Kemper OS 4 - Seamless ToneTravelling

  • So we can use this morph feature on each and every Performance / Rig?

    And this will be an extra expression pedal plugged directly into the Kemper whilst my Uno4Kemper FCB1010 is still in use?

    If so, that's revolutionary for me. For example, I have been banging on about having an expression pedal to control delay mix. Well now I can do just that....if choose only to change the delay mix in the morph.
    Of course I can see having lots of fun morphing in other ways.
    Am I right in saying that we are still morphing within the confines of the amp we have selected? So you couldn't morph from a Fender Twin profile to an Engl profile?


    You are right on all ... including using Exp Pedal directly from Kemper, including NO morph from an amp to another. In the video says clearly that we can do morph only between continous parameter.

  • I think that`s right, morphing parameters only works within the current rig selected and not across rigs.
    Same for me using an expression pedal for the delay mix! However I use and love analog delays and have two of them in the Kempers FX-loop and have been waiting for ages to be able to continuosly fade those pedals in/out! This would be really nice and actually something you can not do easily with a conventional amps FX-Loop! (Steve Morse does that from what I remember with additional volume pedals attached to his delay pedals)

    Edited once, last by Dani_munich (January 21, 2016 at 6:37 PM).

  • I think that`s right, morphing parameters only works within the current rig selected and not across rigs.
    Same for me using an expression pedal for the delay mix! However I use and love analog delays and have two of them in the Kempers FX-loop and have been waiting for ages to be able to continuosly fade those pedals in/out! This would be really nice and actually something you can not do easily with a conventional amps FX-Loop! (Steve Morse does that from what I remember with additional volume pedals attached to his delay pedals)

    and currently I use a DD7 with expression pedal to achieve this......unfortunately, I don't sound anything like Steve Morse!

  • No rig blending/morphing though, just parameters within a single rig. It was a nice feature back when BOSS were doing it too but only applies to use with a pedalboard, not sure that midi assignment deserves a whole OS update number either. OTOH they needn't have done anything at all, so it's great to have a continued free OS updates and support.

  • I think editor discussions deserve their own thread ;)

    OK, just to make my point clear:
    I am sure, I will love and use this feature very often!
    However, it does not seem to be such a big thing (to me - maybe I am blind or stupid), that someone should announce our all birthday in advance.
    To me, it does not add so much news: also before, I could - with one single step - enable different effects and gain boost at once. Ok, it wasnt morphing, but similar.
    Just making it morph, doesn't make a birthday and a major fw number increase.
    I mean... There are so many basic user requestes, some of them easy and, yes basic, that it seems... strange to me, that kemper comes up with a completely different (yet cool) story.
    It does not show, that kemper cares about the customers voice, not about all the feature requests, the "what to implement next list", the support contacts,...
    I personally think, I will use morph more than a spring reverb, but other requests, like the editor, would be 1000 times more important to me.
    Just my 2 cents...

  • IMHO kemper has limited human resources, so they are going thru their own roadmap, having kare of the requests but not changing dramathically their development plans.And since Mr CK has said from day 1 that the Editor is not a priority, since the KPA is preatty simple to tweak even without a pc/mac interface (and i think it is).TBH I'm expecting more things from the changelog :)

  • The Kemper Profiler OS 4.0 will be available as a free download some time in February 2016 8o

    The morphing can be done either by moving a pedal or by hitting a button on the remote. In the last case the morphing goes automatically within the time you set before.
    The new delay is a dual delay.

    Can we have beta version (for testing of course) earlier :?::D

  • However, it does not seem to be such a big thing (to me - maybe I am blind or stupid), that someone should announce our all birthday in advance.

    ^^^a user posted this particular line.
    I guess you have to witness the Morph feature first hand to really get the scope of it.
    Least of all, it can give you a very customized boosted sound variation. Not just more gain, but affecting Definition, Clarity, Amp Compression, Direct Mix, plus fx Mix values etc. - you can blend between a Phaser and a Flanger, or two Tremolos with different speeds etc.
    It is a very 'open' feature that can be used in any number of ways and thanks to it's very quick and intuitive implementation it is a lot of fun to use, too. :)

  • @DonPetersen, I'm really excited to see its potential. The amp side seems very clear (we save one slot for the boost, one for the eq, one for the post stack boost, or we save a whole performance slot), but i'm really courious to see how it works on the FX side.
    In you opinion, what would unleash the morphing at its full potential, a switch on the remote or an expression pedal?

  • ^^^a user posted this particular line.
    I guess you have to witness the Morph feature first hand to really get the scope of it.
    Least of all, it can give you a very customized boosted sound variation. Not just more gain, but affecting Definition, Clarity, Amp Compression, Direct Mix, plus fx Mix values etc. - you can blend between a Phaser and a Flanger, or two Tremolos with different speeds etc.
    It is a very 'open' feature that can be used in any number of ways and thanks to it's very quick and intuitive implementation it is a lot of fun to use, too. :)

    It's working with MIDI pedals ? So we can do some MIDI automation of several parameters in DAW with one CC?

  • Exactly. Not to mention, it's something many of us were requesting. This opens up so many possibilities.

    I can say my experience ... I use to play with similar "morphing" feature with other digital devices (not so advanced like the Kemper one), and I can tell you that raising gain was the one I was using less ... think about all the FX parameter and combination you can have also inside the same rhythm part in any song. We can have hundreds of possibilities and even more new creative solutions. This is one of the best gift to us, to be more creative with technology.
    I was wating this feature from day 1 and asking always for it, I'm more than happy and you will see in the future how much you will love this new capability ;)