Amazing tone with headphones, poor with my studio monitors....Help!

  • hello!

    I use a AKG 240MKii with my Kemper, with more than good results. The sound is amazing, punch, round sound, perfect tone. The amps are there, you can almost feel the cab's wood... :rolleyes:

    When I use the same sound with my monitors (EVENT TR-8 in a small but semi-conditioned home studio) the sound is a little different. No punch. No wood. 8| Some gain sounds are OK but the cleans (Two-rock, fender o vox sounds) they loose the punch completely. Maybe my monitors (woofer 8") are too much for my room.?... should I try others with a smaller drive...5 o 6"... will they have more punch?

    I am used to play while listening the real strings, so this is not my problem as some suggested here, on another themes.
    I also play with real amps in the same room and they sound amazing so the room is OK....

    Is there any studio monitors that sound the same than a good headphone with monitor character as aka or audio Technica or Beyer do with the kemper? Is this a normal effect playing with studio monitors? (when I record and listen then the same sound is a little better... even with the same monitors...crazy??') X/8o

    muchas gracias!!!!


    Edited once, last by gusgusbcn (March 26, 2016 at 6:45 PM).

  • This was my main concern about going from a cab to monitors. I just don't see how any monitors that aren't ridiculously expensive can match the thump and drive of my orange cab. HP's will sound good as they are right up on your ear. You just have to realize that monitors are for monitoring, and not rocking out... With the exception of having super tits monitors of course.

  • You cannot compare the tone coming out of your monitors with your headphones and expect it to be the same. There are too many variables, not the least of which is the room and how it is affecting the sound. Even in well treated rooms, the monitors don't offer the same isolation and stereo isolation as your headphones.

    @Cthulhu - studio monitors are meant for just that - studio monitoring. The last thing you want is for them to be coloring your sound and providing any thump to your guitar tone. If they did, your mixes would lack any real depth or punch.

    If you're worried about thump in a live setting, try a decent FHFH or keep your guitar cabinet and run a power amp.

    Husband, Father, Pajama Enthusiast

  • Try either a CLR, DSR112, or DXR12/10 instead of the studio monitors.

    The transient response in the attack phase of many guitar tones is hard to reproduce with low powered speakers. The speakers I mentioned above (all Full Range Flat Response speakers) should do this well.

  • I understand...too any variations and the room is important too. I know a studio monitor never will sound like a real cab...I don't want that anyway... I just need a pair of monitors with a flat sound, as my headphones....I guess :(

  • have you tied the space parameter?

  • I know the kemper deeply, input sense clean, space parameters, etc...three years with it must be the monitors...(15 years...too much??)

    The sound in the monitors with the hi gain profiles is better and similar than HP. The problem is in the clean tones, they seem distant, out of fase, no te HP, the sound is tremendous and good. I tweaked input sense, I moved the monitors, tried different connections, direct, spdif, line...all the same bad effect....The funny thing is hat when I listen to a recorded clean sound that sounds bad while I play, it sound as good as with the problem is WHILE I'M PLAYING, just there...

    Do you feel the same thing????

  • I know AKG is not flat, is 12-20KHZ which is good enough for guitar content I suppose....

    I think "Flat" is not the range of your response (12-20KHZ), but how different frequencies in this range are rendered : all frequencies should be percieved with the same level.
    This means your sound may lack of some frequencies when you switch from headphones to monitors.

  • I'm not sure why people always recommend FHFH like DX10 etc. I've sold my DX10, because it is not a real solution. It is true, adding a real CAB to the Kemper does not sound perfect.
    And yes, the Kemper is best sounding via Headphone. I'm still searching for a good solution for using my real Guitar CAB. If anyone has a good advice, please let me know.

  • I'm not sure why people always recommend FHFH like DX10 etc. I've sold my DX10, because it is not a real solution. It is true, adding a real CAB to the Kemper does not sound perfect.
    And yes, the Kemper is best sounding via Headphone. I'm still searching for a good solution for using my real Guitar CAB. If anyone has a good advice, please let me know.

    This post sums up the whole 'dilemma ': FRFR is a paradigm shift, and it's obviously not for everyone.
    When somebody can't find any love for FRFR then by all means use your favourite guitar cab.
    You're missing out on some versatility but so what?
    You don't break any law when using the profiler with a conventional cab. :)

  • maybe - for me - the problem is, that I only play at home at moderate volume. I tried an extern EQ,... nothing really works. Maybe the Neumanns are the wrong solution to?! I have no clue, I´m quite new in this whole Kemper thing. I wink try some different Monitors but I don´t know which ones

  • Hi Ingolf,

    I know what you mean and you are right. Everyone should use what works and sounds best, but I was hoping Kemper would find a better way for the CAB solution.

    Don't get me wrong, but I'm still missing progress in this direction. Maybe this is something which can't be delivered.