The NAMM plot thickens.............

  • Wait a minute -something is wrong - there was no Ingolf and Pault responses in this Thread?????? :D

    I wish I knew what was going to happen and when, but I don't. I've had my head down, rehearsing and recording this week - I've been way too busy playing to type very much :) I was going to comment sooner in this thread, but, people started talking about editors, and I'm more interested in new features.

    But, this all looks GREAT to me! I'm hoping whatever is coming on the 21st is something I can use at the gigs I have on the 22nd and 23rd 8o

  • New Reverb types
    +New Delay Types
    +Place multiple reverbs or delays in any spot
    +PC/Mac editor\
    = Very Special Day for Kemper Uers

    Oh YEA!!! 8o

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • New Reverb types
    +New Delay Types
    +Place multiple reverbs or delays in any spot
    +PC/Mac editor\
    = Very Special Day for Kemper Uers

    Yep ..... :)

    In no way wanting or trying to be a "Debbie Downer" ...... it would have to be most / all of the above [ and/or Rig Morphing ] to warrant such pre-release hype .......

    If its just [ no "downering" intended ] EV control of everything and/or multiple parameters that's great too ...... however ...... an editor + multiple delays / efx in any slot + new and much better stomps and efx ..... are imho .....ah ..... well ....... big time overdue and needed

    Having said all that .... I have a KPA and a " quantum-ized" Axe 2 ..... and I think both are utterly amazing ....... and even if the next FW update only has bug fixes and nothing else ...... there will still be no prizes for guessing which one is my [ and my band mates ] absolute, preferred, always-first-go-to-unit .... :)


    Edited once, last by benifin (January 16, 2016 at 7:19 AM).

  • New Reverb types
    +New Delay Types
    +Place multiple reverbs or delays in any spot
    +PC/Mac editor\
    = Very Special Day for Kemper Uers

    Hi Dean,

    Nothing wrong with thinking ambitiously...but you may be setting yourself up for disappointment. Don't get me wrong, I would love if all those features were rolled out. However, I am going to keep my expectations in check.


  • My guesses:

    This looks like it implements some new major features. This warrants a major version upgrade, so 4.0 is on it's way. For those that don't know: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, which is why bug fix upgrades are X.X.1, X.X.2, etc., and small improvements or feature additions that don't change much as far as the normal workings of the unit/by the user are X.0.X, X.1.X, X.2.X, etc.

    As far as video 1 and video 2, I'm noticing a progress bar underneath the rig name. However, the rig name never changes. To me, that indicates one of two possibilities:

    1. A "scene"-like platform where you have one profile that has two sets of settings, maybe a lead setting without shimmer (note how in Video 3 the underlying reverb/shimmer sound doesn't apply on the gain sound), different EQ, and increased gain, or
    2. A "profile-blend" like thing, where you take two profiles and can seamlessly blend or fade into the other. There's already the "rig fade" or "rig blend" or whatever it's called setting that fades between profiles - this could be a controllable expansion of that.

    I also certainly see the green LED over the Mod slot, indicating movable delays (THANK GOD) and my thought is... if you don't use the delay slot for delay, does that mean that the delay block itself is locked out and can't be used for other things? On all three videos (#2 is, strangely, not listed on their Facebook page's "videos," but is visible if you scroll down a couple pages. It is more of what is shown in #1), the Delay block is grayed out, and all read LDL (and, it looks like a down arrow, not a "y", at least to me). I'm wondering if it's a "Lower Delay Lock" or something of the like, but, of course, that's only speculation.

    As far as video 3 is concerned, I do hear a shimmer-like or cavernous reverb. This is very exciting to me; however, it could be that it's something where the looper functionality oscillates into itself, creating a reverb-like sound, so your "scene 1" or "rig 1" performs the loop and self-oscillates, whereas "scene 2" is what you use to do your lead parts or melodies. I hope it's for the better reverbs, and not this idea, because that leaves everyone out of the loop that isn't using the Kemper remote (unless they publicly open up the MIDI control changes for the looper).

    So, again, all speculation. January 21st is going to be a good Thursday. And what an awesome birthday present, @little_harry (happy birthday in advance, since none of us will care because we'll have our new toys to play with)!

    Guitars: Parker Fly Mojo Flame, Ibanez RG7620 7-string, Legator Ninja 8-string, Fender Strat & Tele, Breedlove Pro C25
    Pedalboard: Templeboards Trio 43, Mission VM-1, Morley Bad Horsie, RJM Mini Effect Gizmo, 6 Degrees FX Sally Drive, Foxpedals The City, Addrock Ol' Yeller, RJM MMGT/22, Mission RJM EP-1, Strymon Timeline + BigSky
    Stack: Furman PL-Plus C, Kemper Rack

    Edited once, last by dougc84 (January 16, 2016 at 12:12 PM).

  • Hi Dean,

    Nothing wrong with thinking ambitiously...but you may be setting yourself up for disappointment. Don't get me wrong, I would love if all those features were rolled out. However, I am going to keep my expectations in check.


    Hey John:
    Those were only guesses. For my needs, the Kemper as is today, is overkill. My needs are basically good amp tones to record so I don't have to bother with micing etc. The KPA definitely has the best direct amp tones bar none. I have zero expectation, so anything that comes out will be more than thrilling to me. Maybe I shouldn't voice that because I know many would appreciate other things and their wishes should also be addressed; after all it's also good for business because other competing products have to be matched to a certain degree..



    Edited once, last by Dean_R (January 16, 2016 at 4:40 PM).

  • Hey John:
    Those were only guesses. For my needs, the Kemper as is today, is overkill. My needs are basically good amp tones to record so I don't have to bother with micing etc. The KPA definitely has the best direct amp tones bar none. I have zero expectation, so anything that comes out will be more than thrilling to me. Maybe I shouldn't voice that because I know many would appreciate other things and their wishes should also be addressed; after all it's also good for business because other competing products has to be matched to a certain degree.


    Hi Dean, it's all good.

    It think it is fantastic that Kemper is generating special buzz and excitement for the upcoming 2016 Winter NAMM, on a hardware platform that is 5+ years old. To me, this is a testament to Kemper's amazing product support and continued, ongoing development and improvement of the KPA platform.

    Unlike so many other digital products in this industry, the KPA has legs. I guess I am saying that it is just a friggin' breath of fresh air, when you know a company has your back, and actually invests in their existing product...rather than treating it like a wasting asset, an hour after launch.
