That Rig Show #11 - Michael Britt Rig Pack walkthrough

  • Kemper posted a new YouTube video:

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  • I have not tried the free pack yet, but it sure looks good. Thank you, Michael. By the way, most of these rigs are in your packs already? The Rig names sound familiar and yet different. Remade?? I haven't checked them out yet. Thanks again. I like your stuff.

    Never too old for rock'n'roll

  • These are 50 profiles that Kemper handpicked from my commercial packs. I'll be putting out a list of which profiles came from which packs very soon, but they are all from existing packs. Since some of these are still included in my packs, I have adjusted the pricing on most all of my packs to compensate for the fact that a handful are available in this free rig pack. I think it gives folks that haven't purchased any or many of my packs a good representation of what's available. For most players, this may cover everything they need and for those who like collecting a bunch of profiles, it makes it a little more affordable to do so as well.

    Thanks for all the support and I hope the profiles work for you. I think Kemper did a great job of showcasing some of the tones. I wish I could play that well. :)

    M Britt Profiles -
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • There seems to be some good sounds in I hearing the room (voice) mic picking up the strings (acoustic strum) bleed into the audio?

    Listen at 10:00 into the video where it is quite prominent. Only bringing this up because if the observation is correct it means the tones in the video are not quite being accurately portrayed. Cleans, strumming, in particular could be getting colored.

    Or....are my old ears just hearing things?


  • There seems to be some good sounds in I hearing the room (voice) mic picking up the strings (acoustic strum) bleed into the audio?

    Listen at 10:00 into the video where it is quite prominent. Only bringing this up because if the observation is correct it means the tones in the video are not quite being accurately portrayed. Cleans, strumming, in particular could be getting colored.

    Or....are my old ears just hearing things?


    Think you are right.
    I looked at the vid and i was blown away from this sounds. Excellent!! The friedman sound in the vid is killer,
    But I tried to get the vid tone out of the box. Impossible with my equipment.
    Most of the profiles are sounding dark.

    My equipment:
    KPA +remote
    Main out left right direct to my Steinberg interface. Steinberg out to two rookit rp6 g3.
    No output eq. All is linear.i just loaded the rigs with a double click.

    I tried with:
    Fender american strat
    Les Paul Jpe Perry, Les Paul studio limited edition, Jem 77 fp from 89 with PAF's

    Nearly the same results with all guitars. The sound is dark and muddy.

    Is there a special trick to the vid sound? I tried also to change volume knob position, tone knob position

    It sounds like this (recorded out of the box, right throug the daw, no eq or tricks in cubase f.e. with the strat:
    1 = MB /13 LDW39 2,2
    Brigde pu, tone and volume knob changes and than pos 4 of the pu switch (all following samples nearly the same)
    2= 62 D'Lux 6
    3= Car slant 6v1
    4= fried Man 4

    @ Michael: Please let me know what to change, there must be something special. Out of the box it sounds lightyears away from the vid sounds, exept the Car, this sound is a bit fresher than the others. I put you in my night prayer when you find a solution, i really really like the demo sounds in the vid.

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    Edit: Same results with my frfr
    Dark and muddy sounds, not the clearness like in vid, exept the car amp. This one is clearer.

    This happens with the Fried Man when changing the cab and a little main eq

    First = Friedman original out of the box
    Second = cab changed and trebel to -1,7, presence to - 1,5

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    Edited 2 times, last by Eltzejupp (March 24, 2017 at 9:17 PM).

  • There seems to be some good sounds in I hearing the room (voice) mic picking up the strings (acoustic strum) bleed into the audio?

    Listen at 10:00 into the video where it is quite prominent. Only bringing this up because if the observation is correct it means the tones in the video are not quite being accurately portrayed. Cleans, strumming, in particular could be getting colored.

    Or....are my old ears just hearing things?


    No, I think the audio is picked up by a mic in the room. I noticed that too :)

  • No, I think the audio is picked up by a mic in the room. I noticed that too :)

    It's the mic he's wearing.

    You'll notice that it's quite proximity-sensitive, so when he sits upright between playing stints and speaks towards the camera, the level lowers temporarily. This makes it a good choice for use in the video as it'd reduce the room's (and his speakers') contribution to the video.

    However, when he leans forward and down whilst playing, the mic winds up a lot closer to the strings, so there's definitely the twang's contribution to the overall tone, but it's mostly-evident during the attack phase, and therefore can be accounted for when listening, IMHO. At least it's more-or-less just the "pure" string twang and not the room that's added-in.

    The fact that it's not causing annoying phase cancellation with the main amp sound speaks volumes for the Kemper's low-latency performance, IMHO.

  • The Friedman is definitely the darkest and muddiest profile in this set. It's one that I have a hard time using but it can sound good with the right guitar at the right settings I guess. If a different cab makes it work better, that's what I would recommend.

    As far as sounding like the video, I think much of it has to do with the guitar and with your speakers. I have a really hard time getting my Kemper to sound "right" through my studio monitors at home. I only trust my Ultimate Ears UE7s or my Xitone cab when I'm tweaking because all headphones and speakers have a pretty drastic eq curve even though they are supposedly "flat". It's what you have and get used to and tweak to that can make it work for you. Maybe my UE7s aren't flat but they're just what I'm used to so they sound "right".

    I tried these profiles with my Strat through my monitors and they sounded ok, but as soon as I picked up my Anderson tele they all sounded better, so different pickups are part of the equation as well. The good news, I guess, is that there are lots of free tonal options available so hopefully you can find profiles that work for you. Even after making hundreds of profiles, I still gravitate toward the same 10-15.

    M Britt Profiles -
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • I looked at the vid and i was blown away from this sounds. Excellent!!

    I tried with:

    Fender american strat
    Les Paul Jpe Perry, Les Paul studio limited edition, Jem 77 fp from 89 with PAF's

    I tried these profiles with my Strat through my monitors and they sounded ok, but as soon as I picked up my Anderson tele they all sounded better

    you might need a Tele :)

  • Damn, Mr.Britt you just don't quit and neither does Kemper.
    My Guitars are alive man! I'm taking to these like a diving duck. Swim to the bottom and drink my way back up.
    I should send a bottle over for your Kemper cocktails! Name your poison,Well done sir!
    When I cranked the Dumb and the Fried Man my wife didn't even flinch cause it sounds so Good!
    Bravo Mofos! 8)