• It's funny...I'm poor too (self employed musician, guitar teacher, barely scraping by) but I never requested or expected a discount. I just saved my money until I could purchase the KPA (ok I put some of the cost on my CC when I got close....couldn't wait any longer.)

    Things cost what they cost.


    This has nothing to do with the discount. Furthermore I dont understand why people are mad at me when I try to save some money when it is possible. As I mentioned before the store is giving me dicount!!! Not Kemper. Neither is Kemper giving the store any discout. The store pays the same like any other store... It is a friendly turn of the store to give me discount.

  • It's funny...I'm poor too (self employed musician, guitar teacher, barely scraping by) but I never requested or expected a discount. I just saved my money until I could purchase the KPA (ok I put some of the cost on my CC when I got close....couldn't wait any longer.)

    Things cost what they cost.


    This has nothing to do with the discount. Furthermore I dont understand why people are mad at me when I try to save some money when it is possible. As I mentioned before the store is giving me dicount!!! Not Kemper. Neither is Kemper giving the store any discout. The store pays the same like any other store... It is a friendly turn of the store to give me discount.

    Here’s something to consider... If we all thought we deserved to get this at or below cost no one would make any money, and there wouldn’t be a Kemper Profiler. A lot of companies will endorse artists by giving their product away, but that has a benefit to them by getting publicity which in turn produces sales. Unless you feel that Kemper is missing out by not endorsing you, you should not slam them or the place you “bought” it from on this forum. I ordered mine last week, paid cash, and had it here in 2 days. After going through multiple rigs over the past 30 years I can tell you it is worth every penny. Bottom line... sometimes when you really want something the easiest way to get it is to actually pay for it!

  • Here’s something to consider... If we all thought we deserved to get this at or below cost no one would make any money, and there wouldn’t be a Kemper Profiler. A lot of companies will endorse artists by giving their product away, but that has a benefit to them by getting publicity which in turn produces sales. Unless you feel that Kemper is missing out by not endorsing you, you should not slam them or the place you “bought” it from on this forum. I ordered mine last week, paid cash, and had it here in 2 days. After going through multiple rigs over the past 30 years I can tell you it is worth every penny. Bottom line... sometimes when you really want something the easiest way to get it is to actually pay for it!

    Nothing wrong in trying to get a discount if possible.

  • Hey guys in this thread you can imagine our German mentality in products and work in a burning focus.
    We want it perfect but this fast with perfect support. Better the product is so good that we don't need support. :evil:
    Every other f...king shit like as excuses, explanations, bottlenecks, or even deficiencies or even mistakes and ignorance makes us wild and brings us into a frenzy. Pure rage! :cursing:
    Then we are hard to stop even if we are otherwise very sociable and relaxed. :rolleyes:
    That is the basis of Made in Germany.
    Except for Volkswagen. There is everything completely different. There we are just as good as the Chinese and Indians. :whistling:

    Stay cool was only a joke of me. ;)

  • Ha ha ha!

    My girlfriend calls me fingers.

    Lucky bugger. :D

    Hey Wolfie, what's up with the Wolfe thing?

    I mean, I'm an Aussie Wolfe and the Fingers clip was from... David Wolfe... in Aus... and you're Wolf...

    Being a Wolfe, I can tell you that this is so rare it's a first for me - a Wolfe trio, with an Aussie connection to boot.

    I finally got to watch the clip by the way; that was terrific, and thank you for posting it.

    One more "connection": As I said on your wall, I too had a JTV-59 and now use a '69, and in the same way that you do. Go figure.

  • Lemonk,

    you have my sympathy :)

    It's perhaps my age, maybe my nationality or my personal attitude, but I see nothing bad in trying to get a discount. And I can't for the sake of myself wrap my head around things such as "if everyone had a discount no-one would earn money"... as if a discount was something exceptional in a store? LOL

    Also, I fully understand your frustration. You are probably quite young, and wanted to complain a bit and be listened by someone. Nothing bad with this, although maybe a bit naive X)
    The issue I see with this thread is that - as Michael properly points out - you're writing to a bunch of people who love Kemper, so the reactions you've mainly got had to be expected. As a partial consolation for you, I dare not imagine the way you'd have been treated if you had posted about the Axe-FX on the Fractal forum! :D
    So, as you see, this can be quite a nice place after all ;)

    Hope you'll have your rig ASAP, and welcome to the forum!


  • Hey @Monkey_Man, a coincidence indeed, I figured you're from down-under, hence the connection, but the rest is ... I guess one of those things :D

    I'm German living in the UK for close to 18 years now :)


  • Me getting the KPA was by chance. I didn't know it existed until after being on a waiting list for an Axe fx for months.
    While waiting I was on YouTube watching videos of the Axe and videos popped up comparing it with this weird looking contraption called a Kemper. So after another couple weeks or so I gave up the wait and thought I would try this Kemper thing instead.
    I got it within a week I believe it was.

    To this day I have not played or heard an Axe of any iteration in person.
    But I can say I am happy with what I got.

    I think it was about another month before I received the email stating I would be able to purchase an Axe.
    I Just replied back nicely that I bought a Kemper and they could give my spot to somebody else.

    Oddly enough, not too long ago, I put my name on the waiting list for their FX8 but never heard from them since.
    My email must have been blacklisted because I have a Kemper or they are just butt hurt that I told them I bought a KPA instead. Not really sure.

    I would imagine a used KPA would have to be way cheaper than what your music store could sell it for even at discount. I am sure they would not sell it to you for less than they pay for it. I say this because your issue seems to be money.

  • I am new too, well sort of, and this tells me not to order one right now, unless they are in stock. :)
    Also, you are not alone, I have been waiting to afford one since they came out, at least your
    in. I am not even close, lol. I am considering selling off my gear to get one, but having a hard
    time letting go, of my gear, guitars, you know. I just want to be able to have all those amps, I
    could NEVER afford in a one stop shop. Hopefully, maybe it will happen this year. It will be worth it.

  • It depends. How experienced is he / she? :D

    I am new too, well sort of, and this tells me not to order one right now, unless they are in stock. :)
    Also, you are not alone, I have been waiting to afford one since they came out, at least your
    in. I am not even close, lol. I am considering selling off my gear to get one, but having a hard
    time letting go, of my gear, guitars, you know. I just want to be able to have all those amps, I
    could NEVER afford in a one stop shop. Hopefully, maybe it will happen this year. It will be worth it.

    It sure will, PS, so hang in there mate!

    Hey, sometimes that's how it is. I saved for 7 years for my monitors, and, just like the Kemper, they're keepers. I say if it's going to be a keeper, sacrifice of time as well as the selling of other gear make it worth it.

    I like your attitude man. It'll happen for you and you'll be stoked.

  • I don't see the problem with the first half of this complaint, to be honest. If I send an e-mail inquiry to a company, I expect an answer as well - even if it's some automated message. Not even getting a reply puts a company pretty high on my list of people I never want to work with, if I'm being honest.

    There is nothing wrong with trying to get an endorsement deal either. I feel like some people here act as if the person in question needs their validation to get a deal, which I find confusing. And I know for a fact of someone that had a deal with Kemper a few years ago already. He still had to pay, but he got a discount. Maybe they don't them anymore, but if I was a professional in the music industry, I'd try either way. And FWIW, I got a pretty nice discount when I bought my Kemper from my local store too. If you either know someone or are a loyal customer, it's not that hard; unless the culture here is so different.

    As for delivery, I think the problem there is mostly with the store or at most a combined problem with Kemper and the store. They got something wrong in their administration and/or aren't keeping you up to date well enough.

  • I'm wondering... I'll be buying a dishwasher soon, and I'd like to know how many people would be pissed if I ask for a discount on that? Show of hands, please?

    I might be pissed if you were a student claiming to be in the dish washing business with some contacts in the dish washing industry ... and complaining publicly that you're not being considered an important asset for the manufacturers reference list. ;)

  • I am now waiting 5 months for a reply on my emails and 2 months for my actual order of the Kemper+Remote. I am aware of possible supply bottleneck but then you should make it transparent. I am on the verge of canceling my order but that would make me even more angry and sad.

    Lemonk - let me just comment on the two issues above:
    If you contact support by email you will get a speedy reply (24hrs or less on business days), except for Artist Endorsement request. The reason behind this is that those are not handled by our support team. Without going into further details, if you haven't received anything by now, chances are that you will not receive an answer. I know how this sounds but this is the way it is with Artist Endorsements. Just don't take it personally.
    As for your order, could you please let me know where you've ordered and we'll happily to have a closer look. We ship every day but we have no control over what a dealer orders and what the backorder of a dealer might be. In any case, if you would order something from us today, you would have it a couple of days later. So, apologies for the inconvenience caused, let's move forward and make this transparent.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • ...Which, of course, is not what happened here with the OP

    Sure about that?

    I decided to call the Customer Support to asked for possible ways for a discount. The guy on the phone was very kind and told me that I should write an email with my vita to ask for an endorsement deal. I am a music producer and musician with some reference in the music industrie so I thought I will give it a try.

    Maybe you can understand that I am pissed and deeply disappointed about this company even though they build one of the best products on the market.

    I have no issues with asking a retailer for some discount. I don't even mind someone to ask for an endorsement deal with the manufacturer. But I do mind someone to complain publicly that he doesn't get the endorsement deal and being deeply disappointed about this company. Wow, there might be a need for some reality check.
    If he wants the Profiler urgently, he can always buy it the same way we all did. it's a steal even for the regular retail price.