Retracting my post regarding price.

  • Ignore and disregard my post earlier this week, I have no reason to chime in and I shouldn't have. I really don't have enough clout to be posting that subject. I didn't read any of the replies to it and I wont read any of this , just disregard my statements

  • OK, just in case you DO check the thread, Justice:

    IMHO, it shouldn't be about clout. If it is, that's sad.

    I believe you had a legitimate opinion that you wanted to express; the fact that you coughed up good money only serves to further legitimise your right to do so... IMHO.

    Bottom line for me: Don't feel bad or not important enough to be heard. Most of us here treat everyone as the equals we are. I respect the fact that you were willing to stick your neck out the way you did.

    EDIT: I was thinking of the actual, albeit brief, assessment you made of the Profile when I wrote this. I'm not condoning the ad-hominem remarks.

  • Ignore and disregard my post earlier this week, I have no reason to chime in and I shouldn't have. I really don't have enough clout to be posting that subject. I didn't read any of the replies to it and I wont read any of this , just disregard my statements

    Well, if I got it right you have been offered a partial refund by @LasseLammert in that other Thread, which I think is a class act.
    So go ahead, nothing wrong with your personal opininon at all, perhaps voiced in a too harsh way.

  • Constructive criticism is one thing, calling someone an asshole is childish. @Monkey_Man I respectfully disagree that everyone is equal here. There are professionals who make a living with production and people like me who do it as a hobby for fun. IMHO their ears are way more trained than mine and any other non professional. If Justice was not pleased he could have contacted the seller to ask if there is something he needs to do to make it sound better before bashing him.

  • I'm not convinced you got where I was coming from, Anthony. ;)

    ... Most of us here treat everyone as the equals we are.

    Obviously I was referring to the fact that we're all equals as humans, and the manner in which we treat each other here. This has nothing to do with professional status or a perceived hierarchy of experience. I simply felt that his paying for the Profile meant that if he had an opinion to share, it was his right to do so, regardless of his "status" or experience. I'll consider the opinion of a "beginner" who's actually used a product any day, whereas that of a "professional" who hasn't touched said product? Hmm...

    EDIT: I was thinking of the actual, albeit brief, assessment you made of the Profile when I wrote this. I'm not condoning the ad-hominem remarks.

    Perhaps you missed my edit, made immediately after I submitted the post?

    Cheers mate.

  • Sorry man it was not an obvious thing to me. We disagree and it's all good. I'd rather get my review from someone who actually knows what they're doing (Not saying Justice, as I have no idea who he is)
    People tend to overlook their own capabilities and criticize someone who is far more advanced in the field. Sure a beginner can have an opinion but it's just that, a beginners opinion.

  • Correct, Paul. ;)

    Sorry man it was not an obvious thing to me. We disagree and it's all good. I'd rather get my review from someone who actually knows what they're doing (Not saying Justice, as I have no idea who he is)
    People tend to overlook their own capabilities and criticize someone who is far more advanced in the field. Sure a beginner can have an opinion but it's just that, a beginners opinion.

    I disagree in that I don't think we disagree, Anthony. ;)

    Where I was coming from was that regardless of his experience, he has the right to express his opinion and be heard. Surely you agree with that?

    Whether or not we agree with it (his opinion) is another issue, of course.

    Regarding my comment that I'd rather hear the assessment of someone who's tested a product than that of someone who's based his judgement on hearsay alone, regardless of his experience, I'd like to think we'd be in agreement on that too.

    Obviously it's all good, mate. Always glad to hear your opinion, regardless of your experience. This gets back to my statement that we're all treated equally around here. :D

  • I believe you had a legitimate opinion that you wanted to express; the fact that you coughed up good money only serves to further legitimise your right to do so... IMHO.

    Well, if I got it right you have been offered a partial refund by @LasseLammert in that other Thread, which I think is a class act.
    So go ahead, nothing wrong with your personal opininon at all, perhaps voiced in a too harsh way.

    Of course that offer still stands, I never had an unhappy customer so far (at least none that I know of ;) ).
    If you're not happy with your purchase, feel free to contact me and we'll work things out.

    But here's the catch: you have to actually own/have bought the profile! These profiles are personalised and tied to the buyers' name/paypal addy, so it's fairly easy for me to see who actually owns the profile and who's get my drift

  • I am a successful guitarist and teacher in Washington D.C., Philadelphia, New York area, and before that in L.A. I auditioned for Limp Bizkit in ,'99,and have recorded and sat in, on innumerable projects thru the years but regarding the Kemper and everthing relating to it I am novice. I say this to say that I find the info here in the forum to be very valuable and I would request any conversation or message to me to be related to issues with learning more about the KPA and nothing else .Anythng else is deleted and not even read. , I surely will only post issues with that in mind at this point. The fractal forum is filled with contrary opinions and arguments. And that is what I love about this forum is that in general, I have only experienced positivity.

  • I am a successful guitarist and teacher in Washington D.C., Philadelphia, New York area, and before that in L.A. I auditioned for Limp Bizkit in ,'99,and have recorded and sat in, on innumerable projects thru the years but regarding the Kemper and everthing relating to it I am novice. I say this to say that I find the info here in the forum to be very valuable and I would request any conversation or message to me to be related to issues with learning more about the KPA and nothing else .Anythng else is deleted and not even read. , I surely will only post issues with that in mind at this point. The fractal forum is filled with contrary opinions and arguments. And that is what I love about this forum is that in general, I have only experienced positivity.

    hahaha dude do I actually know you? Lived in NJ?

  • Yeah, most on the forum do, I reckon.

    We've got quite a few Yanks (Aussie term for Americans), Brits, some Aussies and probably the only few in South Africa who own units; they're very expensive there.

    Definitely mostly Europeans 'though.

    Monkey, you got me thinking. I thought there were more of us Yanks on here than you might think. So, I checked the first 25 pages of forum members that listed their location and here is what I got:

    Germany = 25
    UK = 13
    Australia = 2
    Canada = 6
    USA = 49
    All Others (Mostly Europe) = 52

    So us Yanks are well represented here :thumbup: But, you were correct. All total there are a majority of Europeans.

  • We've got quite a few Yanks (Aussie term for Americans), Brits, some Aussies and probably the only few in South Africa who own units; they're very expensive there.

    Definitely mostly Europeans 'though.[/quote]

    In South Africa now...... just take the dollar cost of the Kemper and multiply it by 15. Our buying power is nearly the same as the US but the exchange rate for foreign goods is horrendous. Glad I bought in the beginning :)