verify.

    Multiple users have raised "volume issues" recently, but nobody has been able to substantiate a real problem so far. If you are convinced you have found a bug, please open a support ticket, attach a complete backup of your Profiler and add instructions how to reproduce the issue.

    It has consequences if you link more than one output volume to Master Volume. Intentionally, Master Volume doesn't break the volume relations of outputs linked to it! Therefor it is possible, that the output with the lowest volume is "under water" at the low end of Master Volume or that the maximum volume of one output is limited by the loudest output arriving at the 0dB ceiling. We hope, that the new Master Volume screen introduced in 5.3.0/5.3.1 makes visible, what is going on.

    Just so we're very, very, clear...

    1) I love the KPA. It sounds incredible. Using it live again tonight and I can't wait. It sounds incredible.
    2) I was not in front of the unit when I thought everything was unlinked. It was originally unlinked, but my unit had an error message within a few days of buying. I had to start over and I must've forgotten to unlink it again. They were linked at the same level if that makes a difference. I don't know. That's why I'm asking questions.
    3) I did send an email to support and was told there is no issue. Not much more I can do with that. Maybe unlinking the headphone out was the fix. I will not know until I'm back in the studio tracking and editing.
    4) So far everyone on this forum has been super friendly and helpful, unlike my experience with another competitors forum. I'm very sorry if we do not all use the same terminology but you came across a little condescending and that's disappointing. This thing is 300 layers deep and has a huge learning curve. I'm just coming here to ask questions and be a part of the community.

    That is all. I'm gonna go play my guitar now. All hail KPA!


    Music is my religion.