I can relate to those who feel somewhat constrained by their spouse's fiscal restrictions when it comes to gear. But if it wasn't for her we wouldn't have the comfortable lifestyle we now enjoy. The agreement is I can't spend day-job money on gear - I can only spend on gear what I earn with gear. I guess that means I have to work for it - that's so damn unfair! So self limiting.......She's pretty smart.

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My wife has never suggested that I just go out and buy a new guitar. However, there have been several times when I have been on the fence about buying one and she has told me that I should but it, so I did. I definitely found a keeper when I found her over 30 years ago.
I am mostly a hobby guitarist that makes a side income playing gigs. I think that is why she is good with the gear purchases. I make some money with the gear to help offset the purchases. I never cover the full cost but it definitely helps take the sting out of the purchases.
They are extremely different. It really is a mystery. Fat 50s were parts of the specifications for the American Standard line from 2009 untill they around the time when the elite series were introduced.
I put a full set of custom shop Fat 50's in a very early American Special strat and I like them. I have played strats that came with them stock and they definitely sounded different.
Fender Strat YJM model. Lightly used! It's a 2018 model . The guitar isn't available in europe until 2023!!!! And the prices will go even higher. Incredible guitar
Fender Strat YJM model. Lightly used! It's a 2018 model . The guitar isn't available in europe until 2023!!!! And the prices will go even higher. Incredible guitar
Haven't played a scallop before. Another thing to put on my list - maybe I'd like it. Nice find.
Haven't played a scallop before. Another thing to put on my list - maybe I'd like it. Nice find.
I have. Well a very long long time ago in a music store. Nothing special at all. There's no advantage. But do try it if you have the possibility.
Haven't played a scallop before. Another thing to put on my list - maybe I'd like it. Nice find.
I had a fretboard scalloped in the 80’s during my Yngwie phase. Great for bends and fast legato but sheer hell for keeping chords in tune.
I've tried the extremes and found one just right.
I have. Well a very long long time ago in a music store. Nothing special at all. There's no advantage. But do try it if you have the possibility.
There 2 big advantaged with a scalloped fretboard!
1) it forces you to play with a lighter touch. A heavy handed player will sound sharp.
2) it gives you room to grab the string better resulting in better control of the string
There 2 big advantaged with a scalloped fretboard!
1) it forces you to play with a lighter touch. A heavy handed player will sound sharp.
2) it gives you room to grab the string better resulting in better control of the string
I beg to differ. But you're entitled to you opinion. Whatever floats you boat....
There 2 big advantaged with a scalloped fretboard!
1) it forces you to play with a lighter touch. A heavy handed player will sound sharp.
2) it gives you room to grab the string better resulting in better control of the string
I find high frets do the same job in a much les destructive way. -
I find high frets do the same job in a much les destructive way.Disagree. I have refretted ALL of my guitars with huge extra jumbo stainless steel frets. The "feel" is different. The only similarity is that huge frets (without scallops) force you to play with a light touch too
Had a Bernie Marsden (...could kick my ass for selling it) but this is a whole other beast. As always had to restring and setup.[Blocked Image: https://i.imgur.com/tDTxvnL_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium]
Disagree. I have refretted ALL of my guitars with huge extra jumbo stainless steel frets. The "feel" is different. The only similarity is that huge frets (without scallops) force you to play with a light touch too
as well as the light touch they also let you grab hold of the string and facilitate greater control and ease of bending but agree it does feel different (better in my experience but that is just personal taste).
Saw this in stock Kiesel and had to grab it, has 90% of the specs I would choose, 7% kiesel doesn’t even offer (brass big block, naval brass saddle inserts, noiseless springs and a black box).
Thats nice!
Nothing new about her but the first real guitar I ever bought. I guess I'm LP guy now, but my 1980 ol' 3-bolt still gets exercise. 40 years and neither of us had to have any parts replaced - although she stays in tune better than me.
1981 - 2021
Ordered this over 9 months ago, and it was finally delivered this week. Fantastic guitar. It might have ruined me. All the others pale in comparison.
Ordered this over 9 months ago, and it was finally delivered this week. Fantastic guitar. It might have ruined me. All the others pale in
Cool! Congrats! Is it true that is VERY heavy and it has a very wide neck?
Cool! Congrats! Is it true that is VERY heavy and it has a very wide neck?
It weighs 10.7 lbs. It has a wide neck, but I've had some of his LTDs, so I'm used to it.