OS 5.0 Experiences thread

  • Installed the update - flawless. I tested the delays and I was expecting the 2 LEDs above the Delay button to react, somehow, different based on the new types of delays (stereo, ping-pong) . But they display a continuous green colour - also couldn't find anything in the new manuals about it. I'm new enough (KPA owner since v4) so I don't know why 2 LEDs and how they should function.

  • man oh man... if they are as good as you guys are saying, I might sell the H9 and get a Remote.

    I bought the H9 for ambient fx, delays and reverbs. Think it still has a place with the Kemper??

    man oh man... if they are as good as you guys are saying, I might sell the H9 and get a Remote.

    I bought the H9 for ambient fx, delays and reverbs. Think it still has a place with the Kemper??

    If you're using it for reverbs, you're still good. Not so much for delay sounds, though I have not compared the Kemper to the H9 for delays and would love to hear what you can come up with both,

  • Installed the update - flawless. I tested the delays and I was expecting the 2 LEDs above the Delay button to react, somehow, different based on the new types of delays (stereo, ping-pong) . But they display a continuous green colour - also couldn't find anything in the new manuals about it. I'm new enough (KPA owner since v4) so I don't know why 2 LEDs and how they should function.

    Don't worry about it. At one time the twin LEDs showed delay ping pong-ing etc., but progress seems to have left that way behind. The colour is representative of the type of effect in the slot as in the others and, as an added bonus ... you get two of them! You never know, they may come back into play at a later date but, for now, treat them as one.

  • Glorious new delays, but I have also experienced a glitch.

    After playing around with the new delay-presets in browse-mode I headed to perform-mode to update some of my performances. After a bit of editing and switching between slots in a performance the unit suddenly froze. It would generate sound, but not respond to anything else. The remote went blank with noting more than a weak glow from the tempo-LED.

    After turning the chickenhead to off and wait for a few seconds the unit turned off, but with no shutdown message. I then turned it back on to Browser. The unit booted up, and immediately froze again before the remote was up and connected. Try again ... same result. Then I tried disconnecting stuff. First the remote ... no improvement. I discovered that I had left my mac with rig-manager connected to the USB-port after the firmware update. The mac was asleep and shouldn't interfere in any way with the profiler, but after disconnecting the mac the profiler booted up and now seems to run as normal (also with the remote and computer connected).

    During this I haven't seen any error-messages, nor have I yet been able to reproduce the problem. If will contact support if I find a way to reproduce the problem. I think I will revert to 4.2.2 before next gig though.

    My Profiler also froze in Performance mode - just like yours.. It occurred again and again - until i unplugged USB (Rig-Manager). Maby some issue with syncing changes to Rigmanager?

  • any bugs in fw5.0 at the moment?

    Cry Baby Slash Classic Wah -> KPA -> main to FOH ->KRK6 -> Monitor out DXR10 -> EXP DVP3 -> Remote: Guitars: Slash Gibson Les Paul Custom Shop - James Tyler Variax JTV59 - Epiphone Les Paul with EMG 81 - Furch GN2 Nylon -> Maybach Lester 60 -> Kemper Powered Cab -/ Focusrite Scarlett

  • I read that some of your rigs with the Legacy delay might have suddenly got a value of -5 for the ducking parameter. Haven't experienced it myself. Something I have noticed though is that a couple of the delay presets are switched off when you select them (Edge 3, for example).

  • I read that some of your rigs with the Legacy delay might have suddenly got a value of -5 for the ducking parameter. Haven't experienced it myself. Something I have noticed though is that a couple of the delay presets are switched off when you select them (Edge 3, for example).

    Now I am not sure if my Legacy Delay presets exists in the browse pool. Could you provide any names of these presets @sambrox?

  • What is the summary of issues this release is having so far? How reliable is it proving to be? I have an event I'm playing for in 3 weeks. I would love to be able to take advantage of the new delays, but I don't want to introduce an OS that may cause me issues live. Anyone going to gig with 5.0 this coming week/ weekend that can report back?

  • Delay presets shred...

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  • They are all there, even my custom Legacies. I wish there was a way to organize them... separate Legacy from 5.0 .... perhaps just renaming them would work.

    I was recently at my friends place and I have noticed that some DELAY presets were "DLY - Preset name" and some (the new ones) "DLY Preset name"... I have only "DLY Preset name"

  • Sounds a lot like "It's A Miracle" by Roger Waters.

    Thanks! I've seen Roger in concert a few times, he always had great picks when it came to guitar players, heck he had Clapton play on his first solo album "Pros and Cons...". then later Jeff Beck on "Amused to Death". These delays are great and they can be easily used to create rich pads that evoke the Floyd thing

  • Finally..good timing.. ;)

    One stupid question cause I was not able to find the info anywhere:What is the max delay time of the new stuff,still 1280 like the old ones;


    Nice demo.Has anyone done a demo with the delay in front of the amps with a clean sound;I did not upgrade yet because of some recording sessions.So I cant try it myself yet. ;(