FW 4.0 beta experiences thread.

  • That's how I used my Kemper and at a rehearsal yesterday I got a hard time to find a temporary workaround for that "issue". I hope there will be some change in the near future because that would be a huge step backwards for me.

    I assume you noticed that they fixed that in the latest beta 4.0.2. In the settings Kemper gave us the option to use the rig button to morph or to use the old behavior where it just resets the rig. Unfortunately I discovered a bug: If you reset the rig by hitting the rig button there is no spillover for effects like the delay. I already opened a support ticket and I suppose you guys should also do so.

    The Educated Apes: Facebook | Bandcamp


    Main Rig: KPA Power Toaster + Profiler Remote, 2x Palmer 112 Cab (1x Celestion V30, 1x Celestion CB NEO), ME EP1-KP-GN, Dunlop Cry Baby 95Q, Gibson Memphis ES-339 '16, Gibson Melody Maker '14, Fender Thinline Cabronita '12

  • Is the delay in the "Delay" slot?

    Yes it is. I tried building a new rig in a new performance and it worked. It must have something to do with my old performances. Any ideas?

    The Educated Apes: Facebook | Bandcamp


    Main Rig: KPA Power Toaster + Profiler Remote, 2x Palmer 112 Cab (1x Celestion V30, 1x Celestion CB NEO), ME EP1-KP-GN, Dunlop Cry Baby 95Q, Gibson Memphis ES-339 '16, Gibson Melody Maker '14, Fender Thinline Cabronita '12

    Edited once, last by 10w73 (April 28, 2016 at 12:35 PM).

  • No- I was suggesting just re-saving it, without any changes. But, you could try saving it with a different name.

    I tried just saving it. I also deleted the delay and set up a new one. That didn't help. At home I will try saving it under another name. Burkhard is also looking into my backup right now.

    The Educated Apes: Facebook | Bandcamp


    Main Rig: KPA Power Toaster + Profiler Remote, 2x Palmer 112 Cab (1x Celestion V30, 1x Celestion CB NEO), ME EP1-KP-GN, Dunlop Cry Baby 95Q, Gibson Memphis ES-339 '16, Gibson Melody Maker '14, Fender Thinline Cabronita '12

  • I tried just saving it. I also deleted the delay and set up a new one. That didn't help. At home I will try saving it under another name. Burkhard is also looking into my backup right now.

    Burkhard just told me that there in fact might be some bugs that they are looking into since he can reproduce this behavior with my backup. For some rigs spillover works fine for others not and he is not sure why.

    The Educated Apes: Facebook | Bandcamp


    Main Rig: KPA Power Toaster + Profiler Remote, 2x Palmer 112 Cab (1x Celestion V30, 1x Celestion CB NEO), ME EP1-KP-GN, Dunlop Cry Baby 95Q, Gibson Memphis ES-339 '16, Gibson Melody Maker '14, Fender Thinline Cabronita '12

  • alphabetical order, right.
    the presets have prefixes like BOOST or DIST or CHO - so they are ordered by type.

    Exactly.... and when I save a preset it doesn't even suggest to start with the right prefix. It shows the last preset I browsed even if it was of a different effect!
    For example: I chose a compressor preset in the slot A, I insert a chorus in another slot (turning the type knob) and if I want to save my preset (of the chorus) the profiler suggest me the prefix COMP... it's very messy!

  • Using beta 4.0.2 with Liquid Foot midi controller.

    anyone else seeing that the undo and erase commands for the looper via midi are not working?

    I've opened a ticket with support, not sure if anyone else is having the same issue.

    For me work commands.
    But .First ,,play " command then must be stop command , then play.:-\
    If play then play KPA looper is freezing.

    /sorry pure english/

  • I had a similar behavior when using Pedal-5 on the remote with a dual-Switch for "Looper-start" and "Looper-stop".
    The looper can be started and stopped and being restarted, but after then the Loop cannot be stopped again. It Shows "empty" but the Loop is playin and playin.

    I just opened a Support - Ticket. I'll report

  • If you reset the rig by hitting the rig button there is no spillover for effects like the delay

    Burkhard just told me that there in fact might be some bugs that they are looking into since he can reproduce this behavior with my backup. For some rigs spillover works fine for others not and he is not sure why.

    I was able to look deeper into that and turning off cab sim resolves the issue as well as turning the reverb off. My working rigs all have cab sim turned off and this also works for the ones that don't work. So I assume there has to be a bug of some kind.

    Do you guys experience the same bug or is this just something I have to deal with?

    The Educated Apes: Facebook | Bandcamp


    Main Rig: KPA Power Toaster + Profiler Remote, 2x Palmer 112 Cab (1x Celestion V30, 1x Celestion CB NEO), ME EP1-KP-GN, Dunlop Cry Baby 95Q, Gibson Memphis ES-339 '16, Gibson Melody Maker '14, Fender Thinline Cabronita '12

  • I was able to look deeper into that and turning off cab sim resolves the issue as well as turning the reverb off. My working rigs all have cab sim turned off and this also works for the ones that don't work. So I assume there has to be a bug of some kind.

    Do you guys experience the same bug or is this just something I have to deal with?

    I just had another talk to Burkhard and he told me that they are able to also reproduce this behavior and that they are right now looking into that matter. This might be due to the number of effects used and due to some timing issues within the software.

    Again: I'm so excited that we as users are taken seriously and that they sort out bugs so quickly.

    The Educated Apes: Facebook | Bandcamp


    Main Rig: KPA Power Toaster + Profiler Remote, 2x Palmer 112 Cab (1x Celestion V30, 1x Celestion CB NEO), ME EP1-KP-GN, Dunlop Cry Baby 95Q, Gibson Memphis ES-339 '16, Gibson Melody Maker '14, Fender Thinline Cabronita '12

  • Has anyone come across an issue with the Chromatic tuner not working? My chromatic tuner changed black while I was using a volume pedal plugged into my Kemper Powerhead. When the volume pedal was heel-down (volume off) the tuner would appear, however after several times, the tuner showed as a black box. And now, even without using the volume pedal, the tuner now defaults to the black box. The bubble tuner still works though.

    I sent in a service ticket, just wondering if anyone else had the same issue...

  • Is there any to hook up Pure Cab with say... the Looper button on the Remote? I'm looking for a quick, onstage way in which to engage and disengage the pure cab (useful for eg. @djmass's new acoustic EQ'd profiles, which don't like pure cab). I know I can set that page up as a 'Quick' link and hit the soft button for pure cab, and if there's no other way I'll do this, but this is rather cumbersome onstage.

    Anyone have a better solution for this?

    Gary ô¿ô