OS 5.0 Experiences thread

  • I'm not sure what is happening here, but when I plug into Rig Manager, even though I only have 350 or so rigs, it pops up a warning and says I have more than 1000 rigs loaded and I need to do a back up and delete some. Then it starts to do a rig sync. When it's done it shows me 1000 rigs, 650 of them or so are empty rigs that are named after some old rigs that I have since moved over to my local library. Something is really wigging out here. Is this happening to someone else? This does not seem right or good at all.

  • Not sure exactly but I believe it was somewhat high I believe but it is on another page in delay setting

    I had the thought about delay time short and feedback high as well but definitely needs some sort of safety as this sound is all bad. My tinnitus has reemerged with a vengeance

    Guys, would you kindly refrain from ripping into the very fabric of the spacetime continuum.


  • This was scary - as our last set began last night I suddenly lost most of my volume! Has this happened to anyone else?

    I usually run the KPA with the Master Volume linked to both the Main and Monitor Outputs, so I can change everything as needed with the one knob (we have no sound man). This always works fine and I keep the Master Volume at around 4.0. Well when I lost my volume I naturally raised the Master Volume knob. Even maxed out at 10 I had only about 1/5 my normal volume! I immediately went to the output button and lo and behold - the Main and Monitor Outputs were suddenly not linked anymore (and were at very different, low) values!

    After re-linking all is fine and my volume is back to normal. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

    I'll make a support ticket just so 'they' know this has occurred and is out there. Talk about scary though. Hope that's the first and last time that happens. :love:

    Gary ô¿ô

  • I am experiencing constant volume drops, they are more often since I upgraded to FW5 (from FW3). For first time since I got the Kemper (3 years ago) I'm carrying with an spare back up gear, and that makes me very upset. I havent figured out where the problem is when the volume drops. Once hapenned just a minute after a show. I tried to iniatialize the global settings. That brought back the volume powerfully, but also with other settings consecuences that made impossible to use the Kemper. Thanks God there was another pedalboard available and so I could make the show. Now every show that I begin with the Kemper Im always scared expecting the volume drop. So bad.

  • I don't know if this is relevant, but with a volume pedal hooked up to my kemper floor controller, I sometimes get no sound on startup. Moving the volume pedal up and down fixes it though, and it doesn't seem to act up after that.

  • I don't know if this is relevant, but with a volume pedal hooked up to my kemper floor controller, I sometimes get no sound on startup. Moving the volume pedal up and down fixes it though, and it doesn't seem to act up after that.

    Mine does this 100% of the time as well. Whenever I forget to rock the volume pedal back and forth before we start, I freak out trying to figure out what is wrong. Then when I remember to move the pedal, all is well.

    But it's super annoying and sometimes you are under a lot of pressure before the show starts to get everything ready and forget to do this one extra thing. I wish they would fix it--it's been around for quite a long time--way before 5.0 came out.

    I will add that the expression pedal does this also. I have some performances with a wah filter and pitch pedal and it "forgets" where it was when I saved it, so I have to remember to rock it first thing when getting to that slot. Even if I don't have the remote connected at all, it will default back to being the opposite of how I had it set when it was saved.


    Edited once, last by Myramyd (December 19, 2016 at 9:22 PM).

  • I've had volume issues since upgrading as well. Never had an issue before this...always kept it at 2 or 3. Now...I often have it all the way up and still not much signal.

    I went thru the settings and everything seemed OK. Headroom also seems to be an issue as I'm clipping more and at low volumes. I've used the same guitar and profiles with it pre and post upgrade.

    It's a little nerve racking when I play Sunday mornings and at practices whereas before it was plus and play. Literally.

  • I also had a volume drop (felt like input volume drop, because the guitar signal became very weak) during couple of shows after updating to 5 final release. I could not repeat the issue at home, which left with quite uncomfortable feeling to play live next time, becauce I'm not sure if it happens again or not.

    It's very hard to describe the problem, when it happens during live show. I rebooted my KPA and disconnected the MIDI-signal, which comes from Cymatic LP-16 (changing presets with backing track), but I'm not sure which one of these removed the problem. When I played the set through at home with identical setup, everything worked perfectly...

  • I also had a volume drop (felt like input volume drop, because the guitar signal became very weak) during couple of shows after updating to 5 final release. I could not repeat the issue at home, which left with quite uncomfortable feeling to play live next time, becauce I'm not sure if it happens again or not.

    I made a support ticket and Burkhard has been great trying to get to the root of this same problem I had last Friday. He says he's had no other reports of this, so I encourage you, and anyone else who's had this issue to write a support ticket.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • I (and several others) had similar problem with output levels thru cabinet (powered KPA) The ""Power Amp Boost" seems to be buggy - even when displaying +12bd, it clearly was not. Twisting the knob down and back up again surprisingly seems to fix it. But one had to do this on start up every time. Since updating to very latest version of OS ( it seems OK. I'm curious to see if it is mentioned as bug in your ticket....

    KPA Loses Oomph

    Sudden Volume (Monitor Out) Issue

  • Hi all,

    Since I've upgraded I've had a problem with the master volume which would only be audible form 4 or 5. Nothing from 0 to round 4.

    Also had a considerable drop on the output volume and I've immediately reinstalled the upgrade. Luckily it was a studio situation.

    All seems fine now.

    Take care guys.

    Music is Key.

  • Since I've upgraded I've had a problem with the master volume which would only be audible form 4 or 5. Nothing from 0 to round 4.

    This sounds like an output volumes linking situation rather than a bug (although it's strange that it would be affected by an update).

    This is becoming a bit of a mantra for me, I know, but it bears repeating: Master volume is just a knob, not an actual volume parameter in itself, and its 0-10 value does not have a fixed relationship to actual decibels coming out of your Kemper.

    If, for example, it is linked to both Monitor volume and Main out volume, and Monitor volume is manually set to a much higher value than Main out volume, turning the Master volume knob will increase/decrease these two volumes in parallel/proportionally. In this case, when turning the Master volume knob down, Main out volume will reach zero long before Monitor volume; and when turning the knob back up, it may take a while before you hear anything coming out of the Main output (because Main out volume is zeroed-out and is "waiting" for Monitor volume to reach its "head start" -- i.e., the amount you set Monitor volume higher than Main out volume). It can be confusing.

    It is for this reason that I've suggested abolishing the virtually meaningless 0-10 value of the Master volume knob. In the meantime, you could go into the output settings and unlink every output volume except the one you're actually using: with only one output volume linked, turning the Master volume knob will display its actual dB value instead of 0-10, which I find much clearer.

  • I don't know if this is relevant, but with a volume pedal hooked up to my kemper floor controller, I sometimes get no sound on startup. Moving the volume pedal up and down fixes it though, and it doesn't seem to act up after that.

    I can confirm that behavior. After reboot I find (system menue page 5) that wah Pedal and volume Pedal are set to ~32. Interesting thing is that (I just did check again) that the values changed: Booting Kemper, opening system Menue and lookong at the "Pedal links". After ~5 seconds the settings changed.

  • These volume issues seem to be a mixed bag of completely unrelated items:

    @prsgary is reporting, that his output settings changed by itself. Outputs were suddenly unlinked from Master Volume and had extremely low level. We have never observed such a situation and it's honestly hard to imagine. Unintended load of another Output Preset could be one explanation. Just turn the BROWSE knob, while the Output Section is open and Autoload is activated and different output settings might take effect. Or restore another backup. We don't know any other way to change output settings.

    @OneEng1 Pedal Volume at 0 after restart. During a restart Pedal Volume is reset to max. The level of Pedal Volume could be verified in the System Settings. Is the expression pedal really at toe position, while the volume bar is at minimum? Is it a dedicated Volume Pedal or a Wah Pedal with Volume linked to it? Is the cable intact and has it been correctly plugged in right from the start? Or are you using an expression pedal with a built in pot to limit its range like for example the Roland EV-5? Make sure, the pedal works at full range.

    @Skebarist Loss of input signal looks like another issue. Is the Input LED really indicating a low input signal or could this be another Volume Pedal issue? By default the Volume Pedal Location is set to Pre Stomps, which might feel like low guitar level. Volume Pedal Location and Range could differ by Rig. Locking or unlocking the Volume Pedal might cause surprises, if suddenly different Location or Range take effect. Locking in Browse Mode and Performance Mode are separated, which could be another trap. Please check Input LED and the level of Pedal Volume in the System Settings.

    @ClaudioT Master Volume behavior. Well explained by Robrecht. Master Volume doesn't follow a dB scale. If multiple outputs are linked to Master Volume one could be "under water" while Master Volume maintains the relative level amongst the linked output volumes. This is intentional.

    @ewrath2 Power Amp Boost issue. Known issue, which should be fixed since 5.0.3 Release. It's mentioned in the release notes.

    If you still have an issue, please open a support ticket and we approach this one by one.

  • These volume issues seem to be a mixed bag of completely unrelated items:

    @OneEng1 Pedal Volume at 0 after restart. During a restart Pedal Volume is reset to max. The level of Pedal Volume could be verified in the System Settings. Is the expression pedal really at toe position, while the volume bar is at minimum? Is it a dedicated Volume Pedal or a Wah Pedal with Volume linked to it? Is the cable intact and has it been correctly plugged in right from the start? Or are you using an expression pedal with a built in pot to limit its range like for example the Roland EV-5? Make sure, the pedal works at full range.

    If you still have an issue, please open a support ticket and we approach this one by one

    Hi Burkhard. Thanks for the follow up.

    The issue appears to be 100% reproducable.

    FW Version: 5.03.12660
    Volume Pedal Model: MOOG EP3
    Pedal Position: Full Toe
    Pedal Input: 3
    On startup - no sound
    System->page 5/18->Volume(CC07): 121
    System->page 8/18->Mode: Pedal Type 1
    System->page 8/18->Function: Volume Pedal

    Moving the pedal immediately brings the sound back.

    One other note, I have the tuner set to mute when tuning, and when I go to 0 volume, the tuner comes on.

    How do I create a ticket? I only found a spot for "feedback"