OS 5.1 Experiences Thread :)

  • While I am happy that they are putting effort into really fleshing out the delays, I can't help but wonder when and if they are ever going to get around to addressing preset management. I will have to dig up the thread over on the Gear Page, but it has to be over a year ago C. Kemper himself assured me they would be doing something about that.

  • New me as delayist! :)

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    Edited once, last by mdeeRocks (January 17, 2017 at 12:33 AM).

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  • While I am happy that they are putting effort into really fleshing out the delays, I can't help but wonder when and if they are ever going to get around to addressing preset management. I will have to dig up the thread over on the Gear Page, but it has to be over a year ago C. Kemper himself assured me they would be doing something about that.

    The answer is obvious, 'Hookster:

    They were delayed. Literally.

    I know. Such a lame joke. It will happen if Christoph said it would 'though, IMHO.

  • So far I'm loving it. Quickly knocked out another noodle with it and the new delays:

    A mans place

    (and more directly)

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  • Let no man ever suggest we need new delays again... ever.

    This reminds me of that old cure for a kid caught smoking. Parents lock him in a cupboard with a cigar for a while. I can hear Kemper now:

    "Well, you asked for them and seemed to want 'em so badly...."

  • I just had to roll back to the release OS and restore my back up. After about an hour of playing around and practicing, things got funky sounding, it sounded almost like a combination of fret buzz and a dirty volume pot crackle (sorry I didn't record it). I rebooted and tried changing modes and other rigs, no change, still bad sounding. I tried 2 different guitars and cables just to make sure.

    I restored my back up first with the beta OS and it was fine for about another hour, but then it started again. I'm pretty sure it happened after switching back and forth between browse and performance modes. I would practice in performance mode with my normal rigs for a while, then play around with the delays for a bit in browse mode with random rigs. When I went back to practicing in performance mode, I noticed things were off.

    I only played around for about 10 min. after the roll back to release OS and restoring my back up. I made sure to change rig presets, switch between modes, switch delays, and all seems well. I'll run through it for a couple hours tomorrow during practice to make sure there isn't something else going on.

    PS I loved the new delays while I was playing around though.

  • I just had to roll back to the release OS and restore my back up. After about an hour of playing around and practicing, things got funky sounding, it sounded almost like a combination of fret buzz and a dirty volume pot crackle (sorry I didn't record it). I rebooted and tried changing modes and other rigs, no change, still bad sounding. I tried 2 different guitars and cables just to make sure.

    I restored my back up first with the beta OS and it was fine for about another hour, but then it started again. I'm pretty sure it happened after switching back and forth between browse and performance modes. I would practice in performance mode with my normal rigs for a while, then play around with the delays for a bit in browse mode with random rigs. When I went back to practicing in performance mode, I noticed things were off.

    I only played around for about 10 min. after the roll back to release OS and restoring my back up. I made sure to change rig presets, switch between modes, switch delays, and all seems well. I'll run through it for a couple hours tomorrow during practice to make sure there isn't something else going on.

    PS I loved the new delays while I was playing around though.

    I'll check it for you later - I have some crackling (unconfirmed, need more testing), but nothing like this.

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    nice demo waraba....and thanks to all the others that have cut samples...

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • For all the ambient lovers like me. There are almost unlimited possibilties using the Kemper remote and the new delays. I am combining looper, reverse and 1/2 time, delayed pitch shift, morphing en swap effects using one button. Unbelievable, all this in one machine. Btw, I bought my Kemper years ago for the outstanding quality of the profiles :) Thank you Kemper team!