I start
Glad owner of a Music Man Majesty - love it a lot.http://www.soundside.de/studio/images/…ars-021-big.jpg
[Blocked Image: http://www.soundside.de/studio/images/2016Guitars-021-big.jpg]
I start
Glad owner of a Music Man Majesty - love it a lot.http://www.soundside.de/studio/images/…ars-021-big.jpg
[Blocked Image: http://www.soundside.de/studio/images/2016Guitars-021-big.jpg]
Thats looks damn fine!! How does it sound and play
The latest guitar I bought about 9 months ago. Was hard to get hold of on the discontinued trans amber finish.
Got this a month back - a PRS 30th Anniversary Custom 24. Loving it!
[Blocked Image: https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5704/23610911231_7a8ec9440f_b.jpg]IMG_6562
There she is again. Got last Friday. a PRS 408 TM Maple top.
Argh! Stop it!!!
My latest is a Gibson Les Paul CC33 Hanna Burst.
[Blocked Image: http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag321/Drog1602/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsyx8dwx00.jpeg]
LEF Custom Guitars Superstrat (Loaded with an EMG 57/66 set)
[Blocked Image: http://i58.tinypic.com/am9vmo.jpg]
My latest is a Gibson Les Paul CC33 Hanna Burst.
[Blocked Image: http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag321/Drog1602/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsyx8dwx00.jpeg]
That looks a belter, love the top.
Still looking for a good name for her...
[Blocked Image: http://i1184.photobucket.com/albums/z339/acrobertspix/IMG_3548_1.jpg]
Ok, I'll play too. I've got a custom job on order with Sabre Guitars, but that won't be ready for a good half a year, so my latest is either my Music Man Luke II, or the one pictured below (can't remember which came first; it was a busy month!)
[Blocked Image: http://i1074.photobucket.com/albums/w410/sambrox/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpslv1yxeu4.jpeg]
That looks a belter, love the top.
Me too! As for a name looks like a walnut. What about "Nutshell"? I once owned a National 12 Tigress dinghy which looked like an open Walnut shell. I called her "Nutshell" because of the nut on her tiller
P.S. I´ve got a Stratt, LP, Mastercaster, Martin and ESP408. I´m still hungry (Burp)
My new Suhr Custom...
OMG! I gotta go an touch mine now - would "Fool for your Stockings" be ok for this kinda thang?
My new baby, Ibanez AT10.
and yes another Lester ... 1970 custom with some unusual engraved PAFs all stock , my latest acquisition . I'd love to trade it for a similar era black beauty
[Blocked Image: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-FldqROTzxhg/U2tnmOoI0nI/AAAAAAAAAKo/xjIONIvbvck/s1600/IMG_20140418_191451.jpg]
4 weeks ago i bought this American Standard Strat 3 tone sunburst with locking tuners and suhr pick up`s
[Blocked Image: http://i.imgur.com/iwmF9L3.jpg]
Not new but my last - Harry
"Grace" my 2014 P24